Hello all. It's been awhile since I've posted, but I had to do so after seeing the title of this thread. Some long term members here may remember me from way back when I'd do some fictional spirit-guiding at the DUmp. Back then, they were an endless well of comic gold. What did they call themselves? The reality based community? Then they'd spend time talking about indigo children and spirit guides that smell like cigarette smoke and/or bacon. The best, to me, has to be Blackie the Ghost Chicken and the spectral travels to Panther Mountain by the male cat that's trapped in a human female's body. Of course, the cops in the bushes was up there, too. Then there were all of the fabricated grocery store and gas station rethuglican put downs or conversions. From what I've seen of the current DU population they are keeping up the idioticy, but their delusions and fabrications lack the quality of the DU old guard.