Author Topic: Mychal Massie: America is Heading In The Wrong Direction  (Read 280 times)

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Mychal Massie: America is Heading In The Wrong Direction
« on: January 10, 2012, 11:32:34 AM »
America is Heading In The Wrong Direction
Posted on 09 January 2012.

As I was reading in the scriptures this morning, Psalm 33:12 jumped out at me. The Psalmist wrote “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” (KJV) Therein you have it, I thought.

There was a time that ours was a blessed nation and that God was indeed our Lord. Non-essential stores and businesses were closed on Sundays. Ergo, people had time for church and family. There was a time that television westerns to sit-coms to family programming had as its central theme, a standard of morality based on Judeo-Christian principles. There was a time that families provided for themselves, euthanasia of the elderly was unheard of, crime rates outside of Chicago, New York, and New Jersey, were low, and despite what Planned Parenthood would have us believe women weren’t lining up in back allies to impale their unborn children on coat-hangers.

The United States of America meant something, we were proud to be Americans. “Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness” – truth, justice, and freedom, were key components to our way of life. For the most part, government understood it’s role and stayed out of matters that concerned the state. But, there is a reason man was expelled from the Garden of Eden, and that same willing disobedience has haunted man ever since.

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Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town