Author Topic: 2009 edition, DU For Guests  (Read 2852 times)

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Offline franksolich

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2009 edition, DU For Guests
« on: May 08, 2009, 09:47:46 AM »
I'm updating the old version of DU For Guests, and necessity compells one to keep this "locked" until it's all done.  For the meantime, the old DU For Guests has been "unstickied" and is floating around in the depths in this forum somewhere.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2009 edition, DU For Guests
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 09:50:30 AM »
The History of Skins's Island.  DUmmieland, or Skins's island (or, as some might call it, a really lurid and grotesque kuckenkuckensheim), was founded in late January 2001, after George Bush had been sworn into office, Alphonse Capote Gore having tried to steal Florida and failed.

The Democrat Leadership Council (DLC), having figured out that their presidential candidate had lost in November 2000 because of fringe elements, lunatic elements, extremist elements, in their own party shooting off their mouths, offending decent and civilized people, decided that while it was not wise to disavow such supporters of the Democrat party and Democrats, it might be wise to hide them away from view of the general public, so as to not offend.

Sort of like in the old days, stashing Retarded Johnny or Crazy Aunt Millie up in the attic.

At the same time, my fellow alum Skins (official name: "Skinner") was without a political job, and the DLC wished to keep him around and active.  Skins had previously worked for U.S. Senator Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), the Levin brothers (U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman) of Michigan, and U.S. Congressman David Bonoir (D-Michigan).

There wasn't room for my fellow alum on any other congressional staffs, and besides, Skins had started a web-design business along with Lord Marblehead (official name: "EarlG"), and was doing well with that, turning out some really good, top-notch, high-quality stuff.

Skins was persuaded to undertake this new political web-site as a part-time deal, a hobby.

Alas for my fellow alum, it turned out a bit too much, what with all the whining, griping, moaning, complaining, cursing, self-pitying, of the DUmmies, or primitives.  Skins had hoped for some sort of high-class forum involved in Aristolean dialogue, but the world got DUmmieland instead.

Of course, sensible political dialogue was never intended for Skins's island; the purpose of DUmmieland was to identify, attract, and sequester the weirds, the whacks, the extremes, the lunatics, in some small place far isolated from the real world, where the primitives could yell-and-scream and spew forth their Hate and intolerance in foggy obscurity, invisible to decent and civilized people who might be offended.

Imagine the damage the DUmmies could do, to Democrats and liberals, if left alone to wander all over the internet; with Skins's island, the primitives are kept corralled in, controlled.  And thus DUmmieland, or Skins's island.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2009 edition, DU For Guests
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2009, 02:35:34 PM »
The organization of DUmmieland.  Skins's island, located in Washington, D.C., is headed by, of course, my fellow alum Skins.  Second in command is Lord Marblehead.  The hierarchical position of the elusive enigmatic one (official name "Elad") is ambiguous.

Skins and Lord Marblehead are in charge of policy decisions, while the elusive enigmatic one is in charge of maintaining DUmmieland. 

But as my fellow alum and Lord Marblehead have considerable computer expertise themselves, they have at least some input into the work the elusive enigmatic one does, just as the elusive enigmatic one has considerable experience in fringe extremist politics, so has at least some input into policy.

There is oversight of DUmmieland by various individuals associated with the DLC (the Democrat Leadership Council), who are indifferently tolerant of criticism of their organization by the primitives, because after all, that is the idea, to keep the DUmmies locked up and isolated from the real world.

Skins's island, was originally "seeded" by the DLC, with the idea that as time went on, it would become fully, or nearly fully, self-supporting, with contributions from members.  This financial burden has not yet been entirely lifted from the shoulders of the DLC, but it has lightened considerably, given the propensity of primitives to pay their dues, and then whine that the grocer or gasoline-seller is cheating them.

It is unknown, the actual costs and revenues of DUmmieland, but of course Skin's island being a private entity, only those who have invested in it, and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), need to know.

In spring 2005, my fellow alum unwittingly alleged that DUmmieland allegedly takes in circa $25,000 each quarterly fund-raiser, or circa $100,000 a year.  Surely this figure has bounced up-and-down, usually trending up because of inflation, but given the general parsimony and self-centeredness of the primitives, it appears those who have invested in it, are not getting rich from it.

There is always considerable debate among decent and civilized people whenever a fund-raiser is held to sustain Skins's island, the majority alleging that Skins, Lord Marblehead, and the elusive enigmatic one, are perhaps raking in much more than they suggest, and spending it on personal luxuries.

But at the same time, there exists a substantial minority among decent and civilized people who could not care less how much money is raised, and for what it is spent, seeing as how dealing with the DUmmies, the primitives, is a nasty, foul, dirty, thankless chore, and so one is entitled to all one can get, and probably still does not get as much as the task merits.
apres moi, le deluge