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NBC News Apparently Has No Idea What the Damage from a Tornado Looks Like


In NBC's defense, that level of damage is relatively common place anywhere leftist scum have been left in charge for longer than 30 seconds, so I understand why they'd need more evidence that such destruction was the result of a natural disaster.
SHOCKING? German Leftists Downgrade Child Porn from a Felony to a Misdemeanor

...Leftists are perverts. It is in Germany, the same nation that gave us Nazis Germany.

Shocking? Not really.

Revolting? Certainly. Depraved? Absolutely. But nothing the pervs on the left do to flaunt their depravity in the faces of normal people is very shocking to me anymore.
I think the Germans rental various kinds of kinky behavior. And I guess once you start down that path, it takes more perversion to satisfy you.
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 11:23:18 AM »
They know their base has no memory.  Greg Palast is a moonbat political writer who wrote about how W stole Florida way back in 2000, said 2016 was rigged for the Republican candidate, but the string pullers just didn't expect Trump to get the candidacy.  He then released a book in the summer of 2020 called "How Trump Stole The Election".  Haven't read it yet, but I also haven't seen his retraction either. 

When was the last R POTUS DU-folk accept as having been validly elected? G. H. W. Bush (landslide!)? Reagan in 1984 (landslide!)? Nixon in 1972 (landslide!)? Eisenhower? Hoover in 1928 (landslide!)? Ever?

The article author doesn't have much of a memory either.  He calls for a general strike if Trump wins, even legitimately.  When has there ever been a general strike in the US?  Never.  Yes, various industry specific strikes over the last century, but there's not going to be any general strike, especially with  so many people living payday to three days before payday.  He's also missed the big divide still in the GOP over Trump.  The party not going to rally behind Trump, a slight majority may grudgingly follow him, but especially if there's a mess like 2020, most will  likely stay quiet and "neutral".
Evidently AOC thinks weather forecasts are "Settled Science". :rotf:
That's not his pitch, Cryano.  In fact, in his remarks in the Bronx yesterday, he said "the harder you work, the luckier you get."  And also stressed the importance of never losing your momentum.  This is not "free drinks" rhetoric.

It has been attributed to many people in different variations and in different walks of life through the years. From Thomas Jefferson to famed athletes they often say "good luck is a residue of hard work". It was ingrained in most of us normal people by good parents, including my own.

Clearly that is a foreign thought process to most leftists and DUmmies, they just want free stuff.
An example of how EuroLand is so much more civilized and sophisticated than the US.

Are Sarcasm Tags necessary above?
NBC Skews, like other Alphabet-Souper skews outlets, is based in NYC and their minds and sources are on the coasts plus Chicago. Even network affiliates outside of those areas don't get a lot of respect or visibility. The epithet "Flyover Country" captures the mindset of Alphabet-Souper skews outlets. The epithet is 2 or 3 decades old, but the Alphabet-Soupers haven't deigned to learn.
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by enslaved1 on Today at 10:56:19 AM »

They know their base has no memory.  Greg Palast is a moonbat political writer who wrote about how W stole Florida way back in 2000, said 2016 was rigged for the Republican candidate, but the string pullers just didn't expect Trump to get the candidacy.  He then released a book in the summer of 2020 called "How Trump Stole The Election".  Haven't read it yet, but I also haven't seen his retraction either. 

The article author doesn't have much of a memory either.  He calls for a general strike if Trump wins, even legitimately.  When has there ever been a general strike in the US?  Never.  Yes, various industry specific strikes over the last century, but there's not going to be any general strike, especially with  so many people living payday to three days before payday.  He's also missed the big divide still in the GOP over Trump.  The party not going to rally behind Trump, a slight majority may grudgingly follow him, but especially if there's a mess like 2020, most will  likely stay quiet and "neutral". 
The DUmpster / Re: What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen?
« Last post by DefiantSix on Today at 10:54:25 AM »
It might be more realistic for DUmmies to give thought to what they will do if Trump clubs LIEden like a senile seal in both the popular and Electoral College votes. I'm not saying that will happen, just that it's far far more likely than DUmmie Nevilledog's raving rant.

You don't expect much, do you?

The DUm'Rats haven't expended much effort toward the process of thinking thus far in their miserable, spiteful lives. Why on Earth would they start now?
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