Author Topic: Why I had to leave DU and the long journey back. My first post in nine years.  (Read 2422 times)

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Offline Texacon

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Can’t bring this over but need to save it.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Offline Carl

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Was not hard to figure out with all the info he posted

Offline CollectivismMustDie

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'Look at meeee...look gayyyy...'

Drama drama drama.

Gay.drama.queens shouldn't be indoctrinating children.
"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

Hillary Clinton will never be the President of the United States.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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That was one long post   :thatsright:

He’s got a watermelon head  :lmao:
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline SVPete

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From the thread, starting with the OP:

Teacher of the Year (30 posts)
Sat Apr 13, 2024, 12:44 PM
Why I had to leave DU and the long journey back. My first post in nine years.
Good Morning DU. It feels good to say that. You don't know that I have been here with you, almost every day in those nine years. I was just silent while joining you. This is my third re-incarnation on DU and hopefully my last one. You see, I had to kill my old DU accounts because my posts riled up some people and they tried to hunt me down. The first account I killed to protect my identity. The second one I killed because a DUer, outed me out of...? Well, to be honest, I don't know why. In those days I was posting under the name DonRedwood.

My style of posting was not everyone's piece of cake. I am a diarist, basically. The anonymity of DU allowed me to share my experiences in my classroom without violating the rights of my students. It also allowed me to discuss my district openly without fear of reprisal. A diarist writes about their own life and experience so my writing is usually about something good I did or something stupid I did. Overall though, my only goal in my style of writing was to reach people by giving access to my feelings.

That openness was almost my undoing and DU played a big part in it.

Bucky (53,909 posts)
1. You make me believe in reincarnation... and karma
Reply to Teacher of the Year (Original post)
Sat Apr 13, 2024, 12:50 PM
Welcome back, TotY.

Bucky (53,909 posts)
7. Personally I think the problem with society today is the *lack* of karma.
Reply to Teacher of the Year (Reply #4)
Sat Apr 13, 2024, 01:04 PM
The only way the bad guys suffer lately is by tripping over their own dicks.

FalloutShelter (11,811 posts)
2. Welcome back!
Reply to Teacher of the Year (Original post)
Sat Apr 13, 2024, 12:54 PM
I am so impressed by your commitment to keep on fighting.
Here's looking at you, Kid.

Because he lives in Multnomah County Oregon (near Portland, not deepest darkest eastern Oregon), I suspect his story is embellished or leaves out pertinent facts.

The guy's case against Multnomah schools was settled in late 2015. Even if he took a year afterward to decompress, he could have been back on DU 7 years ago had he chosen to. He's just been too busy with his gay activism and autism-related activities to give DU the time of day.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 02:11:44 PM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline franksolich

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That guy gives himself too much credit.

If the DonRedwwod primitive were in the least bit notable, Scamdy would've picked up on him right away.  No one associated with Scamdy ever heard of this clown.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline Tess Anderson

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one of those gays that just won't stop promoting himself and his agenda

That was one long post   :thatsright:

He’s got a watermelon head  :lmao:

yes, he does

Offline DefiantSix

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Teacher of the Year (30 posts)
Sat Apr 13, 2024, 12:44 PM
Why I had to leave DU and the long journey back. My first post in nine years.
Good Morning DU. It feels good to say that. You don't know that I have been here with you, almost every day in those nine years. I was just silent while joining you. This is my third re-incarnation on DU and hopefully my last one. You see, I had to kill my old DU accounts because my posts riled up some people and they tried to hunt me down. The first account I killed to protect my identity. The second one I killed because a DUer, outed me out of...? Well, to be honest, I don't know why. In those days I was posting under the name DonRedwood.

My style of posting was not everyone's piece of cake. I am a diarist, basically. The anonymity of DU allowed me to share my experiences in my classroom without violating the rights of my students. It also allowed me to discuss my district openly without fear of reprisal. A diarist writes about their own life and experience so my writing is usually about something good I did or something stupid I did. Overall though, my only goal in my style of writing was to reach people by giving access to my feelings.

That openness was almost my undoing and DU played a big part in it.

 :yawn: So, we have a DUm'Rat who's also an educator INDOCTRINATOR in the publik screwel system, AAAND a fudge packer/sword swallower/attention whore/drama queen.

I'm shocked; shocked I tell you...

"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."
-- Capt. John Parker

"I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission"
-- Capt. Steve Rogers

"In this present crisis, government in not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem."
-- Ronaldus Magnus