Author Topic: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie (TheMastersNemesis)  (Read 8230 times)

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Offline franksolich

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2013: #07 Top DUmmie (TheMastersNemesis)
« on: December 26, 2013, 03:57:53 PM »
Congratulations to TheMastersNemesis, #07 Top DUmmie of 2013!

This particular primitive, a flaccid old fart with a dropsical wife, is reasonably new to the DUmpster, never having shown up for auditions until 2012, long after most PoP (primitives of prominence); he’s apparently a relative junior primitive.

He was best described last year by BannedFromDU:

Based on TheMasturbatingNumbskulls self-reported stats, he is a 68-year-old veteran living somewhere near Denver. He is fond of writing 100-200 word missives whining about this and that, and I have been impressed by the sheer idiocy and consistency of this new player on the field. Could this be a re-branded DUmmy? Anyway, I took about 50 of the moron's posts and made a Wordle so you can see what tends to be on his mind. Sure enough, the DUmbass is obsessed with the GOP. He also mentions women quite a lot, but 0bama almost never. That's a good Dem for you: more concerned with what they hate than what they like.,71140.0

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TheMastersNemesis (129 posts)   Wed Feb 1, 2012, 12:17 AM

16. Just Plain Bull

The Oakland cops are just a bunch of RW PIGS. They are protecting the kind of politicians who would rob them of their pensions and give them a 401 K. I went to Veitnam. And we were treated like scum when we cam back and the same vets from Iraq were treated like scum. The American people are great at talk but abandon vets as soon as they come home. I am sick of all of this phony flag waving patriotism. The American people are just plain stupid who vote for any scumbag Republican. And there are some Democrats who are no better. Wait and see what happens to these cops when that asshole Romney privatizes them.

This situation stinks like a dead fish. It was set up. The police attacked and left no exit. And did not order them to disperse. As a veteran screw all you phony patriots. I wonder how many of you leeches ever served. Put you money where you mouth is and enlist if you are so damned smart. I am just plain sick of you. I support OWS.

We are a ship of fools. If I could go back in time I might just burn my draft card.

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TheMastersNemesis (171 posts)   Mon Feb 6, 2012, 07:11 AM

Why The Racist, Bigoted, Elitist GOP Ended Posse Comitatis

One thing is certain. If the GOP ever gets the power it wants it will use the US military against protest in the US. That is why they ended Posse Comitatis. There was no reason to end that law whatsoever. The OWS crackdowns are just a shadow of what the GOP has in store for the country. The RW is behind these crackdowns and Democratic politicians are too weak to resist them. The flag the the GOP honors has an iron fist on it.

^^^the above two are from his first two appearances in the Dumpster, a modest start on his journey to notoriety.

- - - - - - - - - -

This year however he proved himself especially gifted.

TheMastersNemesis (3,682 posts)   Sat Dec 22, 2012, 12:42 PM

Potentially Dangerous Psychotic Haunted Our Development For Several Years ----

In mid 1980's when a friend of mine and I worked at DOL (our local Job Service) we had a young man who lived two houses down from my friend. He was in his early 20's and was generally ok until he passed his teenaged years. He became extremely psychotic and used to roam our neighbor hood at night. He was physically fit and as strong as any athlete his age. He was an extremely good looking and normal looking young man at a distance. But being near him was very scary. Sadly he was completely crazy and would talk to himself and others not present.

He used to come into our local state job service and demand to go out on jobs he was NOT qualified for. None of us employment reps wanted to work for him because he was so threatening and aggressive. And he used to frequent our local office where workers would file for unemployment and seek work.

He also lived in my neighborhood and my friend would see him in his back year two houses away. His aging parents had little control of him. And as far as we knew owned NO guns. He was a lit fuse ready to go off any time. He was put in a mental institution briefly but was let out.

I do not know what happened to him but at some point he was no longer in the neighborhood and may have finally been put into a mental health facility where he could be treated for his severe mental illness. His parents may have sold their home and moved, but the good thing is that he was no longer in our area.

All I know is that he was as scary as anyone I ever met. I wonder what would have happened if he had access to weapons like we do now. Back then the "gun nut" phase had not totally taken off like it is now.

There was no way to commit a psychotic like Barry until he actually harmed someone. Because of our primitive system for dealing with the mentally ill is so badly broken, easy access to weapons generally give the mentally ill a lot of opportunity to arm themselves.

A police officer in a school would not have stopped this madness. Even several police officers cannot quickly stop a person with boy armor. And some recent shooting with several armed officers close by shows that they can be easily killed by an armed and body armored gunman. The NRA and LaShithead are completely full of shit.,82024.0

TheMastersNemesis (1,831 posts)    Fri Dec 28, 2012, 07:45 PM

No Kids - No Debt - No Regrets

Did not have kids. Did not want any. Because of that was able to retire early and live fairly well. I do not feel I did not miss that much. People who want kids that is fine it is a personal decision.

For me when I look around I see a lot of people who have good and successful children. I also see friends and people who had kids with divorces, pregnancies, and all kinds of other troubles. The parents still have kids at home and many are even raising their grandchildren. Many seniors are going broke because they will do anything for their children which is what they should do.

I saw this economy coming when Reagan won and my wife and I were not making enough money at the time to think about kids. We barely could afford a house much less child care and everything else. It took years to be in a situation to have a decent pension. I bought my pension out and left because Reagan killed our agency and I had few years left to secure anything.

Had I had children I would have never been able to retire. And I would not be able to provide for them in a way I would have wanted.

Thanks to the GOP the economy and job market is a mess. There is NO job security any more. And there is no secure future for the children or their parents because the new corporate CEO is busy stealing all the money, pensions, and anything else that is not tied down. Our corporate CEO's are nothing but entitled thieves stealing people's time and lives.

Now the GOP wants to scuttle Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and everything else and give it to the Kochs, the Petersons, the Coors, et al. Yet I see no real outrage where people are challenging these crooks. All I see is division and diversion.

When I talk to an under 30 something I wonder what they are going to do when they are my age. Something has to change and big business has to be challenged because the new business class does not care about this country.

ADDENDUM - The problem is that the "global economy" mantra is nothing more than a way to find cheap labor no matter where it is. It started with Reagan and a cadre of business leaders who made a deliberate decision to scuttle this country and sell it off piece by piece to the lowest bidder. And they essentially sold us out to the Chinese communists and built their economy and NOT ours over 30 years. The GOP has been complicit in this endeavor as have been the Chamber of Commerce.

Reagan was really a devil and he should be in hell.,82222.0

TheMastersNemesis (1,862 posts)    Sun Jan 20, 2013, 12:36 AM

In Reality The Job Market Is Shrinking And So Are Wages

You really cannot blame Obama for it but the job market is shrinking as it grows. And the brutal truth that the MSM is deliberately ignoring is that FULL TIME jobs are disappearing and being replaced by PART TIME, TEMPORARY and CONTRACT JOBS. The end of the full time job more most American workers is approaching. And it is a creation of big business and corporate CEOs to feather their nests at the expense of worker who create their wealth for them.

When the business community talks about multiple careers that are not just talking about 7 0r 8 careers in a lifetime they are talking about 3 or 4 careers at that same time. That is they are talking about 3 or 4 different part time jobs that might be totally different careers. The dirt is in the details.

Welcome to the new Reagan economy when all this mayhem was hatched. If old way of employing people are NOT coming back as the business mantra goes our youth are screwed and so are we.

It is the fault of the worker who continues to accept the business rhetorical tripe. By staying anti labor and anti union for so long and refusing to vote for more progressive agendas, the working class is dooming itself. Conservative attitudes toward labor policy is what has allowed business and industry to create the "RAW DEAL" that has replaced the original "SOCIAL CONTRACT" where workers got a fairer share of the wealth they create through full time secure and long term employment.

That is the only way that workers have chance to build a decent life for themselves and their families.,83012.0

TheMastersNemesis (1,891 posts)    Thu Jan 24, 2013, 09:50 AM

2. Ultimately The Only Way You Will Stop Them Is With Literally "Smash Mouth" Politics

The GOP is like the guy who comes up to you and begins to poke you in the chest with their finger. Even after you have exhausted all remedies to get them to stop they continue and taunt even more. The GOP commits violence, intimidation and other means in an indirect way like the Mafia.

They do outrageous things and actually hurt people physically by what they do, but they never suffer any consequences like bullies. And you get to a point that the only way to deal with a bully is to "deck" the bully like the abused character Biff did.

Of course, no one of ever wants to take extreme measures. And the reason the GOP always gets away with their mayhem is that no one ever terrorizes these terrorists.

We are losing our country and our democracy because of GOP tactics. And we can see their intent and determined resolve. They are going to continue to rape the political process until someone stops them an literally terrifies them in some way. Rigging the electoral college is a direct threat to the country and our democracy. It is really treason and should be treated as such.

What is troubling is that they are bragging about their accomplishments behind closed doors.,83227.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,062 posts)   Sun Feb 17, 2013, 09:05 AM

Colorado Gun Bills Will Result In Bitterest Hateful Election Campaigns From GOP In

the next cycle. I do believe what is going on in Colorado will reveal how hatefully insane the GOP is in Colorado. We have already had a number of death threats which proves why we need to keep the guns away from these same people.

Being politically active I notice how the GOP sends their little film makers and trouble makers to EVERY one of our town halls. YET THEY WON'T HAVE ANY TOWN HALLS AND IF THEY DO NO DISSENTERS OR FILMERS WILL EVER GET IN.

Our town hall had police protection but I feel a lot of police are right wingers and do not really want to protect Democrats. The GOP wants to take their pensions but that seems to be irrelevant to many police and firefighters who seem to be GOP.

At our recent town hall the GOP had three little operatives at a meeting that was ALL about health care at a senior center. Yet three young men obvious GOP and one was an Iraq war vet were there to spy on us. The little Iraq war vet an obviously a Christian conservative brought up the idea that everyone should be armed. And another young man in a goatee a survivalist aura challenged controlling guns.

The GOP is really adept at using an twisting young white men. And they are really good at using war vets for their purposes when they care nothing about their interests.

We are cordial enough to these people for the sake of democracy and free speech, but we get NOTHING from the GOP side of it. The GOP is only one way theirs and only theirs. But for me I do not feel so kind or cooperative because my only experience with GOPPERS I know is for the to say STFU I KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU LIBERALS. My bent is to return their disfavor.,84123.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,076 posts) Tue Feb 19, 2013, 02:45 PM

The Teabag Party Is A Totalitarian Aryan Christofascist Racist Party,84183.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,107 posts)   Sat Feb 23, 2013, 12:10 AM

What Is The Point Of Risking Your Life In The Military To Protect The Right Of Billionaires To

pillage the country and working class. Then when you get home you can have a job at Walmart that does not even pay enough to feed yourself much less a family. A company who will persecute you for demanding work rights you fought for. And even worse have you arrested and charged with a felony for eating an effing cookie.

Things are terribly out of place in this country.,84355.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,420 posts)    Thu Mar 28, 2013, 08:17 PM

We Are Truly A Sick Country When A Tragedy Like Newtown Does Not Move Us To Pass Gun Control

laws. The apparent fact that so many Americans have moved on and seem to have forgotten the children and teachers killed at Sandy Hook says a lot about us as a nation. We have become so callous and complacent. The NRA should be on the run and be out of business by now.

The run on guns and ammo are just so sick sick sick. It is hard to go anywhere and say you are proud to be an American.,85464.0


« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 06:36:46 PM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2013, 04:08:45 PM »
TheMastersNemesis (2,422 posts)       Fri Mar 29, 2013, 05:06 PM

Abortion Fight Really About Banning Or Outlawing Contraception All Along.

It should be obvious that the abortion fight the since Roe V Wade has been about actually making, using or having contraception medications or devices illegal or unavailable has been the goal of the religious right and the Catholic church all along. How else is the public supposed to interpret their action or rhetoric?

What is most notable is how the GOP is still passing laws that are against abortion but also pushing laws like persons hood that would make contraception illegal itself. Personhood would take out most of methods of contraception as an option. And once they get personhood as the law of the land what is to stop them from sanctifying the egg and sperm as well.

And if you review the rest of their agenda they are against condoms or any other mechanical means that prevents fertilization. The only thing left is abstinence.

The GOP and fundies are following the dogma of the Catholic church that says all methods including sterilization are forbidden. And the Church also pretty much implies that you must have all the children God wills you.

So we are headed back to the middle ages if the fundies, the Church and the GOP gets its way in this country. The gay marriage issue aside, the attack on the right control the size of one's family is still under attack when you look at recent passed and proposed legislation on this matter. Even passing laws threatening doctors and support personnel for assisting in abortions. Stopping abortions because genetic defects.

And if that is not enough there is rhetoric out on the blogosphere about criminalizing adultery or sex outside of marriage. The latest pronouncement about punishing people for sex outside of marriage should make everyone take notice. Having covenant marriage and outlawing divorce are dreams of the fundies. No exception abortion laws are also on the books now.

Even though what is going on might seem to be isolated it is all part of the same approach to control a person's personal life. Even men will be effected if all the laws the fundies want ever get passed.

It might seem remote that the fundy agenda could become national. But you wonder when such terrible anti abortion laws are passed in places like North Dakota and Mississippi.

What is so amazing about such policies is that the people and organizations that almost demand such policies are against any law the promotes social or economic justice.

TheMastersNemesis (2,422 posts)    Fri Mar 29, 2013, 05:24 PM

6. Believed They Were After Contraception Even 30 Years Ago-

You are right most people would think you were hysterical if you proposed such and idea. The fact that these same fundies and the GOP were against condoms even to prevent HIV was the most important clue. And the other agenda was always in the background if one paid attention to the rhetoric.

Very few Americans know that contraception was pretty much illegal in the 19th century in many areas. Laws controlling sexual activity were common in many states. and there are some still on the books.

I do believe that you have to take these pseudo Christians seriously because they have infiltrated so much or our political landscape. When you have an active movement to "Christianize" our military like that that is going on at the Air Force Academy you need to take notice. And when you have a Christian community that is infiltrating the public school system via the voucher system you have to take notice.,85508.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,523 posts)    Tue Apr 23, 2013, 09:33 AM

The GOP Has So "F'ed" Everything Up In This Country It Seems Almost Hopeless

30 years of GOP/Reaganomics has pretty much trashed jobs, labor and the economy we now have a low paying service economy with mostly part time jobs and no benefits. The official labor stats are almost a myth.

Religious fanaticism supported by the GOP has pretty much blurred any separation of church and state. Now we have quasi religious states writing religious laws pretty much condemning women to third class status. Animals will have more rights in the end.
Supporting gun nuts and quashing any reasonable control has turned the country into an armed camp.

The assault on the budget with tax cuts for the rich and tax havens overseas sinks our country deeper. There are budget deficits everywhere and cuts in services.

And our level of debate makes a toilet seem sanitary.

And I wonder where it will end because we can't keep going this way.,86427.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,525 posts)    Mon Apr 22, 2013, 01:47 PM

Voters Think Obama Is Trying To Take Their Social Security, Medicare and Retirement.

While I was waiting to play golf the other day was listening to a couple of guys talking about how Obama is stealing their retirement. They also believe he is trying to get rid of their Social Security and Medicare. And in all honesty I cannot defend Obama to them because of his actions related to reforming those programs…..

Obama's silence or lack of aggressive defense of these programs by taking all cuts off the table and his willingness to propose a reform that is absurd on its face may have already wrecked Democratic chances in 2014.….

I supported Obama in both elections but his centrism in not defendable. And the longer he shuns and attacks his own base the more difficult it is to move the country forward.

TheMastersNemesis (2,525 posts)    Mon Apr 22, 2013, 02:07 PM

6. The Most Aggravating Thing About Obama Is He Demands His Base STFU. The GOP On The Other Hand -
dances to its base no matter how extreme they are. As a progressive I am put in an position that is not defensible.,86465.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,533 posts)    Fri Apr 26, 2013, 08:51 AM

We Are Just A Selfish Stupid Ass Nation That Deserves What We Get.

Amazing that an FAA exception law will pass in just 48 hours so Americans won't have to face delays at the air port. Meanwhile people are starving, dying and being inconvenienced in other ways that are even more important shows who we are. There should be outcry and rage to get rid of all of the sequestration.

Meanwhile we have 84 million Americans who have been medically uninsured the last 12 months. Increasing taxes on the rich and corporations should be a done deal yesterday.

ADDENDUM: Where are our priorities? Airport delays and safety are important. But the consequences of the sequestration is important in many important areas as well. We do respond to disaster and tragedy as we should. But we are not responding to the dismantling of our society in important ways. The erosion of the common good on a day to day basis is critical.

We can see disaster and tragedy, but we miss the tragedy of hunger and people dying because of lack of access to health care. Those losses are important and the idea that as long as I am ok I don't care. Because one day it will be me who is suffering.

cali (79,575 posts)    Fri Apr 26, 2013, 08:53 AM

1. I utterly despise your op title. It's ****ing sickening.

not to mention contradictory.

If, as YOU ****ing believe, that we deserve what we get, then what the **** is your problem with Americans without health insurance, or starving or being bombed or shot?

We're getting what we deserve, right?,86589.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,583 posts)    Sat May 4, 2013, 09:48 AM

My Advice To The Young Is "Boycott Military Service". Refuse To Serve. Here Is Why.

Despite the flag waving and phony "thank you" the public does not give a shit about you when you are back. Nothing has really changed since I got back from Vietnam in 1968. We got screwed back then and new vets continue to get screwed.

Since I got back from Vietnam the GOP and conservatives have been instrumental in getting rid of all the vets assistance centers called the National Employment Service run by DOL. We had local offices run by the states and staffed by state employees. We had veteran Job Service units staffed by up to three veterans. We had disabled veterans employed as job counselors and job developers. We had veterans preference in government hiring. We had 100% disabled veterans working at jobs that allowed them to make a living and draw some of the disability.

We had veteran outreach officers in every county in the country who worked with all veterans helping them with their VA benefits. And they acted as advocates for veterans and their issues.

Well Reagan started to process of destroying our national Employment Service and turned it all over to the local counties at the tiem run by political hans. The new county run system is a disaster.


The GOP wants to privatize the VA system and turn it over to private insurance if they get power. Of course they will lie about that idea.

The backlog of disability claims was set up by the Bushies and Obama walked into an underfunded situation that had festered for 30 years. Obama can only do so much because sequestration effects the VA too.

On top of that the GOP has been responsible for the laying off of hundreds of thousands of veterans who used to work in federal, state, and local government. And the private sector won't hire veterans. THEY GIVE YOU THAT PRO VET BULLSHIT BUT THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

Coming home from war to a God damned job at WALFART OR McDonalds or the like is a national disgrace. **** that!. I am a radical GOP hater. I would rather turn a GOP legislative bastard over to the terrorists. Hell they are a bunch of terrorists.

If you are young stay out of the military, save your body and saint. All you are is cannon fodder for the damned billionaires and big business who would rather give your job to someone over seas.

Anyone who enlists in the service now is a SUCKER. And anyone who votes for damned Republican is a real SUCKER.

I am sorry for using such strong language, but I follow what is going on with vets. It is a complete disaster out there economically for our military vets. And the GOP wants to destroy the country to get power.,86855.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,658 posts)    Sat Jul 13, 2013, 12:28 PM

Ban Gated Communities Unless They Have All Their Own Public Services.

As long as any gated community gets one cent of public money their roads and neighborhood should be open to the general public. Unless they completely fund ALL their own services like water and electricity and own and fund their own police and fire department their gates should be removed.

Gated communities should be illegal and gate removed.

<<<wonders what the rich bitch the kpete primitive thinks of this.,88882.0

TheMastersNemesis (2,725 posts)    Wed Jul 24, 2013, 08:14 PM

If I Were A Firefighter Or Policeman In Detroit And A GOPPER Lawmaker Got Sick

I would let them die. Since they want to take these people's pensions and put them on the street their safety is forfeit. Screw it all and screw them and their families. At some point the GOP is going to have to understand that retribution is a bitch.

This bankruptcy is a test case to take down the pension security system for the entire police forces and firemen nationally.

Many of these pensioners have NO other source of income and do not qualify for Social Security or Medicare and rely on the pension system for health care. Many cannot work and are disabled. They will lose everything including their life eventually.

I have not mercy for these GOP bastards who will just give their money to the rich. They are no better than the Khmer Rouge.

^^^this was self-deleted later; one wonders what was up with that.,89307.0

In response to two Colorado state senators being recalled because of their anti-Second Amendment votes (page three of link):

TheMastersNemesis (2,967 posts)   Wed Sep 11, 2013, 01:02 AM

1. Too Many Blue Collar Workers Are Racists And Bigots. They Vote GOP And Their Bible And Their Gun

I don't care if they lose their jobs and work for crap wages and their children go hungry. They damn well deserve it and I certainly would never lift a finger to help them in a time of crisis. Why. Because they would never help me.

We are truly a sick and screwed up nation. I wish I could take my two years of my life back from being in service. We deserve all the evil we get.,90722.0.html

TheMastersNemesis (3,014 posts)    Sun Sep 22, 2013, 09:34 AM

How Much Longer Do We Need To Treat The GOP In A Civil Manner?

The GOP public spectacle after the defund Obamacare should be a total outrage to any person with even the smallest amount of conscience. To celebrate what will eventually be the end of so many Americans because they cannot get health care should make the public angry. Yet all I hear and see is either silence or cheerleading these selfish bastards.

They are willing to create another depression so they can get power. They seem to feel comfortable that all the seats they gerrymandered are completely safe and they cannot be stopped. Unless we are willing to kick dirt in their face and challenge them openly in public where ever they to tell their lies, they may very well win.

To have pride in your sadism and cruelty just seems to unacceptable to me. What is even more bothersome is that anyone with even a Tweet with the mildest of criticism of something the GOP raises their head they are faced with vile even life threatening attacks almost instantly. The GOP and RW push to silence anyone is extreme.,90982.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,043 posts)      Fri Sep 27, 2013, 11:02 AM

2nd Amendment Meme Is About Violent Takeover By The White Supremacist Movement.

The 2nd Amendment argument is really a Trojan Horse because the RW does support a violent takeover in the long term. And the GOP fundamentally supports that option. The silence of the GOP about the RW media hinting at the termination of progressivism, liberalism and anything else it does not agree with says volumes about who the GOP is. Such option might be a last resort but it seems to exist.

When you can't pass any meaningful gun safety regulations without recalls and other sorts of mayhem it is obvious the GOP and RW wants that faction to have any weapon available to them. And in their heart of hearts they really do support violence and intimidation to get their way. I see more and more of the "Don"t Tread On Me" element in the populace. And RW media is more hysterical and threatening by the day. The reaction to Obama care is almost incendiary when you hear the rhetoric of the GOP the last few days.

Their dangerous legislative tactics should be an alarm bell. It is an indication of how far the GOP is willing to go in the end. All I see from the GOP is complete hostility. And I am tired of hearing RW radio hosts suggesting assassination and violence against the opposition without any retort. If a progressive even used half the language of these bullies they would be pulled off the air immediately. Yet the hate and diatribe grows by the day as we approach the implementation of Obamacare.

The question is how the left will react if these fools ever decide to act. The left simply has to understand that we are in more than just a political debate. We are facing an enemy that wants to take away everything including freedom.

My experience as a Vietnam vet causes me to be concerned because of the disposition of this faction. Their true plans are not completely known.

I realize that what I have just said will be controversial. From my point of view there is a very dark side to this movement that we need to at least pay attention to. We have to remember people like McVeigh and others who were right wingers. Danger lurks from more than the just jihadist terrorists. Some of the recent massacres have a RW flavor to them. Even after all these disasters the RW insists on more weaponry and deregulation rather then less.

TheMastersNemesis (3,043 posts)    Fri Sep 27, 2013, 11:22 AM

8. I Was Behind A Truck Yesterday - Bumper Stickers Were Very Obvious About Supporting Shooting The

opposition. One sticker said "Gun Control Means Using Both Hands". Look liked a young thirty something white supremacist driving it

That is why one has to be careful about some of these extremists. If I live across the street from this person and put out Dems signs I would have to hire a security guard for my dog and property. They will retaliate for even speaking out. Why do you think they want to carry their guns everywhere?,91137.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,114 posts)    Wed Oct 2, 2013, 01:28 AM

I Am Getting Concerned That This Crisis Could Become Really Ugly And Possibly Dangerous.

I think that things are starting to get out of hand as the GOP seems intent to double down every hour no matter if the country implodes. If they use the "nuclear option" by refusing to raise the debt limit a lot of checks will stop. That includes Social Security and Medicare payments among other things. And our military will have to stand down and be stranded in the war zones. Once they tip the "debt limit domino" the damage will be impossible to stop.

The public is still not aware of how dangerous the GOP is now. They have become a rabid dog ready to bite and maul everyone in the country and I believe the Kochs and their billionaire friends like Reich exposed are directly behind this crisis. And it is a crisis and the shut down is more serious than we know.

The media is hiding the damage to protect the GOP. And they are trying to down play the critical nature of what they are doing. The nation is having a heart attack of sorts and the GOP is deliberately aggressively blocking any treatment.

We are treating them too kindly. They have no legitimate reason to govern as they do. We must realize that at some point we are going to have take the political gloves off and challenge their madness.

What I find most bothersome is that they are showing NO REMORSE OR CONSCIENCE for the people who will suffer and die eventually from their tactics. In fact they are getting more aggressive. Cruz is a very dangerous and ruthless politician. In my view he is just as dangerous as Bin Laden was in a different way. And he really is a egomaniacal psychopath.

They are creating a dangerous crisis and are playing with fire deliberately.

TheMastersNemesis (3,683 posts)    Wed Oct 2, 2013, 01:40 AM

8. My Post Is Just The Feeling I Get About The Situation.

Being a vet you learn to get the feel of the terrain. It is like when troops get near an ambush or a firefight in Vietnam. You cannot see far in the jungle, but the instincts take over an things feel wrong and look wrong.

Because the media is so bad an corrupt now they are totally unreliable. And we don't have any kind of media that will expose them. The media is giving them legitimacy and cover 24/7. And hate radio is 90% dominant. About 75% of the populace only hears the hate radio message. When Orson Wells did his sic fi program back in the 1930's he terrified the country. Hate radio is spreading hate and terror everyday now in support of the GOP.

This situation stinks of a larger conspiracy. And there is something behind these baggers.

I am wondering if others have this same feeling about the situation. When a drunk Speaker mocks a President like Bonehead did that is really a historical first and should bring outrage.,91241.0

apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2013, 04:14:10 PM »
TheMastersNemesis (3,293 posts)   Wed Oct 9, 2013, 04:20 PM

We Either Shut US Down Now Or Shut It Down Later. GOP Just Does Not Wants USA

unless it is all on their terms all the time. Their plan is just so obvious. The US will eventually collapse as a super power the direction we are going

TheMastersNemesis (3,293 posts)   Wed Oct 9, 2013, 06:00 PM

I Am Beginning To Think We Are Already In A State Of Anarchy.

I wonder if democracy is over already. Most Americans seem to be really oblivious of what is happening. As long as they are not personally effected "no problemo". We have a Titanic scenario, most passengers did not think anything was drastically wrong because they saw no water. That was until they were sunk.

I know a lot of GOP voters who fully support the shutdown and default because it will control spending. And many of them are in situations that depend on government services or are on Social Security and Medicare. I have never seen such a level of raging hatred in this country that is causing derangement and dementia.

Colorado is a good example of anarchy. We are not facing a third recall because the other side will not accept the election and Dem majority. And it is no about just guns. The maniacal gun nuts are practically accusing our Senator of criminal activity because she voted for gun safety that a large majority of the state supported. Only 15% of the voters or less voted for recall. And this will get really nasty.

They want to control the Senate so NO legislation can pass in Colorado until 2016. They will fight any funding for the victims of the floods and they will fight to take health care away from uninsured Coloradans. I am surprised they are not walking around with their loaded guns getting signatures.

They do not care about the people who were killed in our massacres and essentially encouraging more. They want 100 round magazines and open carry of any weapon of your choice. The are thirsty for the rule of the gun and not the law.

Addendum - The gun nuts here are frothing at the mouth. They remind me of the kamakaze's who will take down everything rather than allow any other view. They are just about stalking anyone who disagrees with them.

TheMastersNemesis   Wed Oct 9, 2013, 10:11 PM

Ship Of State Now Adrift

Now that the engines of democracy have been shut down because the fuel that runs it has been jettisoned. The life boats are being destroyed and sunk. We have no direction. We are at the mercy of the currents and no one knows where we will end up. A storm is a brewing. The Captain of the ship acts like Marquis De Sade more determined to inflict punishment than leadership. What is worse they are drunk on rum.

If we were to have some sort of crisis and were threatened by the shoals it is a good bet that the crew in charge will do nothing. The answer the siren call of their ideology. Hitting the reef won't be so bad we will sink in shallow water.

The saying truth is stranger than fiction in this case.,91457.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,340 posts)   Sat Oct 12, 2013, 10:34 AM

These Conservative Blacks The GOP Parades Out Are Goofy.

What is going on with these blacks that the GOP parades out. Are they that out of it that they do not realize GOP crackers hate them. And the "Log Cabin" gays, they are even more puzzling. How in the world can they be so disconnected.,91542.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,425 posts)   Thu Oct 17, 2013, 09:37 PM

Most People Not Paying Attention. GOP May Not Be Hurt As Much As We Would Like.

People who vote GOP pretty much support what went on and support shut down and default. Conservatives are worse. And in the long run most people are not paying that much attention from what I can tell. Besides with a corrupt media that can hide, distort or even lie it is easy to shape public opinion. And blind hatred and racist blind so many voters you could tell them to jump off of a cliff and they would do it just to spite Obama.

Anymore I have very little faith in the country to do the right thing. The polls show damage but by election time almost all will be forgotten. False equivalency will set in. The GOP should lose control everywhere but I am not counting on it.

The Dems were more or less strong this time, but they were still a bit defensive. They should have come out with some real demands of their own. Now the Dems are acting like let by gones be by gones. They forget how they were trashed when the GOP had complete control. They just don't have the balls to play real smash face politics. These people should have been politically gutted by now.,91717.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,526 posts)   Sat Oct 26, 2013, 02:07 AM

Don't Care How Inflammatory Or Profane I Am Towards GOP Hate.

As far as I am concerned the GOP has declared war on America. They can say and do anything they want and the media just stands there. But let someone like Grayson respond in kind and they are skewered. I don't care what I call these maggots, cockroaches, bed bugs, slime, Kochsuckers, devils, scum, excrement, POS, etc etc etc.

Over the top is ok by me in response to their crap. Going ballistic when they open that shit hole in their face. My response is too bad live with it. When is enough enough. Unless we start going after them with a vengeance that will shock them and scare the shit out of the nothing will change. Start telling these goons to STFU right to their face. Shout at them spit and all.

Bashir is wrong and stupid. He should be defending Grayson. Our side is always forced to back down and apologize. If challenged I would hit the bastards again and harder. And I would go after the criticizer.

Sorry folks we are too kind. And as far as dancing on DFK's grave I can think of worst things. I may get slammed for my attitude, but I am at the point I will no longer be nice to these POS.

They have already just about wrecked the country, taken women's rights viciously, suppressed the vote, hurt people, attacked the poor and disabled, et al.

It's time to go after them with the verbal battle ax. And verbally beat the crap out of them right on the spot. time to reply to their hate with verbal fire.,91909.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,552 posts)     Wed Oct 30, 2013, 02:37 PM 

The Only Way To Treat A Teabagger Is To Deny Them Govt Services Including Health Care.

So if they get sick just stop them from getting any treatment. They deserve such treatment when they are actively denying services to others even in life threatening situations. Being brutal to them might shake them out of their insanity.

^^^this was self-deleted later; one wonders what was up with that.,92048.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,567 posts)   Sun Nov 3, 2013, 03:42 AM

Tea Bagger - "Person Who Cannot Afford Health Care Will Just Have To Die"

Had a discussion with an actual doctor today who is a member of our state legislature. The focus of the conversation was this doctor's discussion with an uninsured tea bagger about health care.

At one point of the conversation the doctor asked this tea bagger what should happen if a person came into the emergency room and could nor afford the care. Their reply was that the afflicted person should be allowed to die. THAT is their attitude folks.

Now I get a lot of backlash when I take that stand of not giving these teabaggers care when they are perfectly willing to let patients die when THEY don't have any money.

When this doctor followed up and asked how they should be treated because they had no insurance they replied that they had the money and could pay for the care. The doctor's reply is how would I know you could afford it if you were not conscious.

I understand why many posters here say we should not deny care to these fools. Yet how do you justify your stance when this same person says that YOU or one of your loved ones should be denied care if they do not have the money or insurance?

People like Senator Inhofe get their care but are willing to let thousands die because they don't have access. The Senator is also willing to go out of his way to make sure his constituents do not get health care.

As long as we do not deny the things to them that they aggressively deny us nothing will change. I do not buy the idea that we will be like them then. There does come a time when you just have to return the favor and give them the message they deserve.,92144.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,580 posts)    Tue Nov 5, 2013, 01:34 AM

As A Vet I Don't Take My Countrymen Seriously When They Say Thank You.

I know it is only lip service and that I wasted my time when I served in the military. American voters rarely put their money where their mouth is. My advice to younger people is to STAY OUT OF THE MILITARY AND REFUSE TO SERVE IF THERE EVER IS A DRAFT. Only suckers serve now. Because the public will never pay to take care of you if you are disabled. I see no outrage about vets losing their food stamps or other benefits.

The fact that our present veterans are coming back to jobs in places like Walmart and Krispy Kreme donuts who do not even want a minimum wage is a travesty. Seeing all these vets losing food stamp money they need should tell the story of where the POS nation is now. And we keep voting in GOPPERS who actually are doing all the cuts.

And when I hear the VFW and American Legion I just want to puke all over these fascists. They have done nothing for the vets in years. And they deserve to die as institutions. Newer vets would be better to avoid those antiquated institutions. All they know how to do is get drunk and wave the flag.

Based on what I see happening to this country we have little left to defend thanks to the Republikkklan party. And there are some Dems who are no better. We call them moderates.

Now that veteran's day is near there will be a few freebies and people will wave the flag to make themselves feel good. Then they will go back to being a bunch of selfish, wasteful, ignorant bastards they have become.

We don't even acknowledge the vets who continue to die in Afghanistan anymore.,92193.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,584 posts)    Wed Nov 6, 2013, 07:20 PM

Walmart Promises 100,000 Shit Jobs For War Veterans. Walmart Go **** Yourself.

How insulting that after fighting in war your fate if a Walmart job where you can qualify for food stamps and Medicaid can be your health insurance unless you have VA coverage. I cannot think of a worse insult to our vets. And people wonder as a Vietnam vet I am so damned cynical and vicious about some things these days.

And it is also so depressing. This crap is part of the national "Hire A Vet Program". I am so damned disgusted I could spit nails.,92256.0

TheMastersNemesis    Mon Nov 11, 2013, 08:39 AM

As A Vet I Question The Value Of My Service And If It Was Worth It

When I see the nut cases in Virginia actually nearly winning when they should have lost bid at least 15 points. When I see a party attack the poor, the disabled, the sick and the vulnerable with vicious contempt and that party still wins elections and is able to stop just about everything I see red. When I see fellow Americans support Walmart over its employees who work of practically nothing and are abused. When I see children killed at Sandy Hook and GOPPERS who actually support more killing by arming everyone and it is still rewarded I am convinced that why would anyone bother to serve this sorry nation.

And when I see veterans benefits cut and our casualties become like the unknown soldiers I really don't care. I wish I could go back in time and take my service back.

The GOP should be dead as a door nail or put on the path to absolute extinction. I think that serving now only serves the interests of the Koch brothers and their allies. So you come back from your tour and all you can find is a job at Walmart or Krispy Kreme Donuts. Good jobs are still being sent overseas to places like Communist China.

I would not serve with a Republican or conservative. I would rather turn them over to the enemy because that is what they are. And anyone who votes for one of these goons is no better. The party and its supporters are nothing more than a bunch of religious zealots, racists and bigots And that is the real truth. I have no use for them as human beings or anything else.,92363.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,611 posts)   Wed Nov 13, 2013, 11:18 PM

Conversation With Colorado Gun Nut Recallers. No Need For Background Checks At All. Takes Guns Away

from citizens who have a right to a gun. Besides crooks, psychos, rapists, abusers, et al will get guns any way. So having back ground checks is useless. Besides everyone should be armed to protect themselves from these people just in case. In their view the 2nd Amendment should have NO restrictions of ANY kind. That means any person regardless of their status or condition has this absolute right. Period. And they will recall any politician who even suggests otherwise.

This logic was the gist of what one lady said she experienced when she asked a petitioner why they were recalling a legislator.

The issue in Colorado and the rest of the nation is the NRA's belief that any citizen has the right to carry a loaded fire arm anywhere they want. There should be no restrictions of any kind as to who owns a gun, what kind of weapon they own and their right to carry the same weapon any where they want. That means grocery stores, schools, bars, restaurants, the street etc are all legitimate places where a weapon can be carried openly.

Now you see what we are up against in Colorado right now. And the NRA is paying $5 per signature for the recall. And they are sending out even felons and criminals to collect the signatures. Paid petitioners are NOT being screened.,92460.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,613 posts)   Mon Nov 18, 2013, 12:19 AM

Tornadoes In The Fall Were Not Even A Remote Thought In Illinois Where I Grew Up.

When I grew up in central Illinois in the 1950's we had a lot of tornado like weather in the spring. And we had summer storms that were severe electrical storms. But tornado weather was usually over by June. And there was never never any thoughts of tornado weather after September.

Something has obviously changed with the latest weather in the Midwest today. As a matter of fact I do not remember winter tornadoes anywhere in the US in the depth of winter. And I was a weather watcher and even kept my own log books because I wanted to be a meteorologist. And I watched the weather every night.

If this activity is not due to warming I do not know what is. How denial can still be so common is just amazing.,92549.0

At a campfire about cuts in food stamp programs:

TheMastersNemesis (3,657 posts)   Mon Dec 9, 2013, 02:28 AM
4. Do You Think Any GOPPERS Give A SHIT? You Should Hear The Bastards Whine About The Takers.

That is why I will not help a Republican in trouble. That is because they enjoy hurting others. the GOPPERS remind me of a story about Vietnam. The US forces had captured some female VC. There was a young trooper who was beginning to feel sorry for them being tied up. A experienced soldier had to remind the young trooper that if he were to untie them these women would cut his throat. So remember when you help a GOPPER they will cut your throat eventually.

Systematic Chaos (8,198 posts)
15. Ours started at $164 or so 2 years ago. Now $111.

Very little has changed with regards to our expenses. If anything they're higher than they were 2 years ago.

What fleeting, tiny amount of our income which passes for "discretionary spending" has all but disappeared. And that "discretionary spending" is also multiplier straight back into the ****ing economy. Clearly, the megacorps can do without us and countless millions of others.,93133.0

TheMastersNemesis (3,673 posts)    Sat Dec 14, 2013, 02:27 PM

What's Up With Goatee/Beard Thing?

I have noticed and large increase in younger men and some older men sporting goatee's and beards lately. Is it just me or is there a message developing. Goatee's to me have a very negative connotation. A lot of guys who wear these goatees seem to be the ones who are most right wing.

A lot of gun nuts I see where the same kind of "Colonel Sanders" facial hair. Such facial accouterment just seems more recent. I have also noticed a lot of "Bubbification" of some cable networks where a lot of shows have the "down south" flavor.

^^^this was self-deleted later; one wonders what was up with that.

- - - - - - - - - -

The guy’s a nut.

Honest question, sincerely asked, no malicious motive.

This guy served in the military the minimum time, two years.

(Which of course is two years longer than franksolich ever did.)

Do guys who spent only two years in the military brag about their service as much as he does?
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2013, 04:19:46 PM »
Frank, you have done a wonderful job with the synopsis of why each of the DUmmies received their "awards".

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Reminds me of why I don't do them anymore, and also why I appreciate the hard work you've put in.
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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2013, 04:22:37 PM »
Was not exposed to agent orange. Dipsquat drank it.
Shameful little man.
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2013, 04:24:07 PM »
That's a whole lot of crazy slammed into a small paper bag you got there, frank.  Kudos for not vomiting while you ferreted those posts out.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2013, 04:32:17 PM »

This was the last speed-bump I hit, dealing with a primitive about whom I knew little or nothing.

All the rest, I'm intimately acquainted with, and I can give them the full franksolich treatment (and am looking forward to it).

Six more Top DUmmies, and the CCA, to go yet, ending the afternoon of New Year's Eve.

After much consultation with God, I finally determined the winner of the CCA; that will, for strategic reasons, come in between awardments to the #04 Top DUmmie and the #03 Top DUmmie.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2013, 04:53:10 PM »
With my forays into the cesspool of DU, any thread started by this guy is an emotional rant void of reason. Wallowing in such hatred cannot be healthy. I can only imagine he shakes with rage as her types away every single day

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2013, 04:56:35 PM »
Never heard of him.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.


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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2013, 04:59:13 PM »
Never heard of him.

I saw his name, but never paid much attention. He would post a vulgar rant every now and then, but nothing entertaining.

He really stepped it up the past month or two as he campaigned for votes, but still was never very funny.

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2013, 05:00:19 PM »
I'm still calling TheMastersNemesis a mole...has to be.  :-)

But even if he is, it's a well deserved pick!!
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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2013, 05:01:57 PM »
This one I thought would place a little lower, ninth, tenth or eleventh because Bob can be very tiresome and repetitive, even for a DUmmy - it's ALWAYS about the evil GOP. I'm just glad they never had any children to pass on their misery genes.

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2013, 05:03:07 PM »
So the old Master Baiter has taken 7th.  I'm sure with his special kind of crazy, he'll do much better next year.
In battle you have to show no mercy for mercy comes after the war when you still have the freedom to ask for it.

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2013, 05:18:56 PM »
Another gun grabber in the top ten.
"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2013, 05:27:32 PM »
Another gun grabber in the top ten.
It would be a safe bet to say every one of them are gun grabbers.
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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2013, 06:21:48 PM »
"It would be a safe bet to say every one of them are gun grabbers."

Fair to say, though there are still a few over there that aren't.

It would probably be more logical for me to make note when one of the top ten isn't.   :rofl:

« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 06:24:06 PM by CollectivismMustDie »
"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2013, 06:29:36 PM »
"It would be a safe bet to say every one of them are gun grabbers."

Fair to say, though there are still a few over there that aren't.

It would probably be more logical for me to make note when one of the top ten isn't.   :rofl:


Yeah. The moles. All true blue democrats are gun grabbers.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2013, 06:32:11 PM »
As my dear ol' Dad would say:

"That boy's nuttier than a squirrel turd."
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2013, 06:50:43 PM »
He was one of my nominees.  It was where he said he would turn a conservative to the enemy which got him there.  Keep up the violent rhetoric.
"They cannot win. We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns… I’m not kidding. They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they’re dealing with."

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2013, 07:38:55 PM »
It would be a safe bet to say every one of them are gun grabbers.

The result of a felony conviction (drug or domestic violence) that makes legal gun ownership impossible.
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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2013, 07:42:24 PM »
The result of a felony conviction (drug or domestic violence) that makes legal gun ownership impossible.
That's not entirely true.  Most states have a waiting period after which a non-violent felon can petition to have their right to vote and own firearms restored.  The waiting period depends on the state.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2013, 07:52:47 PM »
He was one of my nominees.  It was where he said he would turn a conservative to the enemy which got him there.  Keep up the violent rhetoric.

He's interesting, I've only paid attention for about a year but the pace that he has devolved into madness, I think, has even disturbed the DUmmies, which think on its face deserves a a #7 spot. It was an admirable run.

All that remains for this DUmmie is to be seen is if can avoid being taken down by SWAT before the next competition.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 07:56:48 PM by EagleKeeper »
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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2013, 08:59:11 PM »
That's not entirely true.  Most states have a waiting period after which a non-violent felon can petition to have their right to vote and own firearms restored.  The waiting period depends on the state.

I thought it was federal, Chris?  Or does that only pertain to federal felony convictions?  I really don't know never having been convicted of anything more than speeding.  :shrug: :shrug:
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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2013, 09:20:02 PM »
I thought it was federal, Chris?  Or does that only pertain to federal felony convictions?  I really don't know never having been convicted of anything more than speeding.  :shrug: :shrug:
I'm not 100% sure, but I do know felony convictions can be appealed to restore certain rights, voting being one of them.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: 2013: #07 Top DUmmie
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2013, 11:24:56 PM »
I'm not 100% sure, but I do know felony convictions can be appealed to restore certain rights, voting being one of them.

Form 4473 askes the buyer if they have been convicted of felony crimes. I seriously doubt that answering yes to that question is going to result in an positive NICS experience at the FFL counter. Answer no when it is not true and be prepared to be investigated. I believe that the only way a convicted felon can purchase a firearm is if the violation is expunged.
"We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth - and we will bring back our dreams!" -President Donald J. Trump 1/20/17