Current Events > Economics

Stock Futures Tumble significantly



--- Quote --- Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stock-index futures tumbled on concern the global economic slowdown is worsening, pointing to the biggest decline in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index in five years.

S&P 500 Index futures expiring in March lost 54.7, or 4.1 percent, to 1,270.6 as of 11:44 a.m. in London, paring a drop of as much as 5.3 percent. The MSCI World Index fell 0.9 percent, bringing its two-day retreat to 3.8 percent. European stocks rebounded, with the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index trading 0.3 percent higher, on speculation that the worldwide equity slump may spark coordinated interest-rate reductions by central banks.

Exxon Mobil Corp., the largest oil company, and Barrick Gold Corp., the biggest gold producer, fell in Europe as crude and metal prices decreased. Bank of America Corp. declined before the second-largest U.S. bank reports fourth-quarter earnings.
--- End quote ---

Should be an interesting morning, folks. Crude was down though.

What a roller coaster ride. Watching the market is enough to give anyone heartburn. Only down 150 as of 11:00 CST 

Wretched Excess:

try and think of it as a great time to BUY ....

and i heard an interesting news bit this morning.. this woman was saying 'recession is typically not a bad thing.. in fact, we've been thru 10 of them since WWII' ... now, i dont know if thats true or not, but if its true, it only illuminates the media's misunderstanding of economics...yet again.

we arent selling anything.. we're going to ride it out and not panick.

still, i wish we'd bought gold way back when..  :-)


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