Author Topic: My small, impoverished town still loves Trump  (Read 3521 times)

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My small, impoverished town still loves Trump
« on: October 19, 2019, 12:02:06 PM »
Star Member Orrex (58,657 posts)

My small, impoverished town still loves Trump

I participate in several of the local discussion groups, not because I expect to change the minds of any of these idiot racist ****heads, but because I don't want lurking readers to think that progressives are absent from the town.

Today's discussion centered on a recent article about the town languishing despite Trump's tax breaks, and a predictable crew of cultists jumped in to complain about Trump being blamed for everything.

Here is my response:
For everyone asking "what does this have to do with the tax breaks?" the answer is this: The lying idiot Trump swore to us that the tax breaks would give the economy a huge boost and thereby spur development and reinvestment, and it has absolutely failed to do so by any objective measure. What it has done, and what it was intended to do, is give a trillion of our taxpayer dollars directly to the super-wealthy, many of whom already pay a lower tax rate than you do.

Yes, New Castle wrestles with an entrenched club of greedy parasites siphoning money out of this tiny and impoverished community, but the accused rapist Trump campaigned on a plan to push through a trillion dollar infrastructure program, and that certainly hasn't happened either, nor did he ever intend to do it.

You complain about some local crook sucking a few thousand out of the town? The incompetent Trump is doing the same thing to the country, but literally a million times worse.

Someone will now probably complain that Obama didn't do anything for Lawrence County, either, and I suggest that you ponder that question while crossing one of the numerous local bridges that were renovated or wholly rebuilt through his programs.

Here's a tip for you going forward: if the idiot Trump says anything that doesn't directly benefit him, his family, or his billionaire cronies, it's 100% guaranteed to be a complete lie. And if he says something that does benefit any of them, then it's 100% guaranteed to be a partial lie.

I suspect that someone will now tell me to wake up, but the only ones who need to wake up are the ones who see the nightmare of this corrupt, criminal presidency and say "I still support him."

They will now call me a snowflake and all the rest. These are the same people who in recent years complained when a years-vacant facility nearby was purchased by a Muslim organization, because they believed that it would be used as a Taliban training camp.

My town has a population of 22,000 with a median income of $31K, and god help you if you speak out against Trump here.

cool story, bro. I don't know why they don't want to talk to you...

olegramps (7,318 posts)

37. Also, don't ignore the elephant in the room: RACISM!!

Throw in the evangelicals, the low skill out of work and a few greedy billionaires and you have the perfect storm that swept the this miscreant demagogue into office. The path the Republican have chosen was inaugurated by Nixon. Over the last fifty years the Republican Party has developed into outright criminal enterprise with each succeeding administration's increased contemptuous disregard for the nation's laws. Unfortunately, their flouting of the law has become increasing accepted as normal by a large segment of the citizens. The nation has undergone a transformation from the nation founded on the principle of unity as expressed by its official motto, E pluribus Unum, (Out of many one) into uncompromising tribes. It is no where more exemplified than by leader of the nation who hourly utters outright nonsensical gibberish embolden with lies to his adorning crowd who accept it as profound wisdom. Its actualization of Orwellian thought in which lies become truth and truth become lies which are reinforced by hundreds of broadcast stations spewing propaganda 24/7.


Ohiogal (11,181 posts)

3. I hear you

I'm right across the state line from you in NE Ohio.

I fear that there is no hope for brainwashed Trump cultists like you mentioned. They will piss and moan about the economy, but the real reason they support Trump is because he is a racist and bigot like they are.

I don't know what else to say except keep speaking up, I try to do so as well, I doubt we'll change any minds, but like you said, we have to at least make it known that there are progressives around here who hunger for sanity and integrity in government.

I felt as though in the last election, the Democrats ignored our area of NE Ohio-Western PA. No visits, no mailers, very few TV ads. So, of course, the GOP propaganda took over here. Trump came to Youngstown and made his famous bullshit speech on "don't sell your home, I'm bringing manufacturing back." I got one of those big mailer cards in my mailbox almost every day with Trump garbage on it, never anything from the Dems. Lots of GOP TV ads on the local airwaves, and very few for Hillary. I hope that will change. I have written to my state Dems pointing this out. I hope they listen to us, my friend.


blueinredohio (2,901 posts)

7. I'm from northwest Ohio and I feel you.

It's the same way here.


Dagstead Bumwood (232 posts)

18. Southwest Ohio, here.

The view here is unfortunately the same. Properties in the local countryside are dotted with Trump signs. Both scary and dumb.


Kaiserguy (169 posts)

54. NW PA here

It also is a bastion of Trump lovers. My county when 71% for Trump 24% for Hillary in 2016. Kind of a lonely place for a liberal democrat.

 :yahoo:  Ohio and Pennsylvania will be blue- except teh Democrat controlled hell holes in the big cities...  :-)

Star Member calimary (54,247 posts)

9. They stand with him because he made it okay to be racist bigots.

He brought it out of the closet and into the open, where it could gain a little “respectability” instead of being locked away in shame - where that kind of antisocial, regressive, selfish, mean-spirited piss-ant attitude deserves to be - and to STAY.

They love him for it. He made it okay to be “out ‘n’ proud about it. He made them feel justified and even righteous - especially when he “won.” Because that then, in effect, made it right.


Star Member MyOwnPeace (6,667 posts)

6. I, too, am puzzled.........

also from western PA and the blind allegiance to IQ45 just drives me crazy!
Yesterday there was a post from NE Ohio that said a majority of those questioned thought it was OK for him to offer his own place for the G7.
W-T-F!!!!!!! He's reaching straight into YOUR pocket and taking whatever money you have left and putting it into his own - and he does this over and over and over again!

All of this only goes to prove that it is SO critical for us to be sure to GET OUT THE VOTE.
We've got the numbers - we just have to get them to show up and vote!

Did you know that all profits from Trump's companies that are due to foreign government business is donated to the US?

President Donald Trump’s company said on Monday that it donated nearly $200,000 to the U.S. Treasury to make good on its promise two years ago to hand over profits from foreign governments using its properties

Star Member mountain grammy (20,558 posts)

8. less than 500 permanent residents in my little town

and at least half of the adults are trumpers.. idiots, racists, fools.. all of the above.

gab13by13 (115 posts)

11. 2,000 in my small town in Pa.

There are more huge Trump banners now than 2016.

Star Member vlyons (6,600 posts)

12. I'm convinced that Trumpster ****heads admire Trump because they, like him, are mean-spirited selfish envious idiots. They admire Trump, when he shoots the bird at all conventions, because that's what they want to do everyday. If only they too could rob a bank or run a real-estate scam or launder Russian money. What a great guy that Trump is for doing what they only dream about. They are the dregs of society.


Zaphod42 (57 posts)

41. They see themselves as victims...

Since Reconstruction, they have been subjected to "Librul" discrimination in favor of the black, and the brown, and the poor, and the queer...they finally have a leader who plays to those feelings. They see themselves as the "true and rightful" citizens of this country....

Seriously, I encounter this line of reasoning down here all the time. smh....

Many great replies to this OP. DU really needs a "like" button for replies....

 :???: Since 1865 the republican party has been oppressed by the gheys?  :thatsright:

Mc Mike (7,673 posts)

14. My view from Pittsburgh is that Lawrence was stolen in '08 and '12 pres elections.

Initially reported blue, later reports said it flipped red.

Your experience on the ground is more accurate than my view from a distance, obviously. We're still blue in Allegheny, and I'm fighting against pro-tRump humps regularly. Even in the minority, they insist on everyone listening to their important political views.

Comatose Sphagetti (766 posts)

15. Same here. Small town Indiana.

Many love him and it's because he's pissing off "the other."
Almost entirely white, living in a cultural/religious silo and no desire to learn about/explore other cultures or communities. Contempt and incredulity for anyone considered Godless (Jesus-less). Many are fear-driven authoritarian followers with absolutely no self-awareness or critical thinking skills.
AOC, Greta, and social democracy (despite the roadways used to go to work being examples of social democracy) are bad 'cause Rush and Shawn told them so. Any person of Hispanic background standing on the street corner - whether they be from Brazil or Cuba - is automatically "Mexican." A Hindu-owned/operated gas station is being run by "Muslims." The n-word used in public spaces.
In the last election only one in ten voted progressive. Frustrating.

I admire your courage.

I live among these people. My job depends on keeping my mouth shut. I must shamefully admit that I for the most part keep my head low.


Blue_playwright (513 posts)

17. I'm in a small city (500,000)

And there is Trump crap going up around town. I have to drive past one house with a damn flagpole that has his Trump flag ABOVE the American flag.

But I’m sure he hates football players who kneel.

small city of 500,00?  :rotf:

Star Member kacekwl (3,476 posts)

23. In my opinion this all started because we had the gall to elect a black president and then a (GASP!) women was running for president. These people IMO are shortsighted backwards think racists who can't see beyond their blinders and probably never will. Trump gives them the racist, misogynist, white supremacists view that everyone is plotting to take what you have away and they suck it up gladly.


Star Member a kennedy (18,644 posts)

31. I don't understand why some acquaintances who are gay, love him as well.....

both very educated women and even went to his inauguration!!!!!! I just don’t get it.

Star Member kag (2,688 posts)

48. Wow.

That's like "Jews for Hitler" or "Black people who love the KKK" or something.


Pepsidog (2,719 posts)

36. I will tell you who is to blame, Fox and Murdochs are responsible for this madness.

machoneman (1,205 posts)

42. Sell your place now and leave town. In not too many years the town will die, leaving tumbleweeds....

as we used to see in old Western movies. Yet, they will go to their graves all the time blaming the Democrats for all their self-induced failings.

I kid you not....................

move to the big city...  ::)

Star Member certainot (5,921 posts)

46. that's why its so important to stop ignoring rw radio any challenge to it - boycotting, protesting the universities and pro teams it depends on, and showing how the russians have been using it for the last decade, will discredit the talk radio gods and the dittoheads that influence the apathetic and too-busy secondary audiences

imo heavily redacted parts of the mueller report involve talk radio and dems need to get it out

Star Member smirkymonkey (45,249 posts)

51. It's like drinking poison and expecting the people you hate to die.

They won't ever learn until they have been completely ruined, and even then I am not so sure.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline USA4ME

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Re: My small, impoverished town still loves Trump
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2019, 01:25:17 PM »
Quote from:

...  but because I don't want lurking readers to think that progressives are absent from the town.

Since progressives are modern-day Nazis, I would say mission accomplished.

They can never escape the "I know better what's good for you than you do" schtick. And all of their candidates project that same worldview. Not a winning formula nor one that reflects confidence in your message.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline SVPete

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Re: My small, impoverished town still loves Trump
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2019, 01:48:18 PM »
Wow, Star Moron Orrex must be really popular in his/her NW PA town. :rotf: As in (s)he's luck (s)he doesn't get chucked into Lake Erie. :rotf:  :tongue:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Karin

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Re: My small, impoverished town still loves Trump
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2019, 07:11:41 PM »
but the real reason they support Trump is because he is a racist and bigot like they are.

I don't know what else to say except keep speaking up, I try to do so as well, I doubt we'll change any minds

Gee, I wonder why you won't be changing any minds, given also the many comments that followed calling us all the vile, shopworn names?  I just read an article pointed out by Rush by Jason _____ I forget who, saying in effect, if you dems don't cut that out, I may change sides myself.

Offline ExGeeEye

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Re: My small, impoverished town still loves Trump
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2019, 03:09:53 AM »
Gee, I wonder why you won't be changing any minds, given also the many comments that followed calling us all the vile, shopworn names?  I just read an article pointed out by Rush by Jason _____ I forget who, saying in effect, if you dems don't cut that out, I may change sides myself.

I'd like to read that.
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Offline BadCat

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Re: My small, impoverished town still loves Trump
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2019, 09:12:44 AM »
My small, but very affluent town loves him too.

Go figure.
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