Author Topic: Are some things ment to be, or just random fate?  (Read 2971 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Are some things ment to be, or just random fate?
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:52:01 AM »
Here I sit wondering about what I am to do with the rest of my life.  I am house bound and have been so for almost one year. 

I can stand and walk for about 30 minutes at a time then the nerve disease kicks in and I have to sit or fall over and chance breaking a bone.

My 2 dogs are hitting 17 years of age, both rescue dogs, have lost their teeth and can hardly get up in the morning.   The Coon Cats are young but sleep most of the day, not allot of stimulation for me.

I need something to keep me active, the dogs and cats active, what to do.

I had this weird dream, don't really remember much about it but it gave me a crazy idea.
I decided what we needed was a baby, not a humane baby but a young Pup to keep me and the ageing dogs  on our toes.    Notice in the paper said the SPCA would be at a local mall so we set out to see what they had.

On the way we stopped at a pet store to check out their puppy's, GOD AWFUL price for pups that had no registration papers, those with, out of sight.  However there was one in a bin that kept making eye contact with me, she sat upright in the corner with this look on her face of a Monkey, or a grumpy old man.  I had never seen this breed before as they are rare in this neck of the woods.   Puppy Mill came to mind but as I read from a book of breeds at the store, this breed most likely gives birth to just 2 or at most 3 by Cesarean section for some reason.  Not a good breed to have in a puppy mill.

To bad this member of the Terrier breed would have been perfect for us, but she just sat there and stared at me, all the other pups were leaping about and acting like high energy dogs but she just just sat there looking like a Carpathian Monkey/ grumpy old man.

Off we head for the mall, 3 miles down the road Hubby  has problems with our car, the clutch sticks on the floor, he has to raise the clutch with his foot.  Not good, we head for a dealership and after a wait are told we had to drive it to a sister dealership a few miles from there.   We make it there and find the mechanics shop closed. 

I notice that right across the street is the Pet Shop we had seen the foolish Monkey Dog.  Wouldn't you just know it when we drove across the street, inside there were 2 other people looking at that pup, She had been taken out of her bin and was trying to get a raw hide bone from a full grown Boxer. A blurry of movement, all 6 pounds of her was all over the place.

When she saw us enter, she came to a full stop, sat and went into the eye contact she had done when we first saw her.   Weird behavior, but I was at that point existed wanted to go home and sleep.  Monkey dog seemed to be trying to communicate with me---as much as a dog can--and we took a hunk out of the kids inheritance and brought the Monkey home with us.

Up shot of all this is the Monkey has had both old dogs moving and more alert, Male Coon will need some time not to think Monkey is not a large rat.     AND-- when Hubby went out to try to make another mechanic shop-----No problem with the Clutch works again for some odd reason.

BTW from reading up on this strange breed, they are also called the Velcro Dog.  They stick like glue to their master and make wonderful service dogs for people like me.

Was this fate or what ever that made our car undrivable to get another rescue dog, was this just a random act of life, or will this all turn out to be a GOD send somewhere down the road.?


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Re: Are some things ment to be, or just random fate?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 05:41:18 PM »
Whether it is fate or random is immaterial. Only what you will has any consequence.
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Online Wineslob

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Re: Are some things ment to be, or just random fate?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 12:19:36 PM »
I donno, MSB, sometimes the way things happen make me.........   :???:
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