Author Topic: They should be reducing the Soc Sec age to 50 for retirement. No jobs and G Will  (Read 830 times)

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Offline Freeper

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They should be reducing the Soc Sec age to 50 for retirement. No jobs and G Will wants it at 74.

Give me a break I just turned 72 and had a heart attack 3 yrs ago and would not be able to hold down a full time job.

Hey that's a winning idea retire at 50 and live off the government for 30 to 40 years.  :whatever:
We can't afford to have people retire at 65 so how in the hell could we afford to add another 15 years to the average retirement?
We can only tax Mitt Romney and the Koch brothers so much.

12. SS is not meant to be your only retirement income

keeping the age at 65 make no economic sense. we cant afford it .
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Response to rdking647 (Reply #5)Mon Apr 30, 2012, 10:55 AM
10. Sounds like trust fund baby rhetoric.

Or someone who has only ever had a desk job.

They can't stand truth at DUmmyland.

19. We need to do something.

What we are doing now is unsustainable. We literally have people driving two hours a day to push digital dots around a computer screen. Creating absolutely nothing of value and only contributing to destroying the climate with the increase in carbon emissions.
We are going to have to figure out a way to provide for the least among us while ensuring we don't create more pollution for our offspring than they can handle. Were literally at the point where it may be already too late and most people could care less. Even avowed progressive liberals are to frightened to act. To make sacrifices for the betterment of all the earths creatures. We need to figure out a way to take care of people without causing even more irreparable damage to our world.
Either that or climate change isn't real and were good to go. Keep on keeping on!

What exactly does your existence contribute to society? In fact you want society to contribute to you.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline Delmar

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Response to The2ndWheel (Reply #23)Mon Apr 30, 2012, 01:25 PM
25. I didn't say I'd buy you airline tickets or a car.

But you might live in a community where you don't need a car, you wouldn't have to worry about medical bills, and you'd have no fear of homelessness or hunger if you lost your job.

I think generous retirement benefits, welfare, public works projects, and public education should compete directly with shitty employers. Any Wal-Mart greeter ought to be able to say, **** this, I'm retired. Any kid working for an evil boss in a fast food place ought to be able to say, **** this, I'm going back to school. Any person feeling trapped in a cubicle with a phone, a computer terminal, and impossible deadlines, ought to be able to say, **** this, I'm going to join a trail crew at a National Park. A person working in a warehouse, picking lettuce or strawberries, any labor that wears a body out, ought to be paid well when they are young and strong, and have the ability to walk away and do something else when their joints start to scream.

Our consumer economy is going to die whatever we do. Our humanity doesn't have to die with it. The U.S.A is rapidly becoming a plutocracy. It doesn't have to be that way.

When the going gets tough...the DUmmies retire.
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Reduce retirement age to 50 and increase witholding to 80%.....nevermind, I momentarily forgot, 80% won't hurt the DUmmies, they don't work to begin with.
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Offline FlippyDoo

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19. We need to do something.

What we are doing now is unsustainable. We literally have people driving two hours a day to push digital dots around a computer screen. Creating absolutely nothing of value and only contributing to destroying the climate with the increase in carbon emissions.
We are going to have to figure out a way to provide for the least among us while ensuring we don't create more pollution for our offspring than they can handle. Were literally at the point where it may be already too late and most people could care less. Even avowed progressive liberals are to frightened to act. To make sacrifices for the betterment of all the earths creatures. We need to figure out a way to take care of people without causing even more irreparable damage to our world.
Either that or climate change isn't real and were good to go. Keep on keeping on!

If I wasn't allegedly contributing to destroying the climate then libs like Algore would have to dream up another scheme to fleece people. I'm doing my part to help Al. Wouldn't you want me to help Al?
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Well, let's see--in 1935, just before the first SS benefits were paid out, the average American lifespan was 59.9 years for men, 63.9 years for women.  IOW, about 2/3 of the people never made it to 65.  (Hint: Black life expectancy in 1935 was 51.1 years and 55.2 years for men and women respectively--so it's racist to boot.)

In 2010, the average American lifespan is 76.2 years for men, 81.1 years for women.  IOW, if you raised the retirement age commensurate with life expectancy, you could expect to receive SS benefits around age 82-83.

NOW do you see that SS has been, always was, always will be, a friggin scam?  And that if you had one functional brain cell in between your ears, you would have realized this and started to save for your own retirement many years ago?
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline jukin

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What a pant load! We should all retire at 27 just after getting off mom & dad's insurance plan.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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The OPs plan should work great as long as the FICA tax is raised to 40% of gross wages, benefits are means-tested, and we gas everyone who makes it that far on their 70th birthday.
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Offline BlueStateSaint

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The OPs plan should work great as long as the FICA tax is raised to 40% of gross wages, benefits are means-tested, and we gas everyone who makes it that far on their 70th birthday.

Only if they're lefties.
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