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The Angry Capitalist's Blog

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The Angry Capitalist:

Less than two weeks into the current administration I, for one, would wish this little man Obama would shut his mouth. For all of the supposed eloquence possessed by this fool, he has yet to say anything constructive. It is one thing to state the truth – I am all in favor of stating things as they are – but to constantly spew forth a string of negative remarks, espousing nothing but the worst aspects of our current economic calamity, is nothing but counter productive. When one is in possession of an instrument as capable of molding public sentiment as the bully pulpit the responsibility to elevate and uplift are paramount, especially considering our present state of affairs. This is not to say that one should engage in falsifying the circumstances, for that would be the height of blind irresponsibility, but one of his primary responsibilities is to uplift the population and provide hope to those in dire circumstances. Despite all of laudatory commentary concerning his rhetorical abilities on the campaign trail, as of yet he has been nothing more than a prophet of doom and gloom.

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A worthy blog indeed. So much so, I've already added it to my favorites page so as to have ready access. High five and keep up the good work! I'm sure I will have occasion to refer to it often.


The Angry Capitalist:

It is now clearly apparent to any one willing to make an objective assessment of those chosen by Obama to comprise his cabinet that never before has there been a more immoral group of criminals nominated to such lofty posts in our history. Contrary to all of the claims heralding the dawn of an age of responsibility those whom the liberal messiah has chosen to surround himself with represents the typical elitist who dominate the so called progressive movement. This sort double standard is typical operating procedure for this group of scandalous do-nothings whose only pursuit in life would appear to be contriving ways to siphon wealth away from the producers so that they can distribute it amongst the dregs of society in order to garner themselves just one more vote. As they sit ensconced in the robes of authority and influence they imagine that the very laws with which they burden the creator of wealth simply have no meaning for those who occupy such lofty positions. The very people who Obama, in his blind obstinacy, has chosen to enforce the laws of the land are themselves guilty of their most egregious violations, violations which if committed by the average citizen would be met with financial devastation at the hands of the IRS and the sting of the jailers lash.

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The Angry Capitalist:

Today marks a grave day in the history of the republic, for it ushers in a new era of despotism unlike any other that has come before. Today, Mr. Obama proclaimed the end of American capitalism as we know it by ordering that any company that is the recipient of funds from the massive government bailout will cap executive compensation at a paltry $500,000 a year. While today these caps are intended solely for the recipients of government assistance is there any doubt that this is just an effort to prep the field so that future restrictions on free enterprise can be implemented?  In doing such Mr. Obama now proves that we have an administration that is actively engaging in and encouraging the practice of government sponsored blackmail, plain and simple. This is a form of treachery which until now has resided only in those underdeveloped nations who exist far from our shores where despotism and fear rule the day and man trembles in the shadow of an all powerful dictator. Obama has now set himself up as arbiter and pay master for any company foolish enough to seek assistance from the federal government, regardless of their abilities and performance. As such he now intends to use your tax dollars, stolen from your wallet on a regularly scheduled basis, for far more nefarious ends than any incompetent corporate executive could ever dream, for once he has set the scale by which a man is rewarded for his ability he in essence becomes its master.

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The Angry Capitalist:
Man’s life can be summed up as the never ending desire to fulfill certain basic needs. As I am sure that the majority of the readers are familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I will not waste my time in recalling all of the various nuances involved when discussing these motivating factors. It shall suffice to say that man is driven by want, in his most elemental form he is compelled to quench his desires by the means at his disposal, weather it be industriousness or villainy. The yearning to calm this insatiable beast that forever hounds mankind lends itself to frustration, in part to its never ending pull on the soul of mankind. The end result of this frustration manifests itself in that emotion all too common to man, envy. Much has been written about envy and the power it possesses over man; its ability to blind one out of lust or its detrimental effect on everyday social relationships. Although envy is counted amongst Christianity’s seven deadly sins and universally condemned by religious institutions of all denominations for its adverse affect on the human spirit, the positive effects of envy on man are often ignored despite its beneficial service to those in possession of a superior intellect. The purpose of this discussion is to not only touch upon the negative affects of envy on man, and they are legion, but the power it possesses to motivate man to strive towards a better existence as well as the root mechanisms inherent in the human psyche which manifest said emotion.The negative effect produced by the presence of envy is most pronounced in the man of a lesser intellectual character and the poor who, despite their potential, often fall prey to its devices. As it is, most men fall under these categories, lacking not only the intellectual but the moral understanding of the most effective and satisfying manner in which to gratify their primal needs. It is in these poor wretches that envy takes on its most insidious character, driving men to the depths of moral depredation. In this sort of man instead of utilizing his own means to procure the fulfillment needed to satisfy the urges of the will, he often resorts to nefarious means to thwart his frustrations. As a substitute for industry he turns to the numerous deprivations open to him; gambling, intoxicants, theft, violence, and the sensual pleasures are all that he feels are available to quench the thirst of his will.

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