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Offline franksolich

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animal fat
« on: November 17, 2009, 05:58:37 PM »
I've been under the weather since the Christmas party Sunday evening; nothing specific, only a general sense of weakness and quivering and fragility.  I guess I'm not as sturdy as I thought I was.

The Christmas party, held by a big cattleman, rib.

And it was held in a steakhouse.

I was given a steak, burned to my specifications, circa 5"x7", and half an inch thick.

Although I am a vociferous proponet of Nebraska beef--none better in the world--personally, I am much more of a poultry-and-eggs person, but that option was not available at this Christmas party.

Being a nice guy, I took the steak.

Because there was fat on the edges of the steak, I very carefully ate only about two square inches of the very center of that acreage, far away from any of the fat.

I thought of the cats back home, and requested one of those foam trays so as to take the leftover steak home.  The waitress complied, and as I was dumping the leftover steak into the foam tray, I forgot myself and took a breath.

Whiffing in the odor of animal fat.

Remarkable restraint and fortitude on my part; that usual gagging and vomiting, but I managed to keep it down.  Because I am such a good actor, only the persons sitting on either side of me, and the two persons sitting across the table from me, noticed that I turned perceptibly white as a sheet, for about ten seconds.

Which they fortunately attributed to nicotine deprivation.

I brought the leftover steak home, and the cats took no time chowing it all down.

Which was fine by me.

But ever since then, I've been sick.  Better now, but still fragile.

I have nothing against beef; in fact, I dine on beef once in a while.

But when making stew, for example, so as to avoid the fat, I take only the very center of the beef, giving the rest to the cats.  Meaning the cats get about 12 ounces out of every pound of the steak (I don't use "stew meat;" I buy steaks to cut up for stew).

And hamburgers--cooked on a stove or an outdoor grill--are great, hardly anything better.....provided they are cooked all the way through, and every micro-drop of grease squeezed out of them.

Whenever at an outdoor event, I always place myself upwind of the grill.

It has happened that the odor of animal fat--beef or pork--has caused some embarrasing social problems, although the last time I actually lost it was at Misty's Steakhoue in Lincoln, circa 20 years ago.

For those who do not know, Misty's in Lincoln is to steak as Valentino's in Lincoln is to pizza; top-notch, top-of-the-line, nothing in the world better.

I was having turkey, but as the waitress passed a plate with a steak across the table to someone else, she unfortunately passed it right by my nose.  I had to quickly turn around and lose it (pre-digested salad) on the floor behind me.

This is something that has happened all my life; I have plenty of pre-kindergarten memories of being repelled by cooked animal fat, the mere odor which would disgorge the stomach.  Given the time and place where I spent my childhood and adolescence, one can easily imagine I was a pretty thin, white-faced kid.

I have no idea why this phenomenon exists, and have no problems with cattle or pigs in their living states, or even with the odor of their intestinal passings.  It's only the odor of their cooked fat that discombobulates me.

When I was wandering around the socialist paradises of the workers and peasants with free medical care for all, it was common that one saw undernourished people chewing on animal fat as if a delicacy, a treat, chewing gum.

Animal fat has its purposes, providing certain nutrients necessary to sustain human life. but even though there were many times I subsisted on weak tea and mahorka (socialist tobacco) for days at a time, it pleased God I was never desperate enough to resort to that.


I doubt this is an "allergy;" it seems more like a simple automatic-reflex reaction to me, although I have no idea why it exists; as mentioned, it's been going on for decades, since the beginning of my life.

I am shocked that this thing can reduce a strong, healthy, robust person into a quivering and trembling amorphous blob, but there it is, there one has it.

Has anyone else here ever had such a reaction to a particular food?
apres moi, le deluge

Offline rich_t

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2009, 06:19:30 PM »
I can't say that I have Frank.

I don't like much fat on my meat, but it doesn't make me queasy to see or smell it.
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Offline MrsSmith

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 06:39:41 PM »
My mom used to eat liverworst...that came pretty close to what you describe. 

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Offline franksolich

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2009, 08:40:17 PM »
I can't say that I have Frank.

I don't like much fat on my meat, but it doesn't make me queasy to see or smell it.

It's just very odd.

I find the odor of dead fish obnoxious, but it doesn't seem to inspire the abrupt violent neuro-muscular reaction that I get with cooked animal fat.

Just nauseous, but not enough to make one upchuck.

I have a theory that the body instinctively warns one not to eat something that could be perilous, and perhaps this might be it.

Animal fats, as already mentioned, are vital to maintaining life and health.

One of the problems in immediate post-war Germany, in the British zone of occupation, was the shortage of such fats, leading to a great many dietary and health problems, and the British unfortunately couldn't do a whole lot about it, because the occupied Germans, even though such fats were scant, had more than the unoccupied British at their own home.

And so there's nothing wrong with that.

But given that my own family was decimated, every single one of them way short of the proverbial three-score and ten, by afflictions caused at least partially by overconsumption of animal fats--or if not overconsumption, a peculiar genetic inability to "use" it correctly in the body--I'm wondering if this is God's or nature's way of telling one to lay off of them, that it's not good for that particular person.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2009, 09:12:40 PM »
I got wicked sick from tequila shooters over 20 years ago, and to this day, if I smell tequila, I instantly feel the urge to vomit.  I don't know if that is any help, but I cannot even be at the same table with a bunch of margaritas.  Really.
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Offline franksolich

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2009, 09:26:34 PM »
I got wicked sick from tequila shooters over 20 years ago, and to this day, if I smell tequila, I instantly feel the urge to vomit.  I don't know if that is any help, but I cannot even be at the same table with a bunch of margaritas.  Really.

Oh no, I know exactly what you mean.

When I was a freshman in college, because I was stupid, I drank an entire 4/5 of a quart of tequila, undiluted.  Not all in one gulp, of course, but pretty quickly, like over forty-five minutes, maybe an hour.  The whole thing.

I got sicker than a dog.

To this day, a few decades later, I still loathe the odor of tequila.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline IassaFTots

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2009, 09:34:38 PM »
Well it may be that you had a reaction to fat that you don't recall from when you are much younger that makes you have that reaction now?
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Offline debk

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2009, 10:58:59 PM »
Summer before sophmore year in college, I hurt my knee and was prescribed Darvon for it. I had signed up for a Modern Dance class in the fall and hurt it worse. Came home from the class in a lot of pain and took 2 and went to sleep, kept waking up and taking more, and ended up taking too many in too short of time.

My roommate came in and opened a jar of peanut butter.

The smell of the peanut butter was all it took to make me sick I ended up having to go the Student Health, admitting to how many Darvon I took, and spent an hour trying to convince them I was in pain....not suicidal.

Upshot was.....I had to drop dance class, had physical therapy for 2 months, have never been able to take even one Darvon since....and if I am the least bit queasy for any reason and smell peanuts or peanut butter - I will be  :puke:  :puke: :puke: for hours. If I have the stomach flu....just seeing a peanut butter commercial on tv will do me in.

Wild guess must have gotten very sick when you were very young...that while it might not have had anything to do with the animal fat, you probably had some steak or hamburger prior to becoming ill. Your subconscious puts the two together, triggering an automatic response to the smell of animal fat.

Chances are, after all these isn't going to ever go away. And since you had such a strong response the other night, you might have been getting just a wee bit sick even before you smelled it....

Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

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Offline vesta111

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 05:07:49 AM »
Summer before sophmore year in college, I hurt my knee and was prescribed Darvon for it. I had signed up for a Modern Dance class in the fall and hurt it worse. Came home from the class in a lot of pain and took 2 and went to sleep, kept waking up and taking more, and ended up taking too many in too short of time.

My roommate came in and opened a jar of peanut butter.

The smell of the peanut butter was all it took to make me sick I ended up having to go the Student Health, admitting to how many Darvon I took, and spent an hour trying to convince them I was in pain....not suicidal.

Upshot was.....I had to drop dance class, had physical therapy for 2 months, have never been able to take even one Darvon since....and if I am the least bit queasy for any reason and smell peanuts or peanut butter - I will be  :puke:  :puke: :puke: for hours. If I have the stomach flu....just seeing a peanut butter commercial on tv will do me in.

Wild guess must have gotten very sick when you were very young...that while it might not have had anything to do with the animal fat, you probably had some steak or hamburger prior to becoming ill. Your subconscious puts the two together, triggering an automatic response to the smell of animal fat.

Chances are, after all these isn't going to ever go away. And since you had such a strong response the other night, you might have been getting just a wee bit sick even before you smelled it....

I agree with Debk on her wild guess.

I had a bad experience years ago when I had a stove fire in my kitchen, hot oil spilled or should I say exploded oil over my legs.  3 rd degree burns on my legs, 16 % of my body burned and still steaming by the time I got to the hospital.

For years I could not go into a fast food restaurant because of the smell of the french fries cooked in boiling hot oil.

 I can not to this day forget the smell of burning flesh, human, mine when I smell rancid fat.

The 4 years I spent as a vegetarian almost did me in, after a year or so of no flesh except liquid ( EGGS ) and milk products I could walk into a supermarket and if there was any spoiled chicken or meat I could pick up the Oder at the door. County fairs were awful,, I could smell rancid oil the vender's were using to cook what ever food they sold.

My turning point was at the mall, there was a new steak house just inside the door. When I entered and walked past and smelled the char broiled steaks, I broke,

 just had to have one, right now, medium rare with all the fat crisped up and enough juice to run down my chin.

Funny, when I began to scarf down meat my problem with deep fat fried anything went away.  I even took a part time job at a burger joint and was able to cook the fries with no problem.     WIERD.

 Frank, We know now that smell is so important a part of our lives.  The smell of baking bread, roasting Turkey and stuffing, can you smell the air and tell when it is going to rain or snow.?    Early morning camping out by a lake and somewhere someone is cooking Bacon and eggs on a grill, coffee perking in an old fashion grill top pot.

What about pork fat and Bacon, Frank, is it just beef or can you handle other kinds of fat smells ? 

Woman's perfume, ever run into a woman wearing a perfume you have not smelled in years.?   An unexpected smell that sends your mind back to either a wonderful memory of a really bad on.?

I think Debk is on to something here, You may well have begun to come down with some ailment and the smell of beef fat and some buried memory of an unpleasant experience  may have just added to the problem.

Patchouli for some reason really annoys some woman, I like the smell, Hubby has no problem with it but both my daughters will leave my house if I have incense burning, who knows I may have been wearing it when I had to give them some really bad news when they were kids.

As for your reaction to just the smell of beef fat, usually we tend to crave the food that is worse for us, or perhaps lacking in our diet.

My advice is to just let it go, if the smell of something annoys you stay away from it.

 BTW, the worse smell for me today is a potato gone bad, To me the smell reminds me of funeral flowers that have been next to the deceased for 3 days and the body was not embalmed.-----Home funerals where if a man , the undertaker came in every day to shave their face, no the hair was not still growing, the skin was shrinking and exposing the hair.

Perhaps the Scientologests have stumbled on a reason on why we humans get the Willy Was for some things, all this may be way back in our subconscious going back before birth or shortly after. 

Very elaborate our brain, very venerable to outside forces, everyone is different, WHY.?

In the world of other then human one can study plants and animal's and know what to expect.  In us humans it is a crap shoot, genetics plays a role but so do outside forces.

For you Frank to ask why you have a problem with beef fat is akin to asking why people fall in love, why some people are good and some evil.

When people around me are gulping down live Oysters on the half shell I tell them I am allergic to Oysters, not a lie, my brain is allergic to eating anything living.  So you need to let people know that you in some way are allergic to beef fat, and not spend one minute worrying about them or what they may think.

Some things are are as they are, the color of your eyes, your delight eating Brussels sprouts,  you're taste in woman to your favorite color.  It is just YOU, no one else is like you, expect those around you to not understand, that is their problem.

You did right by eating the middle of the steak, but why worry about it, you used tact and and observed the decorum for that feast.

Remember-------Jack Sprat could eat no meat, his wife could eat no bone, so between the two  them, they licked the platter clean.

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2009, 05:33:40 AM »
I actually like a steak with nice marbling and will even eat the fat on the edge of a steak if it is seared and browned. It's not much different than bacon, since it also has a high fat content.

Offline Celtic Rose

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2009, 09:03:11 AM »
Remember-------Jack Sprat could eat no meat, his wife could eat no bone, so between the two  them, they licked the platter clean.

Vesta, I think the rhyme actually goes Jack Sprat could eat not fat, his wife could eat no lean, so between the two of them, they licked the platter clean.

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 09:23:03 AM »
I had a similar aversion to animal fat when I was a youngster, and still don't care for it, unless it's completely singed and then only a nibble. 

Curious - do you eat bacon?  That's pretty much pure hog fat.
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Re: animal fat
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 10:51:57 AM »

Remember-------Jack Sprat could eat no meat, his wife could eat no bone, so between the two  them, they licked the platter clean.

The poem is supposed to be:

   Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
    His wife could eat no lean.
    And so between them both, you see,
    They licked the platter clean.

or the original from 1639:

   Jack will eat not fat, and Jull doth love no leane.
    Yet betwixt them both they lick the dishes cleane
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Re: animal fat
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2009, 10:19:19 AM »
Boiled spinach. I looks and smells like swimming pool alge, you know, the stuff that looks like green ropes.
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Re: animal fat
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2009, 10:53:29 AM »
Brussels sprouts.

They will not EVER be cooked in my house and if I smell 'em elsewhere, I'm outta there.  :bolt:
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Offline Celtic Rose

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2009, 11:50:54 AM »
Brussels sprouts.

They will not EVER be cooked in my house and if I smell 'em elsewhere, I'm outta there.  :bolt:

I actually really like roasted Brussels sprouts, but I cannot eat raw tomato.

Offline debk

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2009, 11:54:40 AM »
I actually really like roasted Brussels sprouts, but I cannot eat raw tomato.

I steam them, and then pour melted butter with lemon, dill and a bit of garlic over them.  :drool:
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2009, 05:15:25 PM »
I got wicked sick from tequila shooters over 20 years ago, and to this day, if I smell tequila, I instantly feel the urge to vomit.  I don't know if that is any help, but I cannot even be at the same table with a bunch of margaritas.  Really.

LOL. I was just thinking the same sort of thing. Although, since that time of getting sick on very cheap tequila, for a while I would get sick at the smell of Jack Daniels. Never figured that one out, as Tequila never bothered me after.

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Re: animal fat
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2009, 07:59:33 PM »
I agree- sometimes we do not conscientiously remember why we have certain aversions. When I had morning sickness, brushing my teeth made me gag and worse. To this day-- I have to be careful when I brush. Same reflex---YUK
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