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Offline CG6468

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Re: Ribs
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2013, 10:18:06 AM »
:stoner: Don't bogart that fish, man!  :-)

I'll leave THAT to you!  :cheersmate:
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Re: Ribs
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2013, 02:28:51 AM »
I'm with you, Karin.  Maybe after I retire (IF I retire????), I'll have the time to experiment more.  As it is, I drag myself home after work and throw something together -- more often than not, a salad with leftover chicken or ham in it and call it dinner.

20, even 10 years ago, I had much more ambition  :bawl:

I regard the fridge on some days in much the way I regard my closet -- I open it up and say "bleh"!

I really rarely cook any more. It sucks cooking for ones self. Today, I had peanut butter & pretzels with a LOT of coffee and then raisin bran cereal & some yogurt. My usual "fare" are frozen hamburgers from Sam's Club, chips & a soda, maybe a baked potato or two, or TV dinners. I'm losing my cooking touch. Of course, being sort of stuck in this wheelchair for now limits going outside to use the grill or smoker.

My place isn't handicapped accessible nor do I see a realistic way to make it so. Hopefully, I'll be mostly out of this thing next month sometime. I don't know exactly what happened, but my legs quit working for the most part when I got really sick last Feb/ March. I still go out once in a great while, but it's a PITA to load up this chair & walker for a few hours of enjoyment. This coming Saturday is steak night at the American Legion out at Lake Texoma. I plan on attending that with some singles group. $12 for a good sized rib eye steak, baked potato & a salad isn't too bad and the drinks are cheap, not that I drink much. You Dallasites COULD come on up & join us (you don't have to be single to join in on this as far as I'm concerned.)
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Offline RayRaytheSBS

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Re: Ribs
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2013, 09:17:04 AM »
I cooked ribs for the first time on the fourth. I had recently gotten a smoker box for my grill and was itching to try it. I prepared them with  a North Carolina Rub recipe I found here:NC Rub Recipe

I cooked them using techniques I picked up from Watching BBQ Pitmasters. I smoked them for 3 hours over charcoal with mesquite chips. I flipped them every 15 minutes and sprayed them with a mix of applejuice/water to keep them moist.

After 3 hours I took them off the grill and wrapped them in foil with Brown Sugar, Honey, and Butter. I let them cook for 2 hours. once again, flipping them every 15 minutes.

I put them back on the grill for one more hour. This was supposed to let the bark firm up, and finish cooking them. The picture is the end result of all that work. I can't wait to cook them again!!  :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
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