Author Topic: #8 - Bravenak  (Read 16460 times)

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Offline delilahmused

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#8 - Bravenak
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:52:37 AM »
I have to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying this, though I have felt a need to shower throughout this process. Wish I was feeling better because I'm sure I'd enjoy this much, much more. These idiots remind me exactly why Republicans are going to win this election.

Wow! Race completely consumes her! I mean, I don't know that she ever thinks about anything else from the time she gets up in the morning until she goes to bed at night, angry that white people exist. I looked, I really, really looked. Went through 18 pages of a google search and not one thread or comment not related to race. She wields her skin color like a weapon to justify her anger and hate and as a shield that deliberately prevents her from expecting anyone of color to be responsible for their actions. I swear if she saw a gang of black teens raping a white girl, she'd blame the girl.

Naturally, she wonders why she should love white people.  As an official white person, I don't care whether s3he likes me or not.

bravenak (20,076 posts)
Quick Question... Why should black people love white people?
I've seen many people here shocked that a young black woman feels hate towards white people and wonder why anyone is surprised to find a person that feels that way.
So, I'm asking. Since the end of slavery, what have White people done as a group, not individuals - as a group, to make black people , as a group, like them and trust them in America?
Please name specifics of things that we have not fought and died for, thank you.

Off the top of my head: shedding blood in the Civil War, Affirmative Action, Entitlements.

bravenak (20,076 posts)
4. It does not happen.
We get treated as a group, always gave. Be nice if we did get treated as individuals. But we don't. Stop and frisk. We were told in 2014 in a blue state, biggest city in the nation that it is perfectly ok to treat black and brown folks as a group that can be searched and harassed. That happens nationwide.

Irony alert: treats whites as a group while complaining blacks are treated as a group.

Stop and frisk is racist. Nevermind the rates at which blacks commit crime or that most of the crimes are black on black and "stop & frisk" might benefit other blacks in the neighborhood more than anyone else. Oh, and the drug war is racist.

bravenak (20,076 posts)
490. Most do it whether it is policy or not.
Look at the stop rates of blacks vs white in any major city and many small ones. Like patrollers on a plantation. Hell, the drug war was started with racist intentions and police enforce this racist drug war by stopping mostly blacks even though whites use more drugs and sell more drugs. Look into the history and the stop stats if you do not believe me. We know whats up and are done taking that shit in silence. We live under white supremacy and the police enforce it.

And then there's white folk telling black people how to vote. Oddly enough, she links to an article that says blacks aren't monolithic but doesn't seem to get that it's the left who keep them on the plantation voting for the democrat who promises to give them the most stuff. Because "race-nagging", or something. Pretty sure that's an important phrase but have no clue what the hell it means or why I should care.

bravenak (20,076 posts)
192. Race nagging.
Sound like, 'Hey black people, stop harassing us about you all dying in the street and all that BLACK stuff! Don't you wanna break up the banks? You're not a liberal!! All you care about is making it to old age!!"

Not sure what this is all about, but banks are okay because 0bama has been treated like shit and blacks are being locked up & dying because there aren't enough "cappucino drinking keyboard warriors" at BLM rallies.

bravenak (20,076 posts)
237. Progressive is not just 'break up the banks!' I wish they'd stop for a second and think how stupid
they sound telling well educated black people that they don't know what's best for themselves.

I think some of them are looking around at their friends and seeing how ****ing blind and obtuse they are.
I love the ones who tell me 'you never supported him in the first place, how could you!!'
To that I say, 'STFU! Do you see how shitty you treat Obama? And you think my black ass is supposed to supplicate myself to your political God? **** that!' The crazy. Don't nobody give a good god damn about their ****in political purity test and self important blather about how REAL PROGRESSIVES act. They have no clue of what they speak. And real allie ain't gonna sit there for forty years not giving a shit about us getting locked and dying while they bitch and moan and cry real bloody ****ing tears that bankers are walking free.
If they gave a ****ing first shit about black folks the black lives matter rallies would be filled to the brim with those cappucino drinking keyboard warriors.

But, when it comes right down to it, her hatred is only masking true calling: ladies & gentlemen, she's a lightworker!

bravenak (20,076 posts)
2. The more I see people who are not black saying we are the ones using the race card...
The more I know I was correct in my assesment and that we need to help bring people into the light.
I watched Bernie lose the race this Summer after BLM. Anyone who participated in the harassment of individuals of color during that time where gobs of people were targeting african americans over BLM, really has no place to talk and their complaints fall on deaf ears.

So much I see the 'mote in thy brother's eye, while ignoring the beam in thine own' stuff around here, that I decided to overcome my distaste for Hillary to stop those who would condone or ignore the harassment of black americans by their own peer group. I may not love her, but her rivals ignore social justice and condescend to black americans and pretend that nothing is wrong with it.

bravenak (20,076 posts)
267. Yes. I gave it freely. Tried to help. Was rudely rejected.

How could anyone refuse?

bravenak (20,076 posts)
146. No one ever said all. I am discussing those in the dark. If it does not apply to a person,they
they should not feel guilty.

bravenak (20,076 posts)
178. They are not ready for the light.
I try. But humility must come before enlightenment.

They talk at us and repeat the same tired talking point that we have already discussed to death but refuse to discuss things that they find unconfortable. I am helping by providing topics to discuss.

Did I miss the second coming? Pretty sure bringing someone into the light means something different to her than it does to normal, rational people regardless of color.
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Offline bravenak

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 02:24:42 AM »

Offline Carl

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 04:20:43 AM »
Dear DUmbass scrunt,

You amount to a skid mark on the underwear of life.

Yours truly. 

Offline SVPete

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2016, 06:48:24 AM »

delilah omitted ingratitude as a character trait. Glad "bravenak" supplied that deficiency.

DU's bn is good at biting the DU hands that would feed her causes. I'm sure those incessant verbal clubbings are just so-o-o-o persuasive.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2016, 07:58:14 AM »
Ah yes, this sums up the Bravenak personality in one word.
thank you, fake Bravenak.

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2016, 09:04:27 AM »
DelilahMused, when I did all the write ups personally before Frank generously offered to assist, I would find myself disgusted as well.  I'd enjoy the holidays & ignore the DUmp for a week or two.

Yeah, a shower or two were in order to cleanse myself.

Great synopsis!!
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Offline Maverick1987

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2016, 09:27:36 AM »
Teh AfAm's are well represented so far. (3 for 3). Wanna be black randy will, undoubtedly, place in the top 7, so that puts y'all at 3.5 /10. Not quite the 50% or more representation that Bravenak and her DU ilk believe is rightfully theirs (while only being ~15% of the population), so we're still racist.

Deplorable since 2016

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2016, 09:33:43 AM »
Congratulations Bravenak!

I would have placed you much higher on the list since I consider you the most influential DUmmie of 2015 but, of course whether you are in eighth place or first place, racism, so, from you point of view everything is the same, and I admire that sort of frozen, eternal view of everything.

Unfortunately, from my point of view, just based on merit, I think this is the only year you can legitimately place on the DOTY list because your frozen, eternal view of everything being racism means that circumstances have to align in order for you to rise to prominence and it is very rare for circumstance to carry a one-trick pony to prominence more than one year.

In a sense, and I write this with a heavy heart, Fravenak does capture the limited nature of your soul.

Still, circumstance could favor you once again, or you could grow, so there is hope.
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Offline franksolich

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2016, 09:35:11 AM »
Teh AfAm's are well represented so far. (3 for 3). Wanna be black randy will, undoubtedly, place in the top 7, so that puts y'all at 3.5 /10. Not quite the 50% or more representation that Bravenak and her DU ilk believe is rightfully theirs (while only being ~15% of the population), so we're still racist.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I never even thought of that.

There's been years when no primitives of African derivation have landed in the top ten.

This year, if one includes the "black" randy primitive, it looks to be.....five.

They must've usurped the women's-libbers, who've always been a big part of the top ten, but this year, nada.
apres moi, le deluge

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Offline Carl

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2016, 09:46:29 AM »
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I never even thought of that.

There's been years when no primitives of African derivation have landed in the top ten.

This year, if one includes the "black" randy primitive, it looks to be.....five.

They must've usurped the women's-libbers, who've always been a big part of the top ten, but this year, nada.

In other words all of them from the island.

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2016, 03:20:23 PM »
Teh AfAm's are well represented so far. (3 for 3). Wanna be black randy will, undoubtedly, place in the top 7, so that puts y'all at 3.5 /10. Not quite the 50% or more representation that Bravenak and her DU ilk believe is rightfully theirs (while only being ~15% of the population), so we're still racist.
2015 wass truly the Year of the Race Baiters on DU.

Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2016, 06:21:00 PM »
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I never even thought of that.

There's been years when no primitives of African derivation have landed in the top ten.

This year, if one includes the "black" randy primitive, it looks to be.....five.

They must've usurped the women's-libbers, who've always been a big part of the top ten, but this year, nada.

Hmmm... never thought of it before Frank and now that I do... the reason might be the country has never had the BLM, the fergi and Bmore looting during the life of DU.  I'm guessing the blacks over at DU are feeling their oats.  The womens-libbers better watch out cause it seems to me the blacks over there ain't gonna put up with them.   :cheersmate:

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2016, 08:58:33 PM »
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du

Offline delilahmused

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2016, 03:58:53 AM »
"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
Mick Foley

"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

Offline AprilRazz

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Re: #8 - Bravenak
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2016, 10:38:51 AM »
Found a good picture of her. :-)
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racist – A statement of surrender during an argument. When two people or disputants are engaged in an acrimonious debate, the side that first says “Racist!” has conceded defeat. Synonymous with saying “Resign” during a chess game, or “Uncle” during a schoolyard fight. Ori