Current Events > Politics

Warning from a liberal.


old dog 2:
This morning Naomi Wolf, big time liberal and feminist, was on for over an hour on Bannon's "Warroom Pandemic".  She has been sounding the alarm against creeping fascism since the seeds were planted in the Bush administration.  Towards the end Bannon asked her what the NUMBER ONE tool for the "road back" from our current situation.  Her answer, without hesitation, was "preserve the 2nd amendment ... what's happening in Australia is the evidence".

Traditional Liberal vs. Conservative differences on issues pale in importance to preservation of the Republic, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Naomi Wolfe is a great American.

Drafe Hoblin:
I'll agree... to the point of calling her a 'damn good American'.  She's readable/listenable again. 


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