Author Topic: The Husk that Broke the Camel's Back  (Read 1677 times)

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The Husk that Broke the Camel's Back
« on: December 22, 2009, 07:04:16 PM »
NOTE: The following article was written by one of our featured writers at, Jerrick Wayne. The site will be up within 2 weeks, but here is a preview of some of the columns that will be written. PM me if you would like more information on our site, though I will be creating a comprehensive post in the near future with Thor's blessing.

The Husk that Broke the Camel's Back

The Louisiana - Nebraska connection has exemplified the primary reason why the GOP needs to purge their ranks of moderates from the US Congress, starting in 2010. In particular, constituents from the heartland, including and especially the Cornhusker State, will have to pay attention to the folly of the moderate vote.

With Nebraska Democratic Senator Ben Nelson's concessional acceptance of the Democratic Health Care bill from, ostensibly, a "conservative" or moderate Democrat, it is now proven beyond reasonable doubt that moderate politicians cannot be trusted to understand the fundamental concept behind their constitutional authority.  Yes, senators are supposed to vote their states' interests, and at first glance, the amount of federal money coming to Nebraska would normally cheer the people in the state who control the fiscal coffers.

In this case, Nelson secured full, permanent federal funding for Nebraska to extend Medicaid eligibility to everyone below 133% of the federal poverty level. While the bill would require all states to do so, Nebraska alone would not be required to some of the additional cost after 2016, which other states will be required to do. In addition, Nelson won concessions for some nonprofit insurers and for providers of supplemental Medicare coverage from a new insurance tax. Finally, he was able to roll back cuts to health savings accounts.

But this is all political. The bill is so volatile with cost underestimations rampant, that most certainly Nebraska's "gains" will be completely wiped out with the overall costs of the bill down the road. In addition, Nelson's concession has caused great animosity not just with his constituents, but with Democratic senators who now have to deal with THEIR own constituents who squawk at the "unfair deal" that Nebraska will receive. I don't blame those constituents. In fact, such realizations will be made over and over in every state as this boondoggle of all boondoggle bills is exposed to its very core.

But back to Senator Nelson. He is a Class I senator, re-elected in 2009 and not up for reelection until 2015. So his seat is safe...but voters from the heartland will remember. Once the actual implications of the bill's passage come to light, Ben Nelson will probably spend the vast majority of his time away from Lincoln. Essentially ignoring a press release given just three weeks prior, Nelson will have to maintain a balance on a very wobbly fence. And this fence will only get shakier, as moderates not only compromise their principles, but our national economy and security suffer in this indecision.

Conservative voters have now seen the folly and insidiousness of the moderate vote. Simply put, one cannot moderate principles. Compromise may be necessary at certain times, but not when results in fundamental, systematic structural changes that hinder, not assist, the prosperity and well-being of its citizens.

What makes Ben Nelson's vote so striking is not so much the result...but the senators involved in the vote. The epiphany that the collective mindset of the American People many now have for politicians whom speak of one thing, but say another, is that this country is will not tolerate two-faced liars.

Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu opened the door to senate debate on this bill.

Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson came through with the crucial vote to vote it through. To that end, Nelson's vote was, indeed, the husk that broke the camel's back.

To that end, we MUST elect senators and representatives whom espouse conservative, constitutional values. We can NOT AFFORD anything less at this time.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle