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Zombies For Owebuma Have Excuse...
« on: April 16, 2015, 12:05:16 PM »
The Great Glow Bull Warming Swindle has claimed many victims...


It’s a myth there are no big winners from climate change besides fossil fuel companies.

According to one study, global warming is doubling bark beetle mating, triggering up to 60 times as many beetles attacking trees every year.
The decline in creatures with shells thanks to ocean acidification “could trigger an explosion in jellyfish populations.”
And climate change has helped dengue fever, which spread to 28 U.S. states back in 2009.

Of course, invasive plants will become “even more dominant in the landscape.”
And who doesn’t love ratsnakes?

Let’s also not forget brain-eating parasites, which are expected to thrive as U.S. lakes heat up.
That parasite — the amoeba, Naegleria fowleri — feasts on human brains like a tiny zombie.
As one Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expert warned several years ago:
“This is a heat-loving amoeba.
As water temperatures go up, it does better.
In future decades, as temperatures rise, we’d expect to see more cases.”

But this is just a taste of things to come, as two parasite experts explain in a recent article, “Evolution in action: climate change, biodiversity dynamics and emerging infectious disease [EID].”
That article is part of a special April issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B., whose theme is “Climate change and vector-borne diseases of humans.”

“The appearance of infectious diseases in new places and new hosts, such as West Nile virus and Ebola, is a predictable result of climate change,” as the news release explains.
The article examines our “current EID crisis.”
Coauthor Daniel R. Brooks explains:
“It’s not that there’s going to be one ‘Andromeda Strain’ that will wipe everybody out on the planet,” he said, referring to the deadly fictional pathogen. But he warns: “There are going to be a lot of localized outbreaks that put a lot of pressure on our medical and veterinary health systems.
There won’t be enough money to keep up with all of it.
It will be the death of a thousand cuts.”

Many tropical diseases are tropical because their insect or animal host prefer warmer climates.
A 2015 report on neglected tropical diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out that “climate variability and long-term climate changes in temperature, rainfall and relative humidity are expected to increase the distribution and incidence of at least a subset of these diseases.”

For instance, WHO notes, “dengue has already re-emerged in countries in which it had been absent for the greater part of the last century.”
The Congressionally-mandated 2014 National Climate Assessment concurs:
“Large-scale changes in the environment due to climate change and extreme weather events are increasing the risk of the emergence or reemergence of health threats that are currently uncommon in the United States, such as dengue fever.”

“Some of the neglected tropical diseases are no longer strictly tropical,” said Dr. Dirk Engels, the director WHO’s Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases, in a statement.
Certainly there have been major advances in the fight against many tropical diseases, but those are primarily due to medical advances and investments in public health.
 Such investments remain a top priority in a warming world.
But the kind of extreme climate change humanity faces on our current path of unrestricted carbon pollution makes the job harder for all those focused on public health around the world.

full article...

I thought that all the zombies for owebuma just succumbed to his chants of...
"Yes we can"
"Hopey Change"
"Owe bum A"

But it turns out they have a more limited excuse...
Glow bull warming has caused zombie brain eating organism to invade their brains.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.