Author Topic: Champions Online: Meet the heroes  (Read 11860 times)

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Offline ColonelCarrots

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Champions Online: Meet the heroes
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:46:56 PM »
Brain Freeze

Leviticus, my healer, hero

Foxy Jones! My 70s blaxploitation hero. Her catchphrase is "Daaayum!" and "That's whack!" or any variation thereof.

Here is Big Daddy and his many costumes. Hes my other blaxploitation hero. He speaks in third person and in short sentences. He has a strong pimp hand as his powers and runs super fast.

His "flash" costume

I saw Pulp Fiction with my Dad for the first time about two years ago. I was curious to see if I could do it. So I made Big Daddy a gimp suit. BEG this is for you.

Last but not least. The one hero everyone seems to hate. The Republican

If you play, be sure to post pictures of your heroes.