Author Topic: Probably lost a neighbor today....heh  (Read 314 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Probably lost a neighbor today....heh
« on: February 06, 2020, 07:21:54 PM »
Star Member Roland99 (46,087 posts)

Probably lost a neighbor today....heh
on my wife's FB page, a neighbor posted she'd been holding off but responded that Dems are so mean and hypocritical and Nancy was a nasty person.

My wife had a great response:

if hypocrisy drives you crazy, then logically, you should hate Trump! Otherwise it's just driving you crazy when it suits you!

and then I had to chime in... (my wife isn't into politics in the near-obsessed way I am but she's become more vocal of it)

It's not like trump has >16,000 documented lies in 1,095 days in office, has been banned from having a charity after defrauding multiple charities (including kids with cancer!) to fund his campaign and himself, mocked the disabled, sexually assaulted women, raped an underage girl, walked in on underage girls at his pageants, cheated on his 1st wife, on his 2nd wife with his 3rd wife, on his 3rd wife with a porn star, laundered money for russia for years, violated the emoluments clause from day 1 in office (Jimmy Carter was obviously a fool for selling off his peanut farm), covered up the murder/dismemberment of a US resident and WaPo reporter, engaged in racial discrimination in his real estate holdings, violated the US Constitution by bribing/extorting a foreign nation (multiple times with multiple nations) to investigate a political opponent, hired white supremacists as top aides (Miller, Bannon), sought to provide nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia and other mideast nations in secret (see Seth Abramson's Proof of Collusion and the involvement of Erik Prince of Blackwater and the infamous meeting in the Seychelles), awarded an AM radio hate merchant who's mocked people with Parkinson's, sang racist songs, spewed misogynistic hate and conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory with the Medal of Freedom on the floor of the House.

I mean...Nancy ripped a copy of a lie-filled speech in half. She's so mean.

Oh, Pretty sure you at the least got blocked on FB and possibly reported as a complete loon.

0/10 Bouncies

no Cops in Bushes
no Clapping bystanders
no Conversion of the other side
no Nods from on lookers
no Black man at all
no Truth to Power
no Stunned and speechless opponent
no Red Faced Stammering rednecks

Star Member guillaumeb (38,841 posts)

1. I would love to see a picture of your neighbor reading the post.

Great job.   

Star Member mcar (31,129 posts)

2. Bookmarking this!

Star Member imavoter (158 posts)

5. it's not likely you change her mind.

Statistics show that you can't change minds with facts.
I don't know how the **** not, but you can't.

I used to be an R, and a friend I had breakfast with at a local eclectic neighborhood joint..
the kind of place where you sat next to people you didn't know to find an open seat...
he and I would just chit chat about stuff...
I finally realized that I didn't agree with anything Rs stood for, for the most part.
If he had come at me like that, I would have never seen the light.

My friend has long since past away, but I miss our conversations.
Ater Kerry lost to Bush, I realized I should have done more and started to get
involved with the party.


a bouncy in a bouncy

Star Member Roland99 (46,087 posts)

7. Not when dealing with cult members.

And the GOP is now officially that. GOP no longer exists. It’s the TTP. Traitor Trump Party

But facts did work on me.

Reading two articles from Seymour Hersh in late 2003 and one by Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski opened my eyes to the Iraq War lies and started my turning away from republican to proud Democrat.

aggiesal (4,218 posts)

55. The GOP is now a Criminal Organization ...

We now have the GOP Mafia.
With Pendejo45 as the DON and Pence, McKangaroo Court, Bannon
and the rest of the WH staff as his lieutenants and Guiliani has the Hit Man.

GOP=Greedy One Percent.

Rider3 (805 posts)

6. Excellent piece

Ha! Well done! I've lost a few friends because of these kinds of things, but I've gained a lot of peace knowing that those people are not welcome in my life.

lagomorph777 (11,746 posts)

19. ...threw thousands of children into terrible jails, cheated with TWO porn stars...

His human rights violations should be enough to earn at least a life sentence in one of his baby-jails.

Star Member Roland99 (46,087 posts)

21. A response back...Ugh. The pure willful ignorance and lack of wanting to understand

All I know, is like him or not, it was quite impressive that a non politician could basically run his own campaign and become POTUS. I think that speaks volumes to how badly Americans want a reform in Washington and are looking for a new approach to MAGA. If there were a great Democratic candidate who I believed would move our country in the right direction I would vote for them. I was very hopeful during Obama’s first term that he could be the change our country needed. Obviously not

No, it was NOT impressive how his campaign cheated and used foreign nation (enemy nation at that!) assistance

And completely ignores the outright obstruction from Mitch and company from the first day Obama set foot in office.


VladmireTrumpkins (10 posts)

47. here is why facts don't mean a thing to Trumpers

No one voted for Trump because he was intelligent, honest or even moral or successful. They voted for him because they hate the same people he does..(its a long list)

No matter what he does or says as long as he preaches his hate and fear..they will stick with him and since they did not make up their minds on logic, facts or even a sense of decency..appeals to logic, facts and decency will never change them.

Remember this saying when talking with Trumpers.

"Convince me against my will, and I will believe it still!"

I wish I could say how they can be reached..but I havent a clue ..i just know facts and reason mean nothing to them..

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: Probably lost a neighbor today....heh
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2020, 07:43:03 PM »
It's not like trump has >16,000 documented lies in 1,095 days in office, has been banned from having a charity after defrauding multiple charities (including kids with cancer!) to fund his campaign and himself, mocked the disabled, sexually assaulted women, raped an underage girl, walked in on underage girls at his pageants, cheated on his 1st wife, on his 2nd wife with his 3rd wife, on his 3rd wife with a porn star, laundered money for russia for years, violated the emoluments clause from day 1 in office (Jimmy Carter was obviously a fool for selling off his peanut farm), covered up the murder/dismemberment of a US resident and WaPo reporter, engaged in racial discrimination in his real estate holdings, violated the US Constitution by bribing/extorting a foreign nation (multiple times with multiple nations) to investigate a political opponent, hired white supremacists as top aides (Miller, Bannon), sought to provide nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia and other mideast nations in secret (see Seth Abramson's Proof of Collusion and the involvement of Erik Prince of Blackwater and the infamous meeting in the Seychelles), awarded an AM radio hate merchant who's mocked people with Parkinson's, sang racist songs, spewed misogynistic hate and conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory with the Medal of Freedom on the floor of the House.

I mean...Nancy ripped a copy of a lie-filled speech in half. She's so mean.
Whoever wrote this is a total propaganda sponge who thinks they are ten times smarter than they actually are; many of the above claims can be disproven easily.

EDIT: LOL, good timing with the emoluments argument.  :rofl:
« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 03:25:49 PM by ADsOutburst »

Offline jukin

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Re: Probably lost a neighbor today....heh
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2020, 07:47:20 PM »
I hope that neighbor is needed by the DUmmy.  If I were the neighbor I'd tell said DUmmy to suck a wet greasy turd out of my asshole, turn around and go crack a beer.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.