Author Topic: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics  (Read 6197 times)

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Offline Hawkgirl

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Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« on: November 19, 2009, 03:44:56 PM »
A large number of Muslims have carved out a part of London for their home, and now, that area is under Sharia law. Those who are not Muslim are not welcome.

Don't know if these photos have been posted here yet...but here's quite frightening.






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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 03:58:13 PM »
While it is right to say that in particular Bengali muslims tend to live in a fairly concentrated area of London, that doesn't mean that it is 'under sharia law'. The area in question in east London is far more racially/ethnically mixed than say ghettos and barrios in the US. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of concern about immigration here and that plays a part in the current unpopularity of the Labour government (currently about 14% behind the Conservatives in the polls), but a particularly loony bran of Islamists had to cancel a demonstration recently due to 'security concerns'. The press will always go for the sensational photo and unfortunately this overshadows the real (and also concerning) picture.  No one expects the US to be judged by the Folsom Street Fair do they?

Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 04:03:41 PM »
 No one expects the US to be judged by the Folsom Street Fair do they?

What do you call a group of muslim attempting a street fair cheering Islam? 

Target Practice.

Point I'm making is....nothing like that would even be allowed/tolerated in the US.   
And my memory fails me, but wasn't there a small section of London that actually did pass Sharia Law??

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2009, 04:08:35 PM »
What do you call a group of muslim attempting a street fair cheering Islam? 

Target Practice.

Point I'm making is....nothing like that would even be allowed/tolerated in the US.   
And my memory fails me, but wasn't there a small section of London that actually did pass Sharia Law??

People are allowed to protest, even if their message is repellent.  There was some video a few days ago of Code Pink protesting an terrorizing the children of serving military members in DC that was allowed, is it worse or better or just different?
And, no there wasn't a section of London which passed Sharia law.

Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2009, 04:08:44 PM »
Sharia Europe


Initially, Sharia law was applied discretely within the small Muslim communities of Europe. But after two generations of high birth rate and immigration, those communities have grown to where the Sharia law now challenges the Judeo-Christian foundations of their host European nations.

In Germany, for example, Muslim men have successfully used the Sharia law in court to defend their right to beat their wives and to practice polygamy.

In United Kingdom, where Islamic imams now outnumber Christian pastors and converting empty church buildings into mosques has become a cottage industry, the Archbishop of Canterbury - the leader of the Church of England - recently stated that adopting elements of the Sharia law into the English judicial system was “unavoidable”.

In France, home to an estimated 14 million Muslims, including 9 million illegal immigrants, the government no longer controls the banlieus, the densely-populated, predominantly Muslim ghettos that encircle most major French cities.

It is still legal in France to distribute Bibles and tracts but doing so in the banlieus, where the French police seldom enter, invites mob violence, and even the legality is expected to end by 2040 when France is projected to become a majority-Muslim nation (The Netherlands will become Western Europe's first majority-Muslim nation by 2015). Sharia is also gaining in North America.

And we want to emulate Europe??? I think not, ODumbass!

Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2009, 04:09:43 PM »
There was some video a few days ago of Code Pink protesting an terrorizing the children of serving military members in DC that was allowed, is it worse or better or just different?

It's horrible.  I think you're missing my point though.

Offline thundley4

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2009, 04:43:32 PM »

Point I'm making is....nothing like that would even be allowed/tolerated in the US.  
And my memory fails me, but wasn't there a small section of London that actually did pass Sharia Law??

Quite the contrary, Muslims could hold rallies with signs like that here,  legally even, but I'm pretty sure some riots would break out.

ETA: spellcheck doesn't work on wrong words.  :thatsright:

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2009, 04:46:30 PM »
Quite the contrary, Muslims could hold rallies with signs like that here,  legally even, but I'm pretty sure some riots would break out.

ETA: spellcheck doesn't work on wrong words.  :thatsright:

A bit like this?

Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2009, 04:51:39 PM »
Quite the contrary, Muslims could hold rallies with signs like that here,  legally even, but I'm pretty sure some riots would break out.

ETA: spellcheck doesn't work on wrong words.  :thatsright:

I know they could legally hold rallies...if they get a permit....but would they??

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2009, 04:53:52 PM »
A bit like this?

I think it would be worse here. Remember our cops are more belligerent, and so are the people, plus they are both armed.

I know they could legally hold rallies...if they get a permit....but would they??

I think they would. They are taught to use our laws against us.

Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2009, 04:56:38 PM »

I think they would. They are taught to use our laws against us.

Obama is using the law against trying that terrorist in a civilian court in NY. 

He is opening that door. 

Offline ColonialMarine0431

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2009, 04:58:59 PM »
A bit like this?

There are a few organizations in GB that actively protest Muzzies, like the UNITED BRITISH ALLIANCE, which I'm a member of, but they are regularly harassed by the police and the tax authorities. If you visit the GALLERY you'll notice that some members have their faces blocked out. For good reason. Americans fear Big Brother is coming to the USA, well, Big Brother has ALREADY come to Great Britain. Several UBA members have had their homes searched for extremist material, but none have been found, because the UBA isn't extremist. People of all color and religion are members.  

The British government doesn't listen to the will of the people and are in denial over Muzzie extremism. Sound familiar?
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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2009, 05:00:50 PM »
Damn firewall...I can't see bijou's it a video?

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2009, 06:19:56 PM »
What do you call a group of muslim attempting a street fair cheering Islam? 

Target Practice.

Point I'm making is....nothing like that would even be allowed/tolerated in the US.   
And my memory fails me, but wasn't there a small section of London that actually did pass Sharia Law??

Quite the contrary, Muslims could hold rallies with signs like that here,  legally even, but I'm pretty sure some riots would break out.

ETA: spellcheck doesn't work on wrong words.  :thatsright:

  Are we forgetting the Islamo-Love-Fest they just recently had out in Noo Yawk?  (this pic may be of the one they ginned up in '06, but the point is the same).  I don't recall anybody getting all hot and bothered about it at the time, and if any city in the nation has a reason to be hot and bothered about it's treatment at the hands of Islam, Noo Yawk does.

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Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2009, 07:32:20 PM »
The slogans on those least the ones in the picture aren't as inflammatory as the ones in London. 

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Re: Wacko Muslims in London with Pics
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2009, 07:35:22 PM »
The slogans on those least the ones in the picture aren't as inflammatory as the ones in London. 

That's because the Ministry of Troof doesn't want to paint Islam in a bad light.  Control what's in the picture, and frame how the viewer percieves the subject.
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