The Conservative Cave

Interests => All Things Edible (and how to prepare them) => Topic started by: Chris on September 16, 2008, 07:03:25 PM

Title: Budweiser Chelada
Post by: Chris on September 16, 2008, 07:03:25 PM
I saw this when I was picking up my usual brew at the grocery store.  HOW did this make it past the execs at A-B, and is this what we have to look forward to with the "new" ownership? 

Brewed by:
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Missouri, United States

Style / ABV:
Fruit / Vegetable Beer /  5.00% ABV


Poured from a 16oz can (no dating info) into a shaker glass. This did not deserve a pint and I'll have throw away the shaker now that it's been tainted with this evil. It was a watered down bloody mary color. It was very cloudy and had layers to it. Just looked disgusting. It had no head at all. Just some light fizz that almost instantly evaporated. No visible carb or lacing.

The aroma was horrendous. I HATE tomato juice and detest clams so this one is pure hell. The smell alone made me gag. My wife got a huge kick out of watching me smell and taste this thing. She wouldn't try it herself - smart. I could barely get around the smell but I had to taste it since the Ugly in the BIF. Absolutely awful. Did I mention that I HATE tomato juice and clams! Could only get 2 large sips down before I had to drain pour. This is by far, the worst "beer" I have ever tasted. May it rot in hell!!!!

Serving type: bottle
24 oz. can. Pours a watery orange-red color with no head. Aroma of tomato almost made me vomit. I was hesitant to drink, but had to give it a whirl. I'm not a big tomato juice fan, not a big Budweiser fan, and not a fan of this beer. Another reason not to fruit your beer.

Serving type: can
I said the same thing about the Bud Light version - Worst... beer... ever.

We bought a can of this because it sounds so disgusting we were intrigued. It didn't let us down. We had 9 people taste it and only one person liked it enough to finish the can for us (he's living in Montana and said "red beer" is often served at bars). This beer is the most disgusting beverage (let alone beer) I have tasted in a very long time.
Never had before, so I figured I'd try before I bash. Poured from a classy 24 oz. can, "beer" pours a hazy red color and has no head. Doesn't resemble a beer. The smell is a nasty mix of tomatoes, budweiser and sprite. The taste is terrible - makes me want to vomit. Mouthfeel is fairly viscous and has almost no carbonation. This is a complete drain pour for me. I hate tomatoe juice and if I had been smart enough to put "clamato" together I may have realized that this wasn't for me. I remember my dad telling me stories of mixing Colt 45 with V8 juice, I imagine he may like this - but I think it's horrible.

Serving type: can

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Title: Re: Budweiser Chelada
Post by: Odin's Hand on September 16, 2008, 08:05:17 PM
I personally like micheladas and it isn't that bad in a pinch.
Title: Re: Budweiser Chelada
Post by: Chris on September 16, 2008, 08:08:26 PM
I personally like micheladas and it isn't that bad in a pinch.

Define "pinch".  :-)
Title: Re: Budweiser Chelada
Post by: Odin's Hand on September 16, 2008, 08:10:21 PM
I personally like micheladas and it isn't that bad in a pinch.

Define "pinch".  :-)

"Pinch" means "you are already drunk" or "really thirsty for alcohol".
Title: Re: Budweiser Chelada
Post by: Chris on September 16, 2008, 08:13:33 PM
The last time I was on a plane, the guy across from me was ordering a Bloody Mary at 8am. 

He'd probably drink one.
Title: Re: Budweiser Chelada
Post by: Chris_ on September 16, 2008, 08:23:53 PM
I remember my Mom's friends making tomato beer when I was a kid.

I thought it was gross then, and I think it is gross now.

Bud kudos to AB for creating the next fad.