Author Topic: The Foxhole: The Democrats’ Assault on America  (Read 1835 times)

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The Foxhole: The Democrats’ Assault on America
« on: December 11, 2009, 11:11:44 AM »
The Democrats’ Assault on America
Filed under: Communism/Socialism, Leftist moonbats, Patriotism, Politics — sfcmac @ 11:36

Something unprecedented has happened in our history.  An American president, in concert with media cronies and a Democratic majority in Congress and Senate, has launched an all out assault on the American people.

Instead of focusing their animosity on Islamic terrorists, they target the American people.

Barack Obama is stomping all over the Constitution and dismantling individual rights. 

He’s trying to ramrod detrimental laws down our throats. His cabinet is stuffed with muslim extremists and far left czars who seem to operate independently and at will.  The main stream media is at Obama’s beck and call, and his staff runs a White House internet site for snitches. Mark Lloyd, the Communications Diversity “czar” in the FCC, believes that freedom of speech is ‘overrated’. Not only does he want to limit the First Amendment, but he would like to tailor it to fit Obama’s “communication policies”.

Obama has engaged in a wholesale economic slaughter of bank bailouts, huge “stimulus” payoffs to special interests, seizure of private industry, and presenting this country with trillions of dollars in new  debt.  Forget ‘wealth re-distribution’, he’s already started wealth confiscation….AIG, Chrysler, GM, and the assortment of banks and other private industries is just the tip of the iceberg.

There’s your “change”; work hard, make money, and Obama will “spread your  wealth”.

An American President is supposed to have American interests at the heart of our foreign policy.
Tough diplomacy backed up with decisive action, has been replaced with kowtowing to the world’s despots. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look ‘presidential’.
His vacillating on Afghanistan puts the lives of American troops in danger and gives the Taliban encouragement to simply wait out the storm while  THE ONE takes his time formulating a ’strategy’.  As for the military, I can attest to the fact that the majority of service members do not like Obama or his dismissive, arrogant attitude.

Democrat politicians spew epithets of “nazi” , “racist”, and “evil mongers” at their own constituents, who dare to question or get angry at the way this country is being destroyed.  Their idea of “debate” is to use town halls as their soapbox for a one-way lecture; a platform for the Democrats to dictate policy, not as an open forum.  They sic SEIU thugs and media hacks on protesters to squelch dissent.  When we protested against the Democratic push for government-controlled health care, we were told by our own elected officials to “sit down and shut up.”  That’s when we took off the kid gloves and put on the brass knuckles. That’s why they’re cancelling meetings, locking their doors, and closing the curtains when we confront them on their rubber stamping the policies of a dangerous socialist megalomaniac.

The White House occupant is a Marxist who was schooled by a corrupt Chicago political machine, and Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals. His friends, colleagues, supporters, and mentors include:  ACORN, The (socialist) New Party, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Tony Rezko, Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, Van Jones,  CAIR, The Muslim Brotherhood, Arab American Action Network, The New Black Panthers, PLO operatives like Rashid Khalidi, and terrorist fundraisers like Hatem El-Hady.

 A veritable conglomeration of miscreants.

Pay close attention to their words and deeds. Study their backgrounds. Examine Obama and the people with whom he surrounds himself. He is a stupid, dangerous individual, with terrorists and Marxists for friends, associates, and supporters. They are hellbent on destroying the fabric of this country.

For decades the Democrats have depended on the “victimized” minority segment of American society. They want those victims, moreover, they need those victims. If the black and hispanic community ever woke up to the fact that their purpose in life is to function as tools for the democratic machine, an entire voting bloc would disintegrate.

Last I checked we were supposed to be a Democratic Republic. The politicians, Democrats in particular, sure are acting as if we’re not.  They are anti-free market enterprise and are determined to turn America into a Banana Republic.

Those of us who predicted this Socialist train wreck, and worked diligently to stop it from being elected, are now being joined by those who once thought Obama was the second coming of Christ.

I’m an American citizen, a retired Army Sergeant First Class, and taxpayer. I have no “special interests” other than preserving what was promised in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. I don’t receive millions of dollars in lobbying funds, and I don’t qualify for welfare or a bailout.

Whenever the government spends beyond our means, we pay the price.  The more government legislates its way into our lives, the less rights we have.

The “reform” I’d like to see is a return to free market enterprise, the Bill of Rights, and Constitution.  As of 20 January 2009, all three have been suspended.

The citizens of the United States of America will have to hit rock bottom before they are forced off their collective asses,  and do something about the way they get pushed around by Big Brother Obama.

I will raise hell right along side my compatriots until my government returns to the principles outlined in the founding of this country.

If you believe in those principles, join the fight. If you don’t, you’re in  for a hell of a fight.
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Doppelganger

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A bit of a dissection...
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 01:45:00 AM »
Hm. I want to pick this one apart a little.

Something unprecedented has happened in our history.  An American president, in concert with media cronies and a Democratic majority in Congress and Senate, has launched an all out assault on the American people.

Instead of focusing their animosity on Islamic terrorists, they target the American people.

Barack Obama is stomping all over the Constitution and dismantling individual rights.  

Well, what I consider to be the biggest violation of individual rights so far in Obama's campaign is this:

This is one of the scarier things I've seen come out of our government. I've seen people on both the left and right sides of the aisle worried about this already, and for good reason. We've essentially allowed our government to take one step closer to a government/corporate merger, i.e., a fascism. Or purist communism, since that's how purist communism always ends up. Call it what you want, it leads to a plutarchy.

He’s trying to ramrod detrimental laws down our throats. His cabinet is stuffed with muslim extremists and far left czars who seem to operate independently and at will.  The main stream media is at Obama’s beck and call, and his staff runs a White House internet site for snitches. Mark Lloyd, the Communications Diversity “czar” in the FCC, believes that freedom of speech is ‘overrated’. Not only does he want to limit the First Amendment, but he would like to tailor it to fit Obama’s “communication policies”.

I don't think this guy is the evil overlord he's being made out to be, but I do give you that he's a little too extremist and off to the left for my comfort.

Obama has engaged in a wholesale economic slaughter of bank bailouts, huge “stimulus” payoffs to special interests, seizure of private industry, and presenting this country with trillions of dollars in new  debt.  Forget ‘wealth re-distribution’, he’s already started wealth confiscation….AIG, Chrysler, GM, and the assortment of banks and other private industries is just the tip of the iceberg.

There’s your “change”; work hard, make money, and Obama will “spread your  wealth”.

Totally agreed here. The government takeover of AIG, Freddie Mack, Fannie May, the car companies... I am amazed no more of an outcry was made against it when it was happening. I have some liberal tendencies, but when I look at a supposedly capitalist government practicing socialism at the top (to hell with Main Street, they don't get insurance - they can practice capitalism) it's terrifying. OTOH, I also considered seeing things like the Patriot Act pass terrifying back when the Republicans had the white house last.

We need to look at the larger picture. Whether it was a Republican or Democrat in the white house, our last ten to fifteen years have seen a rapid decline in our nation's ability to function as a people who know how to negotiate with one another. I think the fault for this can be traced not just to Obama and Bush, but to Clinton and several presidents before him as well. Liberals and conservatives in America no longer give each other any quarter, instead simply preferring to declare the other's ideology as completely wrong on all levels. The culmination of all that hostility has finally been boiling over in the last few years, with each side getting more paranoid and passing increasingly worrisome laws.

An American President is supposed to have American interests at the heart of our foreign policy.
Tough diplomacy backed up with decisive action, has been replaced with kowtowing to the world’s despots. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look ‘presidential’.
His vacillating on Afghanistan puts the lives of American troops in danger and gives the Taliban encouragement to simply wait out the storm while  THE ONE takes his time formulating a ’strategy’.  As for the military, I can attest to the fact that the majority of service members do not like Obama or his dismissive, arrogant attitude.

You are partially correct. As our nation's economic health declines, we need to begin contracting our spending. Military is one area we can afford to cut down on, along with parts of the federal government itself - however, we cannot simply pull our troops out of any part of the world without doing it subtly and slowly. We don't want to piss off other parts of the world anymore than we would by simply giving them the finger and walking out on them, which is essentially what shrinking our global presence too much at once would be. It must be done in phases.

We are not the first superpower to be in this situation, historically speaking. The British Empire found itself overstretched in the early part of the 20th century, and it successfully and gradually withdrew its presence from parts of the world that it didn't need to be poking around at in the first place. The Roman Empire once found itself stretched out and supporting huge border armies while the politicians at home got more and more corrupt and economic conditions deteriorated.

It ended up collapsing.

Democrat politicians spew epithets of “nazi” , “racist”, and “evil mongers” at their own constituents, who dare to question or get angry at the way this country is being destroyed.  Their idea of “debate” is to use town halls as their soapbox for a one-way lecture; a platform for the Democrats to dictate policy, not as an open forum.  They sic SEIU thugs and media hacks on protesters to squelch dissent.  When we protested against the Democratic push for government-controlled health care, we were told by our own elected officials to “sit down and shut up.”  That’s when we took off the kid gloves and put on the brass knuckles. That’s why they’re cancelling meetings, locking their doors, and closing the curtains when we confront them on their rubber stamping the policies of a dangerous socialist megalomaniac.

The White House occupant is a Marxist who was schooled by a corrupt Chicago political machine, and Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals. His friends, colleagues, supporters, and mentors include:  ACORN, The (socialist) New Party, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Tony Rezko, Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, Van Jones,  CAIR, The Muslim Brotherhood, Arab American Action Network, The New Black Panthers, PLO operatives like Rashid Khalidi, and terrorist fundraisers like Hatem El-Hady.

 A veritable conglomeration of miscreants.

He does have support from some rather extreme sectors of the community. Then again, so did George W. Bush.

Pay close attention to their words and deeds. Study their backgrounds. Examine Obama and the people with whom he surrounds himself. He is a stupid, dangerous individual, with terrorists and Marxists for friends, associates, and supporters. They are hellbent on destroying the fabric of this country.

Possibly stupid and dangerous, but if you want to keep painting him as stupid - which I might be willing to settle on - you can't really also call him 'evil'. This is the same fallacy that liberals were also so often guilty of with George W. Bush. If anything, I think Obama does not grasp how dangerously close to serious trouble our nation is in.

For decades the Democrats have depended on the “victimized” minority segment of American society. They want those victims, moreover, they need those victims. If the black and hispanic community ever woke up to the fact that their purpose in life is to function as tools for the democratic machine, an entire voting bloc would disintegrate.

Oh, come on, this is just silly. The same could be said of Republicans and poor but religious communities. I live in one, so I would know.

It was a conservative Supreme Court that issued the recent 'let corporations buy out the American campaign process' ruling. How much does it benefit any of us to allow corporations to not only have the rights of an individual, but to let them have more than the rights of an individual? Individuals, remember, can give $2400. Corporations can now donate as much as they want.

Last I checked we were supposed to be a Democratic Republic. The politicians, Democrats in particular, sure are acting as if we’re not.  They are anti-free market enterprise and are determined to turn America into a Banana Republic.

Again, agreed that the state-corporate merger into fascism is scary. But this is a problem that has been contributed to on both sides of the aisle.

Those of us who predicted this Socialist train wreck, and worked diligently to stop it from being elected, are now being joined by those who once thought Obama was the second coming of Christ.

Don't forget a large segment of the voting public once felt the same way about George W. Bush.

I’m an American citizen, a retired Army Sergeant First Class, and taxpayer. I have no “special interests” other than preserving what was promised in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. I don’t receive millions of dollars in lobbying funds, and I don’t qualify for welfare or a bailout.

Whenever the government spends beyond our means, we pay the price.  The more government legislates its way into our lives, the less rights we have.

The last sentence is quite true, whether by the left or the right side of the aisle - because it won't matter so much which side did it once our government ceases to become a functioning democracy.

The “reform” I’d like to see is a return to free market enterprise, the Bill of Rights, and Constitution.  As of 20 January 2009, all three have been suspended.

The citizens of the United States of America will have to hit rock bottom before they are forced off their collective asses,  and do something about the way they get pushed around by Big Brother Obama.

They may have been suspended on the 20th, but that suspension has been a long time coming. We've been signing the paperwork to okay it for years and have never raised a peep.

Big Brother might just be coming. I don't know whether it will be in the form of Obama, the guy who follows him, or the one after him... but it doesn't look too far off to me right now.

I will raise hell right along side my compatriots until my government returns to the principles outlined in the founding of this country.

If you believe in those principles, join the fight. If you don’t, you’re in  for a hell of a fight.

I would too, if it came to that. You can sure as hell bet that I won't be living in a nightmare country like North Korea or China without putting up a fight.

But liberals and conservatives need to stop calling each other the enemy and recognize that the enemy is the government itself at this point, or rather, the political cycle of paranoia that is allowing us to evolve into a totalitarianism gradually. The government needs reform. Campaign reform, policy reform, and we need to do something to change congressional stagnation.

This is exactly why I think we need a third party. A third party free of corporate corruption, free of the corruption of the existing political structure. It must be made to maintain its corruption-free status, and ****ups would need to be dealt with swiftly and decisively by sacking those involved.

This third party would have to be willing to present the kinds of practical compromise that the American public could agree on. To hell with the other two parties - if we could control 20% or so of the center vote, it would effectively be a disproportionate amount of power as long as the party remained 'in the center' enough on issues to carry the swing vote.

A party like this would decrease the paranoia that is so rampant in the voting public. And with it, by keeping it corruption-free from the roots up and refusing any corporate funding, America could gradually dismantle and weed out corruption. It could restore the sectors of the economy that have been taken over by the government unlawfully. It could restore all the individual liberties gradually taken away from us over the last several decades. And it could kick corporate fat cats AND dangerous left ideologues the hell out of the white house while contracting our nation's reach to manageable levels so that we can worry about ourselves.

Liberals and conservatives are so busy pointing fingers at each other that they're ignoring the looming threat. And when I say 'liberals and conservatives', I mean the average American voting public - not the media talking heads and the politicians.

It is not each other we need to fear. It's the growing threat of totalitarianism that needs to be feared.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 02:12:38 AM by Doppelganger »

Offline Doppelganger

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Re: A bit of a dissection...
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 02:00:55 AM »
(I did not mean to post this as a separate thread - my window timed out and when I navigated back I must have hit the wrong thing. If a mod could merge it with the original I'd appreciate it.)