Author Topic: Best supplies to have in an emergency  (Read 3105 times)

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Offline Teri

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Best supplies to have in an emergency
« on: January 25, 2013, 08:41:14 AM »

Berkey water filters that will filter any kind of water, buy extra filters.

Heat source: Wood stove, coal stove and a stock pile of wood or coal.

Food: Small canned more than you can eat at one meal, or dried foods that can be rehydrated with a long shelf life.

Cook stoves: Small portable wood or debris stove.

Generators with a stock of gas or kerosene, this will only last temporarily because you won't be able to buy gas in an emergency...I know.  When the freak snow storm hit the Northeast back in one could get gas because no one had power to pump it and the ones that did, ran out before most could get there.

If you have natural gas, you can buy an adapter for your gas generator that will enable you to hook it up to your natural gas line providing that the gas lines haven't been compromised.

In the event it's during the winter if there is an economic collapse, you'll need extra bedding, blankets.

Wind up flash lights, radios and solar lights.

Stock up on meds, vitamins and personal hygiene supplies, razors, soap, ect... There won't be any stores selling this stuff and no way to get them in an emergency.

Find ways to protect your home from invasion and looters, because if they declare marshal law...all registered gun owners will be a target for confiscation of guns and goods.

May the force be with you in 2013... :)