Author Topic: Club for Growth comes out against TAA  (Read 1031 times)

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Offline Belle

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Club for Growth comes out against TAA
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:32:16 AM »
 Today, Club for Growth advocates a "no" vote on TAA (trade adjustment assistance). 

"The Club for Growth urges all House members to vote “NO” on the bill that reauthorizes Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA).  A vote on this is expected today as part of the debate on the Trade Act of 2015 (HR 1314).  This vote will be included in the Club for Growth’s 2015 Congressional Scorecard."

"Any House member committed to rooting out waste in the federal government should vote “NO” on this proposal."

Any voice against this monstrosity is a good thing even @ the 11th hour.

Offline Belle

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"House punts on trade"
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 10:13:24 PM »
Those nasty rinos have run into a road block.
Oh, my,  they've just got to deliver for their big biz donors & lobbyists.
Its coming, possibly the end of July.
They'll wait until a fine sunny day, when many are on holiday, & then wham, when no one's looking, they'll pass it.
Okay, I'm done with the theatrics....maybe.  Cautiously hopeful, for deceit is right around the corner with this bunch.

"House GOP leaders are punting on voting again on President Obama's trade agenda, possibly until the end of July."

"After Friday's failed vote to pass aid for workers displaced by trade deals, known as Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) set up a process allowing the House to conduct a do-over of the vote by Tuesday."

"But Obama and GOP leadership aren't yet in a position where TAA is any more likely to pass. So the House Rules Committee on Monday night attached a provision to a "rule" governing parameters for debate on the intelligence authorization bill that extends the possibility for the chamber to vote on TAA again to July 30."

"House Republicans are casting the extension as a means for buying time to move the trade package forward."

Kevin Smith, Boehner's spokes-mouth:   â€œWe remain committed to getting TPA done, and this will give the president more time to communicate the consequences of not moving forward with his party."

I'll translate:  We remain committed to our lobbyists to get TPA passed & we want to adorn the King with more powers & expand global control.  Us Rinos are on board, now the Dems must also move forward, even if it comes to giving Pelo a highway bill.