Author Topic: ISIS Calls for Terror Alliance with Radical Leftists to Conquer Rome  (Read 2014 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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ISIS Calls for Terror Alliance with Radical Leftists to Conquer Rome

The Islamist terrorist group ISIS is instructing Muslim sympathizers in Europe (and presumably the United States) to seek out leftist activists to form an “armed combat” alliance.

The armed alliance against European governments will further ISIS’s goal to conquer Rome by 2020.

Islamists and Radical Leftists are the same things. They are a cancer on humanity and birds of the same feather.

Donny Johnson
Wow, compleate and utter BS but a pretty good fiction article. Just so you know, ISIS is a conservative, fundimentalist, non-democratic organisation who believe in and force other to comply old testiment laws and "traditional" jewish,christian, and islamic teachings. Isis is also against secular freedoms and wish to incorperate religion and politics. Isis is about as far from the left as you can get.
Like · Reply · Aug 4, 2015 12:12pm

ISIS calls for alliance with the Radical Left.
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