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Rove slams Obama's Iraq rhetoric
« on: March 30, 2008, 04:15:57 AM »

by Robert Stacy McCain
Rove slams Obama's Iraq rhetoric
March 29, 2008 05:35 AM EST


Sen. Barack Obama's rhetoric against the Iraq war could prove a major vulnerability for Democrats should Obama win their presidential nomination, former Bush administration political advisor Karl Rove said Friday.

Obama has repeatedly suggested that "the president deliberately misled the country, deliberately lied" about pre-war intelligence on the dangers posed by Iraqi dicator Saddam Hussein, Rove said in a speech at George Washington University's Elliot School of International Affairs. Rove then cited statements by Democratic leaders -- including former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, Sen. John Kerry and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton -- that echoed the arguments President Bush made for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Criticizing Obama's record in the Senate, Rove said, "Where has he taken a leadership role? What bill has he sponsored?"

Rove, who left the White House in August and is now a regular contributor to Fox News, said Democrats could be hurt by their attempts to distort Republican Sen. John McCain's positions on Iraq. Referring to Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean's fundraising letter that accused McCain of advocating "endless war," Rove said, "This is more damaging than almost any issue" in the campaign.

The drawn-out battle between Obama and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination will force Democrats to untangle "a remarkable Gordian knot," said Rove, forcecasting that the decision will ultimately rest with so-called "super-delegates" at the Democratic convention in August.

"Nobody will have enough [pledged] delegates to be nominated," Rove said. "For the first time in our lifetime, the convention will matter." 

Referring to the DNC's decision to strip Florida and Michigan of their convention delegates, Rove said. "The last time we had a convention with 48 states was in 1956."

Since leaving the Bush administration after years as a professional Republican political operative, Rove said he has enjoyed being a campaign spectator, calling this year's presidential race "a ball of laughs."

He said John McCain has been "doing some very smart things" since clinching the GOP presidential nomination, praising McCain for traveling abroad with Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the former Democrat who was re-elected as an independent in 2006 after losing the Democratic primary to an anti-war candidate.

Rove said, however, that he's not involved in the McCain campaign. "I don't know exactly what he's going to do, except what I read in the papers," he said.

Anti-war demonstrators from Code Pink and The World Can't Wait protested Rove's appearance at GWU, which was sponsored by the university's chapter of Young America's Foundation, a conservative student organization. On the sidewalk outside the building, the protestors sang of the Bush administration, "They'll bomb the whole world if they can," to the tune of a folk-gospel song.

Inside the Harry Harding Auditorium, Rove's speech was twice interrupted by student protesters, including one who shouted: "Karl Rove is a war criminal! [Expletive] you, Karl Rove!"

"Must be an intellectual," Rove said, as the protester was removed from the auditorium by university police.


My favorite pic of Rove.   :evillaugh: