Author Topic: Canada to End Afghan Mission in 2011  (Read 1344 times)

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Canada to End Afghan Mission in 2011
« on: February 21, 2008, 09:43:36 PM »
Canada to End Afghan Mission in 2011
The Associated Press


TORONTO - Canada's prime minister unveiled a proposal on Thursday to withdraw his country's forces from volatile southern Afghanistan in 2011, a move that largely accedes to opposition demands amid threats of an early election.

Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government is trying to extend past February 2009 the military operation in Kandahar province, a region that was once the Taliban's stronghold.

"It seems clear that we have moved significantly toward the kind of bipartisan consensus that can be presented to Parliament for ratification," Harper said.

Harper's government has been under growing pressure to withdraw Canada's troops as the death toll increases, now at 78 soldiers and a diplomat.

Thursday's proposal resulted from a compromise with opposition Liberals, who were against extending the mission and had threatened to force a vote aimed at toppling the government.

Parliament will vote on extending the mission next month , a confidence vote that would trigger early elections if rejected. An agreement would avoid an early election over the issue.