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Rhetoric Substitutes For Evidence...
« on: April 26, 2015, 12:24:35 PM »
When libs/progs try to advance their great glow bull warming swindle agenda...


Sounds like the folks over at CNN are upping the ante over climate change.

In addition to climate change being blamed for cute and cuddly polar bears becoming endangered (which has been debunked) and giving children nightmares, they are now trying their hand at scare tactics, specifically, frightening people into believing in climate change by focusing on a mere two degrees Celsius.

By embracing the “Two Degrees Celsius” initiative, CNN has given its reporter and recipient of an award by the American Society of News Editors for public service journalism, John Sutter, the next eight months to report on the insurmountable destruction that could occur because of these two little degrees.

  (Here’s where scare tactics come into play.) Sutter writes:

“If we humans warm the world more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit), we greatly up the odds of climate catastrophes.
Think super droughts, rising seas, mass extinctions and acidifying oceans. We don't want to cross that mark.”

He even quotes Carlo Jaeger, chair of the Global Climate Forum and author of a paper on the history of two degrees:

“Humans never have lived in post-2-degree world…
if we start warming the planet way beyond what humans have ever experienced, God knows what will wait for us."

What if it’s like the zombie apocalypse – because it will never happen! That point of view isn’t welcome on CNN.

But to be on the safe side, guess what? There’s great news! Sutter writes:

“If we drastically cut carbon emissions, we can stay below the 2-degree threshold.
As part of this series, I'll be exploring exactly what it would take to do so.”

The reduction of carbon emissions is something the left has been pushing for years. 
All one has to do is look at how the coal industry is faring thanks to Obama’s rules for cutting carbon emissions by 30 percent.
There’s so much talk about reducing carbon footprints, but advocates are oftentimes the worst offenders (Al Gore, George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio for example).

In addition to learning and reporting more about the two degrees in relation to climate change, CNN gave its audience (the few who actually watch it) the chance to vote on Facebook which topic of panic Sutter will begin reporting on May. They are

Disappearing coast: Where do ‘climate refugees’ go as seas rise?
    Melting Arctic: Why does Arctic sea ice matter to all of us?
    Bye-bye animals: Which species would two degrees of warming kill off first?
    Most vulnerable place: Which country is being hardest hit by climate change?
    Mega droughts: Are California’s water woes a window into the future?
    Dead crops: Yields of corn and wheat may drop 10% to 30%.
Showing that it’s for political purposes only, CNN neglected to say that the planet hasn’t warmed in over 15 years, or that the “science” surrounding global-warming panic isn’t turning out to be the impending catastrophe that liberals have predicted for more than 25 years.

full article...

There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.