To this day, I still see the occasional idiot wearing a mask...driving a car...alone.
I don't know whether to feel sorry for them for being so ignorant or pity them for being capable of being terrorized as they so obviously have been.
Masks don't work.
In the early days of the Plague of the Wuhan Death Cooties, the company I worked for at the time jumped on the "work from home" bandwagon early, and with feeling (we were a consulting engineering firm). One Monday morning I had a manager add a note to the Outlook calendar notice that for his Teams meeting, we would all have cameras on and there would be 100% mask compliance expected.
Oooo-tay, Buckwheat...
I'd just finished a P&ID walkdown of a copper smelter and still had my full face respirator with me. So while everybody else was sitting in front of their computer with those damned, useless disposable surgical masks on, there I was looking like I was waiting out the blitz in a London bomb shelter..
In spite of being dumber than a bag of hammers,, the manager got the point,, and never pulled that again.