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Aristus (64,741 posts)Last day of work. Cleaning out my office.How did I accumulate so much stuff in my desk? I've worked here four times longer than I've worked anywhere else, and three times longer than I was in the Army. So much stuff, man.Agenda for today: Bought doughnuts for the team. Saying goodbye to my supervising physician over at the main clinic. Exit interview (still no word on what time that will be). Keep clearing out my electronic in-box (Yep, they're still sending me med refills and lab results.) Pizza for lunch (Admin is buying everyone pizza, thinking this will be an acceptable substitute for not getting Veterans Day off. Another reason why I'm leaving.). Hauling my immense storage crate out to the car (It's cute how, in movies and TV, someone who quits his job or is fired is able to pack up his desk into a cute little carton that he carries under one arm). Dismantling all three lamps that make up my office 'mood lighting' and taking them to the car. (I hate fluorescent overhead lighting; drives me crazy. I always set up my office with a nice, green-shaded library lamp for my desk, and a couple of floor lamps throughout the office. Makes for soothing, relaxing area lighting without all that soul-crushing overhead stuff.)Turning in my clinic key and returning my laptop will pretty much wrap things up.Home for a celebratory drink. Hope to see you all there.
What did he get fired for?