Author Topic: Apologies in advance if this is a duplicate. Our property tax bill  (Read 568 times)

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Offline CC27

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yellowdogintexas (21,384 posts)

Apologies in advance if this is a duplicate. Our property tax bill
is already on line with the adjustments resulting from the Tuesday Constitutional Amendment vote

last year: 1662.67 this includes the Homestead Exemption and Senior Citizen's Exemption

New bill: 790.17 after the new Homestead Exemption. The Senior Citizen Exemption remains the same. (also Disability Exemptions, if applicable.)

All the literature I could find indicated the biggest impact in total dollar reduction would be moderately priced homes.

Good job voters.

On the surface, this appears to be a reduction in education funding, however the Legislature voted (finally) to use money from the $29 billion (so called) rainy day fund to replace the property tax dollars.
This fund was also tapped for a couple of other things (teacher pension COLA) and it is high time some of it was used. This fund has grown significantly since 2014 when Wendy Davis ran for Governor.

You should enjoy paying this since you love taxes.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: Apologies in advance if this is a duplicate. Our property tax bill
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2023, 12:52:41 PM »
Now you can donate the savings to the re-elect Trump campaign  :-)
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!