Author Topic: It is difficult to be on DU now, given the anti-Palestinian rhetoric. Enough  (Read 773 times)

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Offline CC27

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akbacchus_BC (5,686 posts)

It is difficult to be on DU now, given the anti-Palestinian rhetoric. Enough said.

akbacchus_BC (5,686 posts)
2. Hamas is a result of the atrocities by Israel against the Palestinians. Imagine your new next
Reply to SoFlaBro (Reply #1)
Sat Nov 4, 2023, 04:06 AM
door neighbour, who has been given preference, is now controlling you. Will you be happy with that? The problem is that both should have been recognised as a State.

Celerity (40,244 posts)
31. Pretty racist verbiage bruv
Reply to SoFlaBro (Reply #14)
Sat Nov 4, 2023, 06:12 AM
anyone that wasn't wearing a sweaty headband

Btw, you do realise that many people at raves (like the one Hamas attacked and slaughtered 260+) wear headbands, so your statement is not only racist, but is incorrect as well.

Lot of pissy back and forth

Offline CollectivismMustDie

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More lunacy than a bag of cats in that thread.
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Offline 67 Rover

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akbacchus_BC (5,686 posts)
2. Hamas is a result of the atrocities by Israel against the Palestinians. Imagine your new next
Reply to SoFlaBro (Reply #1)
Sat Nov 4, 2023, 04:06 AM
door neighbour, who has been given preference, is now controlling you. Will you be happy with that? The problem is that both should have been recognised as a State.

5 times it was offered and turned down. DUmbass.  ::)
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Offline USA4ME

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Lots of straight out Jew haters and those who claim to be pro-Israel but who are really Jew haters.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline jukin

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Lots of straight out Jew haters and those who claim to be pro-Israel but who are really Jew haters.

The left and democrat party has always hated Jews almost as much as blacks. The harder left-fascist-communist one is the more rabid the Jew hate and the DUmpmonkeys are as far left as there is. The DUmp would have been a great recruiting ground for the NAZIs of the 1930s. Pliable, ignorant, indoctrinated, and full of hate for whatever authorities tell them to hate. All of the DUmbasses are disgusting.
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Offline enslaved1

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Wow, there's a few bubbles of logic floating around in that thread.  I'm surprised it hasn't been memory-holed yet, or the logical folks getting a concrete pizza. 

William769 (54,146 posts)
205. It's always difficult being Jewish when you are attacked by cowards.
Reply to akbacchus_BC (Original post)
Sat Nov 4, 2023, 10:59 PM


TexasDem69 (752 posts)
177. If you support Hamas
Reply to akbacchus_BC (Original post)
Sat Nov 4, 2023, 05:45 PM

You shouldn’t be on DU in the first place. Every single death in Israel or Gaza since October 7 has been the fault of Hamas. And if you don’t realize that, you shouldn’t be on DU. It’s not complicated or controversial.

Zeitghost (3,391 posts)
165. You can't take side?
Reply to doc03 (Reply #54)
Sat Nov 4, 2023, 04:21 PM

In a conflict where one side has as it's stated mission the elimination of an entire race of people from the face of the planet?

You can't take sides where one side has raped and tortured civilians and has vowed to do it again if given the opportunity?

I understand Israel isn't perfect, but anyone using the "both sides" argument is either ignorant or condoning evil.

But then someone has to link it all back to the "important" things

roamer65 (36,548 posts)
149. Hopefully oil goes through the roof.
Reply to akbacchus_BC (Original post)
Sat Nov 4, 2023, 03:49 PM

$300 a barrel oil will be the BEST THING EVER for Planet Earth.
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Offline Old n Grumpy

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That’s a real pissing contest going on in that thread. I thought they loved different opinions and diverse perspectives. I guess not  :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Back in the olden times of the DUmp, posts about almost all Middle Eastern conflicts were automatically funneled into the Israel/Palestine sub-forum where cob webs grow. However once they DUmmies get on their high horse about being pro-HAMAS, Katy bar the door for posting Joooooooooooooo hate with reckless abandon.
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