Author Topic: Christian Conservatives to Join In Discussion  (Read 1975 times)

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Christian Conservatives to Join In Discussion
« on: September 07, 2011, 07:02:02 PM »
I created a blog entry about 4 days ago just barely touching on the surface of the subject of the "Christian Left" and how the Bible is not supportive of many Liberal ideas.

I did not include any Bible verses as I probably should have and I didn't write it as beautifully as I should have just because I hardly ever receive any guests to my blog.

Needless to say, over 1,000 views have been made to this particular entry with almost 30 comments and at least one blog entry has been created attacking my page's message with even more comments and they continue coming through daily from Liberals. For the most part, they aren't violent or threatening but they are swarming the place every day and it's purely Liberals and no one else from what I have seen.

I don't really want to cycle through the 30 comments by myself and I don't think I have all of the answers to their questions they pose about our views.

I thought this would be a great place to start to share the blog with others who aren't Liberal so we could have an even discussion and it wouldn't solely be coming from one side. Feel free to share the blog if you'd like too. If you're not Christian too, cool, feel free to join in anyway.

I do ask that everyone continue to remain civil as I expect them to be so we aren't hypocrites.

I tried writing a separate blog with more details, but my scriptures are not enough and I can't seem to find specific verses to combat the phrases they use so I thought maybe some here knew some information that could help aid us.

Anyway, thanks. Here's a link to my blog entry. Thoughts on the Non-Existent Christian Left.
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