Author Topic: Just the facts: GOP's Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills? Bogus  (Read 462 times)

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Tennessee Gal (4,530 posts)

Just the facts: GOP's Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills? Bogus.

I keep hearing this ridiculous canard in Republican debates and now from John Boehner about the alleged jobs bills the Republicans have passed that the "Democrat Senate" refuses to act upon. Since I watched the better part of their activity in real time, I know this is a lie. But most people aren't obsessive-compulsive about government and politics and might not realize just how much of a lie it is. So without further ado, let me debunk this claim made by the disingenuous Speaker of the House.

WALLACE: Question -- how will you counter that line of attack?

BOEHNER: Chris, 30 jobs bills passed over the last year in a Republican House of Representatives that are sitting in the United States Senate -- thirty.

Our focus over the last 12 months has been on jobs. Our focus over the course of the next 12 months is going to be on jobs.

The president asked us to extend the payroll tax credit, to make sure that we extended unemployment insurance with reforms, and make sure that doctors that dealt with Medicare patients were adequately reimbursed. And he asked us to do it for a year. We did it for a year. It was the United States Senate who decided, we're just going to do it for two months and we can't agree on how we're going to offset these costs. And so, we'll just kick the can down the road.

To make sure they back up their public claims with what might appear to be "fact", they've built a page on the House of Representatives site with a list of their so-called jobs bills, which number 27 and not 30 as the Speaker claims. What follows is a list and a brief explanation of why they are not jobs bills. Feel free to share it widely with your friends who might be inclined to believe Mr. Tobacco Lobbyist Check Distributor without questioning it.

OMG they found the smoking gun it was only 27 not 30.  :whatever:

The fact is, the GOP has tried several times to pass bills to help the economy and Dingy Harry has shit canned every single one.

Tennessee Gal (4,530 posts)
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I keep wondering why this isn't addressed by the Obama campaign more.

How can 0bama run against the do nothing congress when it is his senate that puts the bills in the circular file?

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: Just the facts: GOP's Claim That House Passed 30 Jobs Bills? Bogus
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 01:15:37 PM »
Hey DUmmie Gal, maybe he said 30 because you idiots are to stupid to understand specific numbers so he has to round to multiples of ten.  If the House had even put only one bill forward that would be more that the Senate or the President has done.
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