Author Topic: No One Ever Hears About Sex Crimes Committed By Illegal...  (Read 10207 times)

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No One Ever Hears About Sex Crimes Committed By Illegal...
« on: November 17, 2015, 11:49:23 AM »
Aliens, especially those crimes committed against minors, because of an agenda...


Like Mr. Mannn was saying.
Post something truthful, it's like garlic to vampires to a lib.

It's also an acid test.
Quite often libs hide behind propaganda issues to promote a more comprehensive agenda.

So hit them with something that will drive a wedge, like something they say they care about.
Like rape and assault of minors.

Lib women like Hitlery say they are all about the "children".
But that is a ruse to gain political power, because after all, who could be against children ?

Well it turns out the very people who hurt children the most are the ones libs support the most in fact, not just in lip service and rhetoric.
Every time a story about illegal immigrants hurting children comes to light, the drive by media conspiritorily spike such stories.

Ann coulter's new book "Adios America" is replete with such examples.
The worst example is a story pursued by a high school newspaper.

The high school broke the story that the establishment media in the town were putting all their effort into spiking.
The truth is, for every high profile story about Priest child abuse there are tens if not hundreds of worse stories the press overlooks.

They purposely overlook myriad stories that if reported would clash with their core agendas.
You know, like a story about Priest child molestation...


[The following is taken from a Wednesday press release of the Catholic League. MRC president Brent Bozell is a member of the board of advisors for the Catholic League.]

The media are pushing Spotlight, the movie that opens on Friday about the Boston Globe team that exposed priestly sexual abuse in the Boston Archdiocese prior to 2002.
But there is little interest in this issue when non-Catholics are implicated in such crimes.

As recent cases show, many courts around the nation evince disparate treatment as well.
When he was first arrested, Rabbi Gabriel Bodenheimer was charged with three felony counts of a first-degree criminal sexual act and one count of first-degree sex abuse for alleged oral and anal sex with a 5-year-old child;
he was looking at 25 years in prison.

On Monday, he was told that he would not serve a single day in prison.
He was put on probation for three years.

This story was not only ignored by the big media outlets, it received no coverage in the New York Times — even though the child rape took place in a New York City suburb.
In May 2014, Michael Travis, an assistant softball coach at a Nebraska high school was arrested for sexually assaulting two softball players.

Two more alleged victims came forward in December.
This past August, he cut a deal with prosecutors. He pleaded guilty to simple assault, and was told he would not have to register as a sex offender or spend a day in jail.
It received little media coverage.

Last June, Terrence Boone Johnson, a track coach from Utah, was arrested for forcible sexual abuse of a teenage girl.
It was a second-degree felony.

A few weeks ago, his one-year jail sentence was suspended, and he was put on probation.
The media were generally disinterested.

A few weeks ago, papers were filed in Manhattan Supreme Court alleging that a teacher at a West Harlem public school sexually assaulted up to six students. School officials ignored the allegations.
Adiyemi Prowell is scheduled to be sentenced next month, and parents say they have been told by prosecutors he's expected to be put on probation.

The New York Times gave this case no coverage, though it is a local story.
If any of these accused men had been a priest, both the media and the courts would have acted differently.
This is not even debatable.

full article...

According to Ann Coulter in her book "Adios America" rapes by aliens in this country illegally outnumber cases reported in the media by 10 or even 100 to 1. No one really knows.
But we do know that in their home countries and cultures women and children are not valued or appreciated like they are in 1st world countries.
She has thoroughly footnoted, attributed, documented and referenced a myriad of such examples.
The reason why none of it is reported is because to do their job would conflict with their agenda.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.