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Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« on: October 12, 2023, 05:39:44 AM »

House Republicans on Wednesday nominated Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) to be the next Speaker, sending his candidacy to the House floor following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) stunning ouster last week, multiple lawmakers told The Hill.

Scalise secured the nomination 113-99 in a closed-door GOP conference meeting, defeating House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in a close race that did not have a clear front-runner heading into the internal vote.

Scalise will now take his candidacy to the House floor, where he will be up against House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), who Democrats nominated for Speaker on Tuesday night.

The floor fight could get messy. Candidates need the support of a majority of the chamber to take control of the gavel and Republicans hold a razor-thin majority. McCarthy required 15 rounds of voting to secure the gavel.

At least six Republicans have already said they’ll vote for someone other than Scalise on the floor, and and handful of others remain undecided or declined to comment.

Jordan, however, said he offered to deliver a nominating speech on Scalise’s behalf.

Scalise’s nomination marks the pinnacle of his congressional career, which began in 2008 and has spanned more than nine years in leadership, including stints as Republican whip and, most recently, majority leader.

Throughout the week-long race for the top spot, Scalise branded himself as the Republican who could unite the conference following McCarthy’s ouster, which bitterly divided the GOP and inflamed tensions within the party.

“I’ve got a long history of bringing people together, uniting Republicans, focusing on the issues that we’ve got to do to address the issues we came here to do to get our country back on track,” Scalise told Fox Business in an interview Tuesday.

Republican Reps. Frank Lucas (Okla.), Ashley Hinson (Iowa) and John James (Mich.) officially nominated Scalise for Speaker in the closed-door meeting, according to a source familiar.

Scalise clinched the nomination despite some members voicing concerns about his health. The Louisiana Republican was diagnosed in August with multiple myeloma, which he described as a “very treatable” blood cancer. He has been undergoing treatment, and late last month Scalise said “the cancer has dropped dramatically” following chemotherapy.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) on Monday, nonetheless, called Scalise’s health “an issue.”

“I was honest with Scalise. I think his health is an issue. I don’t want somebody that is gonna deteriorate in the job,” Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) told reporters Monday. “This is a tough job. You’ve got to be everywhere.”

Scalise’s supporters, however, have brushed aside concerns over his health, arguing that he is able to perform the job. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), who endorsed Scalise heading into the internal election, pointed to a sign off from the Louisiana Republican’s wife, Jennifer, as evidence that he is up for the job.

“Jennifer is the one that has said, ‘I wouldn’t allow him to do this if he wasn’t healthy enough to do this,’” Gonzales said. “When his wife says, ‘We’re in this to win this’ — that’s all I needed to know.”

Scalise’s cancer is not his first major health battle. He was critically injured in the 2017 Congressional baseball shooting, taking him out of congressional work for months.

Scalise won the nomination for Speaker after the House booted McCarthy from the Speakership last week, marking the first time since 1910 that the chamber held a vote on toppling its top lawmaker and the first-ever successful attempt.

A group of eight Republicans, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), joined with Democrats in voting to oust McCarthy from his post. The GOP lawmakers were in-part frustrated with McCarthy’s handling of the government funding process, with the last straw being the California Republican’s decision to put a “clean” continuing resolution on the floor to avert a government shutdown. The stopgap passed with the help of Democrats, infuriating McCarthy’s detractors.

Bolded sections are mine. If Scalise has been in House leadership positions since the Ascendency of His High Holiness and Lightbringer Barry Soetoro, that tells me he's been on the losing side for pretty much that long. Another career politician. Sigh. We'll see how the floor vote goes, but it would not surprise me when the Republicans **** up yet one more time and fail to elect at least a Republican Speaker.

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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2023, 09:07:32 PM »
Scalise just removed himself from the nomination-process an hour or so ago.

Good.  He'd be like McCarthy Jr. or something, voting waaayyyy too much with Democrats over the years.

Btw, the GOP isn't in 'turmoil'.  It's upgrading.  The MSM wants us to think that 'turmoil' means 'panic'.  Regardless, we may be looking at Jordan again. 

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2023, 09:17:09 PM »
Scalise just removed himself from the nomination-process an hour or so ago.

Good.  He'd be like McCarthy Jr. or something, voting waaayyyy too much with Democrats over the years.

Btw, the GOP isn't in 'turmoil'.  It's upgrading.  The MSM wants us to think that 'turmoil' means 'panic'.  Regardless, we may be looking at Jordan again.

While I really like Jim Jordan, might I suggest a Byron Donalds? A conservative without the RINO background.
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2023, 05:30:16 AM »
While I really like Jim Jordan, might I suggest a Byron Donalds? A conservative without the RINO background.

Scalise has multiple myeloma and that is not a disease that is forgiving. Much of what the Speaker's job requires, based on my understanding, is "being everywhere all the time". That would exact a toll on him that he might not be able to bear for very long.

Donalds, in my view, would be a good choice. The professional politician elite class would complain that Donalds is too inexperienced (he's been a congressman only since 2021) to be Speaker. But I'd call his "inexperience" a feature, not a bug.

I'd heard him speak and he's very solid in interviews. He doesn't get rattled and he stands his ground.

But Jordan is who the GOP caucus seems to prefer. Time will tell. Somebody will fall out of the woodwork, but since the GOP caucus seems to constantly secure defeat from the jaws of victory, it wouldn't surprise me if Jeffries - the scum - wound up with the gig.

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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2023, 07:50:48 AM »
Scalise has multiple myeloma and that is not a disease that is forgiving. Much of what the Speaker's job requires, based on my understanding, is "being everywhere all the time". That would exact a toll on him that he might not be able to bear for very long.

Donalds, in my view, would be a good choice. The professional politician elite class would complain that Donalds is too inexperienced (he's been a congressman only since 2021) to be Speaker. But I'd call his "inexperience" a feature, not a bug.

I'd heard him speak and he's very solid in interviews. He doesn't get rattled and he stands his ground.

But Jordan is who the GOP caucus seems to prefer. Time will tell. Somebody will fall out of the woodwork, but since the GOP caucus seems to constantly secure defeat from the jaws of victory, it wouldn't surprise me if Jeffries - the scum - wound up with the gig.

Didn't do the research on Byron and his time in office, but good point. I'm a big fan of Jordan, who is solidly conservative and incredibly articulate (unlike McCarthy). The media HATES him with a passion, but of course they will line up to hate any Republican speaker or Presidential candidate. And if Jim Jordan does advance, the media will recycle the slurs about being complicit in covering up sexual abuse at Ohio State, slam him as an "election denier", molesting collies, whatever shit they need to make up.
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2023, 07:47:36 PM »
Jim Jordan went through two rounds of voting and failed to come up with 217 votes.

So he's dropped out.

Rick Moran is another pearl-twister who just can't abide a little drama in the House. He hates Matt Gaetz with a passion. Apparently, Moran doesn't understand that a politician who fails to do what he's agreed to do warrants removal from the gig -- Kevin McCarthy decided to forego his agreements and play patty-cake with the Democrats. Moran thinks that's just fine.

But here's Moran's take on this latest development:
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2023, 04:27:53 AM »
Not so fast, Kemo Sabe!

Apparently, Jordan has indicated he'll seek a third vote.

Jordan Pauses, Unpauses

Rep. Jim Jordan (R, OH-4) said yesterday he would seek a third vote for the House speakership, a decision that came hours after he said he would pause—but not abandon—his bid. The reversal reportedly comes after a number of GOP lawmakers rejected a plan to grant temporary powers to Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R, NC-10) while Jordan shored up support.

McHenry, currently in his 10th term in Congress, has signaled he has no interest in the position permanently. A plan to expand his powers, should it come to a floor vote, may require support from Democrats, given existing opposition from a bloc of GOP members. It is unclear when a third vote for Jordan may be scheduled. Republicans have a slim 221-212 majority—any vote, assuming no Democratic support—can only afford to lose four GOP votes.

The current impasse began Oct. 3, when former speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R, CA-20) was ousted, followed by Rep. Steve Scalise (R, LA-1) failing to secure support. The longest the House has gone without a permanent speaker was in 1856 when Rep. Nathaniel Banks was elected after 133 ballots.

Note: The MSN link below does not contain the text above, but it's basically the same story.
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2023, 01:32:48 PM »
Strike Three, and Jordan is OUT! He lost his third bid, and the caucus even dumped him as their nominee. Howzat for a bite in the ass?

Still no Speaker, recess for the weekend.

Which career politician is going to throw his hat in the ring after this one?

Only the Shadow Knows!  :-)
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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2023, 09:30:30 PM »
Looks like Byron Donalds. 

I like 'im... but I haven't studied his record very much.  No reason to, till now.  He's gotta be a rock-solid anti-lobbyist, or it's all for nothing.

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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2023, 09:22:18 AM »
Looks like Byron Donalds. 

I like 'im... but I haven't studied his record very much.  No reason to, till now.  He's gotta be a rock-solid anti-lobbyist, or it's all for nothing.

Donalds has thrown his hat in the ring, but that doesn't mean he's the nominee from the caucus. It'll be interesting to see who else chimes in.

I like Donalds, but I firmly believe the main argument against him will be his inexperience. He's been in Congress only since 2021 - which, in one sense ain't a bad thing at all. He has less "taint' of the career politician on him at this stage, but regarding his lobbyist stance, I think the prevailing winds are - unfortunately - "play ball with the lobbyists or die on the vine."
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2023, 09:32:37 PM »
Well, at least no spending is being passed.  And the villagers with torches are exposing Scalise & Co. for their FTX and Soros connections, etc.

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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2023, 05:05:38 AM »
The drama continues.   :jerkit:

The 4th nominee is Rep. Mike Johnson out of Louisiana. Remains to be seen if he'll muster up the 217 votes needed to become Speaker.
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2023, 03:53:17 PM »
Repubs finally got off their asses and voted a new Speaker - Mike Johnson, R-LA.

Word on the street is he's got solid conservative credentials, but he's not an in-your-face kinda guy. TBH, when I read that kind of language, my first impression is "milquetoast."

Pelousy ruled the House with an iron fist. Let's see what Johnson can do with a feather duster.
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2023, 05:23:53 PM »
Repubs finally got off their asses and voted a new Speaker - Mike Johnson, R-LA.

Word on the street is he's got solid conservative credentials, but he's not an in-your-face kinda guy. TBH, when I read that kind of language, my first impression is "milquetoast."

Pelousy ruled the House with an iron fist. Let's see what Johnson can do with a feather duster.

Honestly had never heard of him, but after hearing his acceptance speech and reading more about him, I like the cut of his jib. Finally the conservatives pulled a rabbit out of their hat.
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Re: Scalise secures GOP Speaker nomination
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2023, 07:17:27 PM »
Honestly had never heard of him, but after hearing his acceptance speech and reading more about him, I like the cut of his jib. Finally the conservatives pulled a rabbit out of their hat.

Yeah, I heard the speech too. He said all the right stuff, no doubt about it. But how much of those words are going to be turned into action? Call me jaded, but I have my doubts.

Bring it, Repubs. If you have it in you to call a halt to SharterJoe's Barry's administration, supported by Chuck the Schmuck and the Murder Turtle, and can pull it off, God love ya.

But I ain't holding my breath.
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