The Conservative Cave

Interests => Health & Fitness => Topic started by: vesta111 on May 23, 2010, 04:09:42 PM

Title: up date on Jill
Post by: vesta111 on May 23, 2010, 04:09:42 PM
  I really don't know what to think.

This poor child of mine is alive because of modern technology.

She in no way resembles the woman she was 2 months ago, she is really bloated and as hard as she fights for life, it just doesn't look good.

When I got to her today she was again getting blood, hooked up to tubes that went where ever.

Saving Grace was she recognized me and was for a few minutes lucid.   While I was there she received a phone call from her husband with bad news about one of her children.  Poor kid, she kept saying to him not to tell her, what ever problem he had with her kids but he insisted.

I am at Witt's end, when a child is receiving blood and 24/7 care, is going in and out of lucid moments, and is jacked up by family about things that they have no way to help out, what can I myself do as she will not tell me her problems.

 I think of Thor with his problems with his daughter, I am willing to trade my heart break for his in a heart break.

Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: The Village Idiot on May 23, 2010, 04:35:32 PM
Her husband must have lost his mind.

I hope she gets better Vesta
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: debk on May 23, 2010, 07:00:14 PM
Sending prayers Vesta.....hang in there.
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: Lord Undies on May 23, 2010, 07:49:37 PM
Many prayers, Vesta.  The Lord's Will be done.
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: IassaFTots on May 23, 2010, 08:17:30 PM
Prayers up here too Vesta.
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: vesta111 on May 24, 2010, 09:08:59 AM
Her husband must have lost his mind.

I hope she gets better Vesta

FGL, thank you and I imagine you are correct about her husband going bonkers.

He married her knowing she had health problems, 4 crazy kids and a mothering -law that is a ding bat.

In 15 years she has been in ICU at 7 various hospitals scaring the heck out of all of us.   In one the Doctor didn't even bother to make morning rounds on her thinking she could not possibly survive the night.---6 years ago that one was.

Yes that man has been through more Hell then I have as he lives with a ticking time bomb.

Strange how this works, I watch Jill zone out  and loose her train of thoughts, her medication I tell myself.     Yet---- the stress on all of us in the family is causing US to to the same thing.    Very disturbing
My mom and I have stopped cooking unless there is someone else in the house.  Too easy to forget something on the stove.

I no longer listen to the oldies music stations as I will come to a screeching halt in the middle of something when they play a song that reminds me of Jill when she was growing up.

It is becoming very difficult to visit her, severe head aches and  collapsing into bed to sleep 18 hours.

Yupo FGL, we have all lost our minds.
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: BEG on May 24, 2010, 06:27:45 PM
Sorry Vesta.  That is insane for him to bother her with any issue right now outside of her getting well. 
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: Attero Dominatus on May 24, 2010, 06:28:40 PM
I am sorry to hear that, Vesta :( I hope she gets better.
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: Hawkgirl on June 02, 2010, 09:03:31 PM
Sorry to hear you are going through this Vesta.....
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: vesta111 on June 03, 2010, 05:03:59 AM

She is still in the hospital, after all this time and insists she will be going home in a few days.

The botton line is she needs a liver transplant.   Problem is the HepC will attack the new one.

Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: vesta111 on June 07, 2010, 02:04:41 PM
  Totally confused with what is going on in Jill's family.

In almost 2 months we have been able to talk to her husband just once and that was when we caught him visiting her.  His cell phone and home phone is off. He has not called us except for the call to tell us she was in the first hospital.

She has 3 children in the area that depended on her to baby sit their kids, none have come to visit ,  or call except to talk with her husband.

Her oldest daughter still lives in the apartment she and husband has, this girl is perhaps the reason Jill had her stroke, really wicked child. For some reason the child is still living there,  :evillaugh:

I call Jill every day and find that the more I hear the more confused I get.

After one week she is back on blood, all she can tell me is that her body is not oxygenating itself.

I am just her mother, once a child leaves home to marry and start a family, Mommy is placed at the back of the pack for those that have any rights to information on that child.

What to do, I have a problem with visiting her as to my handicap, so I call every day.

I can get no help from her kids as I let them know at an early age that my loyalty was to my daughter and if they gave her any problems I would take HER side

Her sister and brothers stay in touch, call, visit and write constantly.  Her Grandmother at 88 years old drives a 100 mile round trip to visit every 2 days---

I am so confused, Why ????

Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: vesta111 on July 20, 2010, 06:30:17 AM
  Something worked.

Prayer or medical advances--whatever.

Jill has been home for a month or so, the state and the insurence Company swamed in to send social workers, nurses and 24/7 monotoring for her.

She is wheel chair bound with oxygin constantly.

As one of her kids told me, her family are now thinking of her as the Knight that continued to fight in a Mell Brooks movie.

How does she do this, 6 times at the brink of death only to fight like Hell and LIVE.

Is she bed bound, hardly, she still heads out with air tanks in tow in the wheel chair to visit people,

I cannot believe that for 12 years she has been so bad that, we, her family have over and over again  had to think of funeral arrangements for her.   This child of mine will out live us all.

One thing for sure, GOD has some kind of plans for her, or her kids or ME.---Her father died 8 years ago from much less then she has gone through.

Thank you all for your prayers, and consern, as it goes today something works what, why, or how, I don't ask, just stand in Awe of this.

Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: debk on July 20, 2010, 12:28:22 PM
Great news Vesta!!

God has a plan....
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: Attero Dominatus on July 20, 2010, 03:06:15 PM
That is very good to hear Vesta! I am very happy for you and yours :)
Title: Re: up date on Jill
Post by: BEG on July 20, 2010, 04:34:10 PM
Very good news indeed.