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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: franksolich on January 30, 2017, 06:35:12 AM

Title: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: franksolich on January 30, 2017, 06:35:12 AM

Oh my.

Tobin S. (9,260 posts)     Sun Jan 29, 2017, 11:11 PM

I had a dream just now that was so vivid it was like a movie.
I wish I could conjure such things with my ordinary imagination. I'd be a rich screenplay writer or a movie director. I've learned that these dreams come from a place in us that is much deeper and is not totally our own. I treasure them when they happen and write them down to the best of my memory as soon as I awaken from them.

Yeah, I sleep weird hours, especially on my days off. I ordinarily work from about 4pm to anywhere from 2am to 4am. I'm off tonight and I laid down for a nap at about 7pm eastern. I'm glad I did because that was a wonderful dream.

Tanuki (4,688 posts)      Sun Jan 29, 2017, 11:16 PM

1. What happened in the dream?

Tobin S. (9,260 posts)      Sun Jan 29, 2017, 11:35 PM

3. I wasn't going to post it because it's kind of personal, but I'll post a part of it.
I was on an island in the Ohio River. It was an old family vacation spot that we went to when I was a kid. I’m there with my step-dad and mom and sisters. My step-dad is next to the water and he is trying to fix one of my sisters’ boat. I decide to try to help him, but I fall into the water. The water drops off almost immediately to a depth that’s way over my head. My step-dad tries to help me, but it is too late. The current is strong and I’m swept away from shore and down the river. I am in the depths, over my head in water. Then I manage to get to the surface where I can breathe, but I keep getting swept downstream and I have no control in the water about where I’m going.

I black out, then some time later wash up on a beach of the river. I see a magnificent bridge over the river and think that I must have been swept down to the next town. The river is also much larger, more like a bay. Then I realize that I’m not in my homeland anymore. I am in Germany, home to some of my ancestors. I look at my body and find that I’m much thinner now than I had been.

I see a large building that’s every bit as magnificent as the bridge and I go up a large stairway like the steps to our capitol building to the entrance. When I go in I find myself in a dimly lit room. There are images of words there describing things that I must know to go on a quest. I tell them that I know all of these things in whole or in part due to my readings on the matter.

And that's about all that I feel comfortable posting. 

2naSalit (15,627 posts)      Sun Jan 29, 2017, 11:20 PM

2. And...

Tobin S. (9,260 posts)      Sun Jan 29, 2017, 11:35 PM

4. Sorry, see above.

Well, that's too bad, because it seems like an interesting dream, full of all sorts of Freudianisms.

The most frequent dream I have--and every time I have it, it's as if I hadn't had it before--is where I'm stepping off the front porch of the house here, but trip, and upon hitting the ground far below, I bounce right back up, and discover that I can fly.

Easily and effortlessly, I can fly, soar, dive, coast, float, spin, through the air.  One time I even dreamed I flew, arms outspread, from the Sandhills of Nebraska clear down to the southeastern corner of Georgia, but no one was home, so I came back.

People from real life saw me, but were unimpressed, as I'd done similar things before, and there was nothing new about this feat.

It's been years, but Tanker here once interpreted this dream to mean that franksolich, unburdened by all the usual and standard cares and troubles of life, is free to fly with no visible means of support.

But there's something else to the dream; after all that, I'm flying above the orchard of walnut trees there, and there's a big crowd of primitives down below, shouting at me, cursing me, angrily shaking their fists at me.

I coast down lower to "hear" what they're saying, which is "You can't fly, humans can't fly, it's impossible to fly on one's own, it's unscientific to fly....."

Unfortunately, in my attempts to "hear" them, I go too low and crash into a tree.

It doesn't take Sigmund Freud to interpret that; primitives are poison to high aspirations.
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on January 30, 2017, 06:50:28 AM
It doesn't take Sigmund Freud to interpret that; primitives are poison to high aspirations.

Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: Big Dog on January 30, 2017, 06:54:09 AM
This is Tubbins' death dream. Death and afterlife.

I wonder if any of the DUmmies will pick up on it.
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: USA4ME on January 30, 2017, 07:50:06 AM
I bet this is the dream where he sings to some girl that he's 17 going on 18.
And then he joins the Nazi Party.

Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on January 30, 2017, 07:59:33 AM
This is Tubbins' death dream. Death and afterlife.

I wonder if any of the DUmmies will pick up on it.

Does sound a lot like that sort, as far as he goes.  Of course I suppose it could always have gone in the direction of 'What is the secret of the Grail?' or the journey of Parzifal from where he left off.
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: Carl on January 30, 2017, 08:03:45 AM
Truth be told the step father probably pushed the useless lard ass in.
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: VelvetElvis on January 30, 2017, 08:18:03 AM
I bet this is the dream where he sings to some girl that he's 17 going on 18.
And then he joins the Nazi Party.
Before I even read your post, that was exactly what I thought of!
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: SVPete on January 30, 2017, 09:16:47 AM
IIRC, Jung was more into dreams than was Fraud, er, Freud. And Tobers is into Jung, IIRC.
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: franksolich on January 30, 2017, 09:32:05 AM
IIRC, Jung was more into dreams than was Fraud, er, Freud. And Tobers is into Jung, IIRC.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but I've always been biased in favor Freud.

And actually the Tobe needs to be into Jesus, not some Jungian fraud.
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: SVPete on January 30, 2017, 10:11:35 AM
.... And Tobers is into Jung, IIRC.

And maybe jung fraulein? Or am I thinking of another (several other?) DU-member?
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on January 30, 2017, 10:18:56 AM
And maybe jung fraulein? Or am I thinking of another (several other?) DU-member?

Hetero-normative bigot.
Title: Re: the Tobe has a dream
Post by: franksolich on January 30, 2017, 10:27:39 AM
And maybe jung fraulein? Or am I thinking of another (several other?) DU-member?

Yeah, I know; I was just kidding.

The deal is, I've read Freud, but paid little or no attention to Jung, as he was popular with Hollywood celebrities, and I tend to be leery of people popular with them.

I favor Freud because I know what he was talking about, and whatever he said made perfect sense to me.  Jung, I have no idea.