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OMG! My usually-Repug boss is supporting Obama

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--- Quote ---rox63  (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-07-08 08:50 AM
Original message
OMG! My usually-Repug boss is supporting Obama
 Today, I asked my boss if I could leave work an hour early tomorrow, because I want to attend a candidate event in southern NH. In 2004, she was very anti-Kerry, which bugged me because I was very pro-Kerry. When she asked who I was going to see, I told her it was an Obama event. She immediately started gushing about how fantastic Obama is, and how wonderful Michelle and the kids are, and how proud she'll be to vote for Obama.
Wow - I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor. She lives in NH, and says she's an independent, not a repug. Last summer, she was talking about supporting Giuliani or McCain in 2008. Now she's in love with Obama. This gives me concrete proof that Obama truly has crossover appeal. I don't know what sparked her turn-around. But if there's a lot of that happening out there, it's a good thing.
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Attero Dominatus:
3 on the bouncy scale. Slightly more creative than the rest but still far from good.

Attero Dominatus:
And welcome to CC :)

It's possible, but only cause her boss didn't want to get accused of being a racist. I was ask what I thought of BO at work by a black chick and I said something like "Oh, he's not too bad. I could like him once he gets more experience" which is of course, bullshit since he's a socialist. But it's work, and I didn't even want to touch that live wire. :spork:


--- Quote from: ToastedRachel on January 08, 2008, 06:01:15 AM ---It's possible, but only cause her boss didn't want to get accused of being a racist. I was ask what I thought of BO at work by a black chick and I said something like "Oh, he's not too bad. I could like him once he gets more experience" which is of course, bullshit since he's a socialist. But it's work, and I didn't even want to touch that live wire. :spork:

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You are not alone.  I think polls will show Obama with huge numbers and interviews will suggest he has great support -- and he might even get the dim nod -- and then he will get creamed in the GE when people REALLY vote what they think.


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