Author Topic: Y'know? I'm rooting for Kamala-toe...  (Read 2397 times)

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Offline Eupher

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Y'know? I'm rooting for Kamala-toe...
« on: October 18, 2023, 11:09:56 AM » become president.

Hear me out.

First and foremost, SharterJoe would be no longer on the scene. That's a plus.

Secondly, it would take about 9 nanoseconds for the world to understand that Kamala-toe is even more incompetent than SharterJoe was. That's a plus, too.

Third, Points #1 and #2 above would illustrate just how bad the Democrat party is and, not factoring in the expected cheating on that side, would completely eliminate the Dems from any sort of position.

Well, hell! A man can dream, can't he??  :fuelfire:
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Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: Y'know? I'm rooting for Kamala-toe...
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2023, 11:57:22 AM »
I don’t know how much damage she could do in the time left before elections but I sure would like to see the end of biden and have the honor guard fire a 21 gun salute at his coffin! :-)
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Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Y'know? I'm rooting for Kamala-toe...
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2023, 12:07:45 PM »
The problem with this is two fold:
  • SpongeBrainShitPants and Kamala-toe are both proof that the uni-party has no shortage of candidates to serve as "Impeachment Insurance" for whoever they prop up in the center seat. (Democrat Underground proves that this is a resource they've barely scratched the surface of, honestly.) and;
  • If it were actually Joe or The Hoe running any portion of this subversion operation masquerading as an Administration, your thought might be worthwhile. As we all know that The Pedo and The Mattress-back are just muppets for the real masters of this op however, changing puppets actually affects very little
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Offline Old n Grumpy

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Re: Y'know? I'm rooting for Kamala-toe...
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2023, 03:31:13 PM »
The bottom line is we’re in deep shit  :thatsright: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege and toxic masculinity while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline Eupher

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Re: Y'know? I'm rooting for Kamala-toe...
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2023, 05:44:51 AM »
The problem with this is two fold:
  • SpongeBrainShitPants and Kamala-toe are both proof that the uni-party has no shortage of candidates to serve as "Impeachment Insurance" for whoever they prop up in the center seat. (Democrat Underground proves that this is a resource they've barely scratched the surface of, honestly.) and;
  • If it were actually Joe or The Hoe running any portion of this subversion operation masquerading as an Administration, your thought might be worthwhile. As we all know that The Pedo and The Mattress-back are just muppets for the real masters of this op however, changing puppets actually affects very little

You're absolutely on point about the puppets and their masters. But should SharterJoe take a dirt nap or resign (the Dem elite puppetmasters have never been OK with Joe -- but he does do what he's told, most of the time, when he isn't gaffeing), the 25th Amendment does take effect. The resulting chaos, intermixed with the obligatory pomp and pimping done by the Dems, will certainly put a dim light on Kamala-toe.

Yes, she'll do what she's told as well and follow the script - except for one major element. Kamala-toe has never taken a job seriously (other than administering BJs to politicians who are in a position to further her incompetence), she's even lazier than SharterJoe, and it would take very little time for the truth to be evident -- incompetence is the watchword for the puppets.

Kamala-toe would keep SharterJoe's cabal. Blinken, in particular, is riddled with incompetence.

Just watch the 'Rats scurry to cover up Kamala-toe's word salad "speeches".

I just think watching that spectacle would be entertaining as hell.

Yeah, Old n Grumpy's correct. The USA is being served a shit sandwich without the bread.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
Kanstul 33-T BBb tuba, built 2011
Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
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