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On banning Tik Tok

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--- Quote from: enslaved1 on April 24, 2024, 11:18:31 AM ---I'm torn.  TikTok is at least collecting and feeding tons of data directly to the Chicoms, including things like location data and images from government employee phones, including when they are in secure locations with said phones that have the app installed.  At worst it's a Chicom psyop, dumbing down Americans (especially da youts) and spreading misinformation.  However, banning apps is not easy, and it's very debatable if the feds have the Constitutional power to even try. 

However, Fed employees, especially military, should absolutely be banned from having the app on any official device, and can probably be told to leave their personal devices with the app at home, away from any government building/worksite/ect. 

Should Congress be focusing more on other things?  Yes they should.  Is this app an issue that needs to be looked at?  Yes it is, again, particularly on government devices and in government facilities.

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This is probably the best thing I have seen on Tik Tok yet. It's to bad it's probably not going away and it more then likely get worse .


--- Quote from: Ptarmigan on April 25, 2024, 09:12:41 PM ---I am no fan of TikTok, but this is a trojan horse.

House Passes TikTok Divestment Bill; Massie, Musk Rail Against 'Trojan Horse' First Amendment Implications

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It's the oldest trick in the legislative book.


--- Quote from: Airwolf on April 29, 2024, 01:58:37 PM ---This is probably the best thing I have seen on Tik Tok yet. It's to bad it's probably not going away and it more then likely get worse .

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Americans will just use a VPN like the Chinese use a VPN to view our sites lol.


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