The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: FiddyBeowulf on August 30, 2016, 01:22:26 PM

Title: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: FiddyBeowulf on August 30, 2016, 01:22:26 PM
Now this is a praise worthy bouncy. About G-D time.
Lobo27 (681 posts)

When you see unexpected racism...
First of all I'd like to say I have enjoyed my time here. Going to be 5 years come January. I don't post much. Low post count but needs a bouncy post to get some DU cred going  The name is Pedro.

My story starts Saturday night in Dallas. I live in mesquite a suburb. My child, my dad and I went to a hispanic oriented store called the Rio Grande. We like their butcher shop. Tend to have menudo etc...

It was late, they were already starting to clean and we noticed a new worker, a black man. He greeted us in Spanish, and treated us with respect. Cut the meat exactly how I wanted it. I was impressed and happy. Pedro's version of "clean and articulate"

This is where my story turns dark. As we're leaving the woman behind us tells him in Spanish that she doesn't want a mayate to help her. This is the set up  That word is a derogatory word used towards black man. You could see bewilderment in his face, and at the same time you could tell it was not the first time it had happened. My dad lost it and went off on the woman. I had to calm him. Other costumers came to the gentleman's defense and eventually people only wanted to be served by him. ...and the reward

Before leaving I said to him that I was so sorry he had to endure that. He said to me that he is simply trying to make an honest living. On the way home my dad was very agitated and eventually shed some tears. of course he cried...He told me something very profound at least to me. I came here to start a family and for the hope of a better life. I have achieved that and more, so I'll be damned if I'll let people ruin that for me or anyone else.

The reason I said this was unexpected is because I experienced this in my bubble.  I leave you with this. We're all

vaberella (24,620 posts)
46. It's unfortunate you had to face that. Not to marginalize your experience; as a black woman...And then goes on to marginalize his experience

it's an every day occurence. The issues between minority groups hurt me the most. I had a situation I'll share in another thread...but it's heart breaking when things like this happened. I'm glad your father was there, because if he didn't speak up, I have to wonder if others would have spoken up. There are too many onlookers, too many passive citizens rather than active.
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: Delmar on August 30, 2016, 01:47:53 PM
Response to Lobo27 (Original post)Tue Aug 30, 2016, 09:38 AM
vaberella (24,620 posts)
46. It's unfortunate you had to face that. Not to marginalize your experience; as a black woman...

it's an every day occurence. The issues between minority groups hurt me the most. I had a situation I'll share in another thread...but it's heart breaking when things like this happened. I'm glad your father was there, because if he didn't speak up, I have to wonder if others would have spoken up. There are too many onlookers, too many passive citizens rather than active.

They hate racism between minority groups because it can't be blamed on whitey.
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: Karin on August 30, 2016, 01:58:51 PM
Pedro's version of "clean and articulate"
You got that right. 
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: fatboy on August 30, 2016, 03:17:16 PM
I'm thinking zip in the way of bouncy bongs. They really have lost the art of the bouncy over at the DUmp.
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: DLR Pyro on August 30, 2016, 03:40:19 PM
They hate racism between minority groups because it can't be blamed on whitey.

They will say that whitey was the bad example the poor minority learned from.
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: DUmpsterDiver on August 30, 2016, 03:43:16 PM
They drank the bong water and never even got a buzz.
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: I_B_Perky on August 30, 2016, 06:27:37 PM
Cool story hombre.  From what I have seen and heard inner city hispanics hate the inner city blacks. Think they are lazy inferior idiots.  Whenever black and hispanics cohabitate in inner city neighborhoods they self segregate and their gangs fight/kill each other.  Those that survive and get sent up to the big house do the same in prison.  The inner city hispanics are probably more racist than the KKK.

The dems have pretty much cast the blacks aside in favor of the hispanics. Especially illegals. And the blacks still vote for them.  Maybe the inner city blacks really are idiots? I have no idea. One thing I can say is the dems are throwing them under the bus and the polling number breakdown by race tell a story that the MSM cannot spin.
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: jukin on August 30, 2016, 07:17:01 PM
And then a perfectly butchered chuelta de puerca jumped out of the bushes....

Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: SVPete on August 30, 2016, 07:35:14 PM
If minority-on-minority racism is new to L27, I have to ask in what privileged shelter(s) did L27 grow up and live?
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: 98ZJUSMC on August 31, 2016, 02:10:31 AM
  The inner city hispanics are probably more racist than the KKK.

Fixed.   :)
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: Carl on August 31, 2016, 05:39:19 AM
Response to Lobo27 (Original post)Tue Aug 30, 2016, 09:38 AM
vaberella (24,620 posts)
46. It's unfortunate you had to face that. Not to marginalize your experience; as a black woman...

it's an every day occurence. The issues between minority groups hurt me the most. I had a situation I'll share in another thread...but it's heart breaking when things like this happened. I'm glad your father was there, because if he didn't speak up, I have to wonder if others would have spoken up. There are too many onlookers, too many passive citizens rather than active.

If it had been a queer both of them would have hated him.
Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: I_B_Perky on August 31, 2016, 07:10:29 PM
Fixed.   :)

Title: Re: Bouncy: "When you see unexpected racism..."
Post by: Skul on August 31, 2016, 07:49:14 PM
One bong.  Papa shead a tear.   :lmao: