1. From whose rectum did that 64000 number come?
Rectum identified,
https://ombreolivier.substack.com/p/running-the-numbers-on-rape-and-pregnancy .
1. Note the key word, "Estimated", twice. So the number for "completed vaginal rapes" was extracted from the researchers' rectum. No source for the estimate is given. Also, the "rape-related pregnancies" was also extracted from deep in the researchers' rectum. With both estimates, "estimated" smokescreens the underlying lack of actual data.
2. The rectal-extraction of the "rape-related pregnancies" number was lubricated with an absurdly high pregnancies-per-rape percentage. The percentage is facially absurd, simply based on the success percentage for couples
trying to conceive - no contraception, timing of tries based on the woman's cycle or basal thermometer, multiple tries per cycle. The absurdity is compounded by the percentage of women in the US who use birth control, estimated at 65% among women aged 15-49,
https://usafacts.org/articles/what-portion-of-women-use-birth-control/ . Putting it simply, ~2/3 of potential victims in that age range use some form of birth control, many of whom using oral contraceptives or IUDs whose failure rate is around 5% (or less).
It takes less than a minute of looking at the source chart and thought to recognize
pro-abortion BS-propaganda, but DU-folk won't do that because steroidal confirmation bias. DU-folk
want the
pro-abortion BS-propaganda to be true.