"There are voters who really, really believe everything he says. He'll decide everything for them and they won't have the responsibility if things don't work out."
Sounds like how the Dems felt about Obama from 2008- 2016, and how many of them feel about Biden.
"There are voters (like my friend) who don't have a clue about the serious issues facing this country and the world. These voters choose because "Trump looks like fun.""
Ditto on my previous reply, and include Hillary on that as well.
"And there are voters who make the choice based on their families, their friends, their co-workers, and perhaps most importantly (in Iowa anyway), their church. Evangelicals really believe that TFG is going to turn this country from a constitutional republic into a country based on Christian Denominationalism to rule over us heretics in this country and the world. Trump will preside over the Second Coming of Christ."
As an evangelical myself, I can tell you that only a couple lunatic- fringe churches actually believe that, far from representative of American evangelical Christians as a whole.
Most just appreciate that unlike Obama, Biden, or Hillary had she been elected, Trump has a willingness to ensure that the religious rights of American Christians are protected.
He showed that early in his term when he signed the Executive Order that helped pro- life business owners be exempt from Obama's odious Birth Control Mandate (A policy in which Christian pro- life business owners would be forced by law to pay for their employees' abortions as part of their health plans, thereby being forced by law to go against the teachings of their faith and basic dictates of their consciences out of fear of being branded criminals if they don't, a policy which would be a clear violation of their Constitutional right to freely practice their religious beliefs) on religious grounds.