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rustbeltvoice (421 posts)3Well, sometimes two different things combine into a thought, or narrative. Yesterday, someone posted a chat about what prison would be appropriate for Orange Caligula. My answer was Arkham Asylum. I also noticed since the new format on Dem. Und., a lot of items have come up which before i did not see/notice before -- comic books. Donald J. would make a proper villainous inmate at Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane.Growing up Catholic (a group often disparaged without penalty on this site), i understood the Devil doesn't like to be mocked, therefore, he must be mocked. Very early in the Trump regime, his chief spokesliar Sean what's his name was subjected to ridicule, that led to his dismissal. SatNiteLive had Melissa McCarthy parody him, it was most excellent. I read this upset Donnie McPervert, in that a woman mocked his underling. My reaction. as others did thinh, they should have Rosie O'Donnell play Trumple-thin-skin. They actually had a brilliant mini-film with Leslie Jones. Then they dropped the ball. So often, SatNiteLive lets the crop wither in the field, and then offers crap instead. Leslie Jones should have had the role permanently.