Read this early this morning and then found that Hypersensitive Victim Island did, too.
A good read. Here: (D)Ummie fingerpainting, as usual, here with equal parts Dunning-Krueger and a complete lack of self-awareness: (4,601 posts)
Are we becoming an emotionally fragile nation?
Interesting article in Psychology today about the emotional fragility among college Millenials and their inability to cope with every day problems and run of the mill life difficulties. (....)
After which, (D)Ummie pastes most of the article.
B2G (5,455 posts)
1. Yes, we are
And it starts in infancy.
Helicopter parents, zero tolerance in schools, constant bombardment about life's dangers, coddling to the point where they can't play tag, excessive worries about hurt feelings...
We are raising a nation of neurotics.
hifiguy (27,985 posts)
12. + a googolplex.
These kids are in for one hellacious shock when they get out into an asshole-filled real world that is not completely filtered and pre-digested so as not to "hurt" their pwecious widdle feewings.
Gotta be FoxNews.
jonno99 (657 posts)
2. My first thought was "yes!". But that might be considered by some to be a
"microagressive" response...
Doesn't even register with these organisms.
B2G (5,455 posts)
5. Parents and schools used to prepare kids to deal with life
Now they are just taught to complain about the unfairness of it all and not accept responsibility for their own destinies.
From the infants that consider personal responsibility to be a trigger warning, or some such shit.
Star Member Act_of_Reparation (2,151 posts)
51. Yeah, right.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with old people filling their heads with a bunch of bullshit about being anything they want if the "try hard enough".
UNPOSSIBLE!!!11111!!!!!!Star Member Nye Bevan (21,285 posts)
8. When I was at college
everyone was somehow able to handle "microaggressions" without neverending "trigger warnings".
Heh! ......and you're still an idiot? Imagine that.
B2G (5,455 posts)
13. This. We are raising a generation of victims. nt
Hello? (D)Ummies, this is Earf calling. Are you there?
B2G (5,455 posts)
11. There have been societal issues since time began
The difference is in the messages we are instilling in our kids from an early age.
What is this
"we" shit, (D)oUchebag?
and Krueger, both weigh in:
LanternWaste (22,506 posts)
16. Are these examples indicative of the average call to a counseling center?
Are these examples indicative of the average call to a counseling center, or merely outliers used to illustrate a point?
I imagine today's college youths are no more and no less fragile and no more nor no less tough than any generation prior. Though no doubt, many of the older generation will myopically call them pampered and rationalize that hasty generalization wholly on anecdotal evidence.

Now, where would they get
THAT idea..............
Some pretty head shaking perusing at that thread. I laughed long and hard.