Author Topic: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation  (Read 3136 times)

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Offline 98ZJUSMC

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(D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:41:53 PM »
Read this early this morning and then found that Hypersensitive Victim Island did, too.
A good read.  Here:

(D)Ummie fingerpainting, as usual, here with equal parts Dunning-Krueger and a complete lack of self-awareness:

Prism (4,601 posts)

Are we becoming an emotionally fragile nation?

Interesting article in Psychology today about the emotional fragility among college Millenials and their inability to cope with every day problems and run of the mill life difficulties. (....)

After which, (D)Ummie  pastes most of the article.


B2G (5,455 posts)
1. Yes, we are

And it starts in infancy.

Helicopter parents, zero tolerance in schools, constant bombardment about life's dangers, coddling to the point where they can't play tag, excessive worries about hurt feelings...

We are raising a nation of neurotics.


hifiguy (27,985 posts)
12. + a googolplex.

These kids are in for one hellacious shock when they get out into an asshole-filled real world that is not completely filtered and pre-digested so as not to "hurt" their pwecious widdle feewings.

Gotta be FoxNews.

jonno99 (657 posts)
2. My first thought was "yes!". But that might be considered by some to be a

"microagressive" response...

Doesn't even register with these organisms.

B2G (5,455 posts)
5. Parents and schools used to prepare kids to deal with life

Now they are just taught to complain about the unfairness of it all and not accept responsibility for their own destinies.

From the infants that consider personal responsibility to be a trigger warning, or some such shit.

Star Member Act_of_Reparation (2,151 posts)
51. Yeah, right.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with old people filling their heads with a bunch of bullshit about being anything they want if the "try hard enough".


Star Member Nye Bevan (21,285 posts)
8. When I was at college

everyone was somehow able to handle "microaggressions" without neverending "trigger warnings".

Heh!  ......and you're still an idiot?  Imagine that.

B2G (5,455 posts)
13. This. We are raising a generation of victims. nt

Hello?  (D)Ummies, this is Earf calling.  Are you there? 

B2G (5,455 posts)
11. There have been societal issues since time began

The difference is in the messages we are instilling in our kids from an early age.

What is this "we" shit, (D)oUchebag?

Dunning and Krueger, both weigh in:

LanternWaste (22,506 posts)
16. Are these examples indicative of the average call to a counseling center?

Are these examples indicative of the average call to a counseling center, or merely outliers used to illustrate a point?

I imagine today's college youths are no more and no less fragile and no more nor no less tough than any generation prior. Though no doubt, many of the older generation will myopically call them pampered and rationalize that hasty generalization wholly on anecdotal evidence.

Now, where would they get THAT idea..............


Some pretty head shaking perusing at that thread.  I laughed long and hard.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 05:02:10 PM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline Chris_

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 04:45:51 PM »
Liberal family values.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline 98ZJUSMC

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2015, 05:00:56 PM »
...and a Bonus Bush Bash!!!

Star Member cheapdate (2,644 posts)
32. No Child Left Behind has put enormous, existential   :lmao: :lmao: pressure on adminstrators, principals,    ::) ::) ::) ::)  What, ... to do their jobs?   Can't have that, now.

Uh, yeah.....  no mention of the Chappaquiddick Oldsmobile salesman as he gave his final f*ck you to this Nation he did his damnedest to destroy.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 05:04:07 PM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2015, 05:14:16 PM »
Act_of_Reparation (2,151 posts)
51. Yeah, right.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with old people filling their heads with a bunch of bullshit about being anything they want if the "try hard enough".

I'm convinced of two things:

1. You will never try hard enough

2. You will never be anything other than a nothing.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 06:46:01 PM by SGT Snuggle Bunny »
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2015, 05:29:04 PM »
I swear we should just remove all of the warning labels and let this problem sort itself out.  :mad:
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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2015, 06:01:08 PM »
Quote from:

12. + a googolplex.

These kids are in for one hellacious shock when they get out into an asshole-filled real world that is not completely filtered and pre-digested so as not to "hurt" their pwecious widdle feewings.

This is especially funny coming from this primitive. Anytime someone says something he considers to be bad about his lover Bernie, he has a meltdown.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2015, 06:20:29 PM »
Every last one of those problems comes directly from the left from Dr Spock on. :bird:

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2015, 06:29:26 PM »
Yes but only because of evil people that can use it to profit, better known as the democrat party elite.

I've made millenials breakdown, males, by accurately and unabashedly critiquing their performance. When a feminist gives me shit a nice "**** off you fat ugly ****." works real well to shut them up.

BS away but you know I'm right. It is for their own good. Years later one of those fragile and special female snowflakes will make something of herself and remember the asshole that said that to her.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2015, 06:31:20 PM »
The democrats have at last bred the generation that will not rise up to oppose their planned tyranny.

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2015, 06:35:15 PM »
The democrats have at last bred the generation that will not rise up to oppose their planned tyranny.

An accurate, sad but true, observation.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2015, 12:47:48 PM »
Post of the day, Mr Mannn!!!

Person 2713 (732 posts)
62. I saw this in one of my family member's young adults . Still couldn't function at 21 . Called his

dad to see if his dad would talk to his (the son's) boss about a getting raise

xynthee (396 posts)
9. I know I'm pretty emotionally fragile

I can't imagine being a young person today. There's almost nothing to look forward to except bad shit, e.g., climate change, school shootings, war, famine, economic collapse, a lifetime of being overworked and underpaid, etc. And going to school on top of all that?? I don't know how ANYone can cope with all that.

Oh brother.  Off yourself, you stupid waste of oxygen.   :loser:

Some DUmmies have some self awareness of the problem, but won't admit it's the liberals who caused it.  Here's another snowflake:

Response to Prism (Original post)

Fri Oct 9, 2015, 04:40 PM

Star Member Skittles (102,430 posts)

I think life is much harder now than it was when I was college-aged


Response to Prism (Original post)

Fri Oct 9, 2015, 04:52 PM

Star Member ohheckyeah (8,851 posts)
48. I have a nephew who

went to Portugal to work on an organic farm for just room and board. His helicopter mom, my youngest sister, couldn't understand why. My nephew told me he had to get away from the hand wringers. Her 24 year old daughter lives at home and doesn't go to school or work. She doesn't even have a driver's license because the thought of driving makes her nervous. I don't know what will become of her.

Fortunately both of her sons were able to break free.

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2015, 01:43:22 PM »
I swear we should just remove all of the warning labels and let this problem sort itself out.  :mad:

That's my theory as to why we are currently up to our eyeballs in liberals.  They aren't killing themselves off like they used to, no more "natural selection" taking place in the amounts needed ('cept Chicago, Baltimore, DC, Ferguson, Detroit, and various other liberal run shitholes) to prevent us from being overrun with them.
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

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Re: (D)Ummies see emotionally fragile Nation
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2015, 02:32:31 PM »
Life is no harder, other than the lovely "booming" 0bama economy.  Self fulfilling prophecies.
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