Star Member DesertFlower (10,200 posts)
18. it angers me too. we're all democrats. why do some people get so nasty when you disagree with them?
The reason is easy to see, if DU-folk would just look at themselves in the mirror (metaphorically). They are consciously and by design as nasty as their imaginations can conceive to and about people they with whom they disagree.
ProgLand uber alles! Any DU member who didn't realize what that nastiness was doing to themselves, who didn't realize
it would inevitably be turned inward, on each other is one of the biggest fools on this planet.
And the funnest thing is ... we can post insightful, perceptive and helpful (if followed) things, and any DU-member who chances to see it will dismiss it as reflexively as their current biting and devouring each other.