Could this be a long lost, equally intelligent but more articulate sibling to nadin?
That's a great thought so I decided to do some more research. After doing so, I've come to the conclusion that this person is most probably not related to nadin.
Response to YouKnowItsTrue (Reply #2)Wed Jul 2, 2014, 08:29 PM
sentient_simian (604 posts)
8. Okay but then a quarantine must be enacted.
nobody gets on a plane or ship to leave
Response to YouKnowItsTrue (Reply #9)Wed Jul 2, 2014, 08:49 PM
sentient_simian (604 posts)
10. What about everyone else they have contact with.
Do you understand how contagious Ebola is?
In the above you can see a touch of some nadinistic tendencies; however, there is no resume type info included about adventures undertaken by this DIer that would make he-she-it more in the know about the issue than anyone else in the world.
Response to LavenderGirl (Original post)Mon Mar 16, 2015, 11:59 PM
sentient_simian (604 posts)
1. yah yah but senator dumbass thru a snowball in congress so it is not happening.
Here again is just a touch of nadism, but it seems to be much too brief and to the point to be the real deal.
Sun Mar 1, 2015, 09:42 PM
sentient_simian (604 posts)
when the supreme count makes gay marriage legal in all 50 states.
I am going to fly to CA and dance on Ronnie’s Grave.
Any one care to join me?
Response to sentient_simian (Original post)Sun Mar 1, 2015, 09:53 PM
smalllivingeddy (2,416 posts)
1. For what its worth
Ronnie wasn't personally against gays. He had many gay friends and supporters.
He just supported a façade, albeit a damaging façade, of intolerance because it was politically expedient.
The monkey with feelings did not respond at all which is completely unlike one of the greatest DUers of all time.
Response to Irony (Reply #10)Fri Jun 20, 2014, 01:44 AM
sentient_simian (604 posts)
11. apparently in WI it's called a john doe investigation
google Wisconsin john doe investigation
Freely admits to have used google.
Finally, the individual in question has been posting at DI since at least the middle of 2014 and only has 604 posts. Not very productive.
All in all, I would say this poster has no relation to the multiple award winning fountain of knowledge.