Author Topic: A conversation with a retired school teacher  (Read 5149 times)

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2013, 08:31:30 AM »
Oh for God's sake, people!  Never mind Vesta and never mind the real estate deal.  What's important here is CSCOPE, communist indoctrination, and the public education system.  This is scary shit, and I am terrified. 

We need to start attending the school board meetings and push the hell back on this.  Whether or not we have kids.  I pay hefty school taxes, and I'll be damned if my hard-earned money is going to go for ****ing communism. 

Offline 17 Oaks

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2013, 08:48:29 AM »
You are 100% correct, in the county I live in CSCOPE is not in the schools at all.  But I have myself contacted my state Congress folks, both of whom I know personally and I have contacted the state state education board.

That said this brings up an interesting point.  In Texas the local school system led by the Superintendent makes the local choices.  The state only recommends.  Now we get into the debate of 'state' governmental control vs local.  Clearly local is not working as 70% of the schools in Texas are using it, then should the 'state' (as in states or Federal) be the controller???  I cannot buy that, study the Hitler Youth Movement and you will understand just what the Feds can do.  And we are seeing this in the US with CSCOPE based upon Obama's common core values the results are communism/socialism good, capitalism bad and having kids draw a flag for a new America based upon that...Why is the lesson plans and program of instruction of CSCOPE is to be kept hidden from parents and outsiders?
Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...any questions?

Offline vesta111

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2013, 09:33:40 AM »
1) Now I am beginning to understand what Eupher meant

2)  I tried to read thru your convoluted story twice, not really sure where that rambling diatribe was headed but I didn't board the train

3)  Open windows to allow fresh air to circulate, do not inhale as deeply

4)  My friends are not buying this piece of property, I am, they have nothing to do with it and are not especially supportive, thinking I have offered too much.  I have been dealing with her AND her family, in fact I insisted they be present and review all documents pertaining to the offer.  Her land borders my land on 3 different fence lines, it was originally part of my property.  As for taxes, my tax is quite low as I have an Ag exemption on my property and adding that back into will also capture that exemption.  Taxes are not an issue...

OK explination excepted, you wish to expand your property, but for what purpose ???  Do you wish to raise cattle on her land or sheep ?  Are you looking to the future when the towns people will drive 8 miles out of town to go to a Wallmart that is being looked as a possible site ???

Warning people get their butts in a sling at times.

Maine-----A friend of mine on the town council had a father that owned 160 acres of land that could not be sold.   The Indians came in saw the land as it was near the interstate decided this would be a good place to build a casino.    What a ruckes this caused.

The family owning the land had visions or selling off 160 acres of land for $2million to the Indians where they could not get but $1,000 an acre before and had no takers at that price.

My friend the son of the seller made a very bad move, he could have kept his seat on the council and just excused himself due to conflice of interest to any hearings on this subject.   Instead he resigned his seat to lobby for the Casino.  Town and state got involved and the Indians did not get the land, my friend now had no say in town politics and the land has still not been sold as some wetlands have been found in it.  Still the family is land poor paying taxes on all that land that no one wants or can use.

Walk carefully when wanting to buy land to expand your own land.   You never know when some new critter is found that makes it impossible for you to do anything but pay taxes on land you cannot improve. you cannot sell it, you cannot build on it but who will buy the land if you wish to sell.

One last crazy thought, if you buy do you get the mineral rights to this land or do they stay with the seller ???   

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2013, 10:35:53 AM »


Karin is right, of course. I'll do my part in getting the vesta train completely junked out after she derailed the thread.  :-)
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Offline Dori

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2013, 10:53:58 AM »
.Why is the lesson plans and program of instruction of CSCOPE is to be kept hidden from parents and outsiders?

Good question. I would think teachers using CSCOPE have the lesson plans/instructions.  I sure would like to read those. 
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Offline Karin

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2013, 10:59:31 AM »
Yeah, and it pisses me off that she derailed the thread, ignoring what was VERY important.  We have enough problems without losing focus.   :mad:

Offline vesta111

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2013, 08:38:44 AM »
Yeah, and it pisses me off that she derailed the thread, ignoring what was VERY important.  We have enough problems without losing focus.   :mad:

Wait one moment Dear, had Oaks not mentioned realestate deals and stuck to the teachers indoctrination of the kids, things may have stayed on track.

I come from a family of school teachers and have a bit of an understanding of what they face each year. One does not get the job of teaching and have any say in the subject matter they are to teach. 

Lately a family member taught in a Christian School for perhaps 10 years. In the beginning all was well yet she noticed each year the teachings becoming more and more liberal.   When she questioned the new subjects the supervisors began to get antsy calling her old fashioned and that kids should be taught to understand the changing times.

Her turning point was when a big contributor to the school managed to get a gay family member hired to teach. She went into a hissie-fit when the teachers live in boyfriend began to come around to the boys basketball games and visit with the players in the locker room.   

The more she complained the more nasty the administers became to her.   Money, it was the Money that mattered from the teachers family to help support the school, not the kids.

Good teachers do not have an easy life, some get sick to their stomachs at the things they are told to teach, they have no say and cannot complain.   

This is America, the woman that voted for Obama twice.   So, she has the right to vote for Mickey Mouse if she wishes.   Perhaps years of teaching what she was told to teach changed her perception of life. Could be she after years was becoming indoctrinated herself. ----Like the ad on TV, "if it is on the internet it must be true".

Please don't blame the teachers for what they teach, put the blame on whoever tells them what to teach.

Everyone at one time or another has had a job that something slightly unethical or shady is requested be done.  What to do, do as told or get fired.    Heck of a decision here, to stay or not to stay, food needs to be put on the table, bills to pay, always decisions, decisions. 

If one is single and under 30, one can go out in a moral huff, if one is over 30 with dependents then one has to protect the family first and make a decision that will effect others lives, not easy to decide to dance with the Devil for the sake of loved ones and keep ones self respect.

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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2013, 03:25:37 PM »
In Texas the local school system led by the Superintendent makes the local choices.  The state only recommends.  Now we get into the debate of 'state' governmental control vs local.  Clearly local is not working as 70% of the schools in Texas are using it, then should the 'state' (as in states or Federal) be the controller???  I cannot buy that, study the Hitler Youth Movement and you will understand just what the Feds can do.  And we are seeing this in the US with CSCOPE based upon Obama's common core values the results are communism/socialism good, capitalism bad and having kids draw a flag for a new America based upon that...Why is the lesson plans and program of instruction of CSCOPE is to be kept hidden from parents and outsiders?

I just ran across this CSCOPE situation that just popped up in Texas.

State Investigation Launched After Students Dress in Burqas

By Todd Starnes
A Texas lawmaker is launching an investigation after a teacher reportedly invited female students to dress up in Islamic garb and then told her classroom they should call Muslim terrorists – freedom fighters.

The young girl’s father wondered why the teacher was giving children lessons about Islam in a geography class.

“She went from learning about Mexico to learning about Russia to learning about Islam,” he said. “Islam is not a country. Islam is not a continent.”

“The lesson encompassed diversity education so students receive a firm understanding of our world and why people are motivated differently,” the statement read.
The parents said they immediately contacted the principal of the high school who defended the program and said it was required under CSCOPE – a controversial electronic curriculum system that provides online lesson plans for teachers.

Again, according to the full article, the parents were not told and also seem to have trouble getting answers.   :mad:
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Re: A conversation with a retired school teacher
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2013, 04:00:31 PM »


The TEKS and World Religions

World Geography Studies (17B)… describe major world religions, including animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism, and their spatial distribution.

Look up "animism" as a religion.  :thatsright:
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