Interests > Around the House & In the Garage

Bring back the old style gas cans

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--- Quote from: Texacon on May 03, 2018, 08:22:01 AM ---
Hey, those plastic cans like I've shown above, are really nice.  6 gal. and the very flexible hose is great.  I carry them in the back of my Ranger when we're out playing in the woods.  I've only got 3 of them right now, but I'm going to get about 3 more.


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To be fair, I bought the last plastic gas can about 3 years ago, and that one was about the 3rd or 4th I'd ever bought. Sucked donkey balls then and I just threw the damned thing out a couple weeks ago.

It would appear the newer designs work mo betta. The previous piles of shit didn't work worth a damn.

I have steel now, and that's what I'm using.  :fuelfire:   :killemall:

I am not sure, but I'm thinking that those 'racing' style gas cans like I'm using can only be sold as long as they're not advertising them as gas cans.

Those new plastic red ones that have those stupid things that are supposed to make them leak proof are worse than any can that ever used a donkey dick.  I only bought one of those things and saw how bad it was to use so I made my own top for it.

Amazing how badly the government can screw up something as simple as a gas can.



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